Tag, attribute name, introduction
Normal scroll
Default scroll
Scroll back and forth
Scroll down
Scroll up
Scroll right
Scroll left
Set width
Set height
Set the background color
Set the scroll distance
Set scroll time
Font effect
Title text (maximum)
... h6>Title text (minimum)
...Bold font
...Bold font (emphasis)
...italics (emphasis)
...italics (definition)
...Underline (indicates inserted text)
...Horizontal line
...Strikethrough (means deletion)
... Keyboard text
... Typing font
...Fixed-width font (valid for blank, newline, and positioning functions in the file)
< ;plaintext>...Fixed-width font (does not implement markup symbols)
... Fixed-width small font
...Font color
... Minimum font
...Infinite increase
Section break mark
Horizontal line
Horizontal line ( Set size)
Horizontal line (set width)
Horizontal line (set color)
(Line break)
Waters (no line breaks)
Waters (paragraph)
Link format
(default link path)
External link
External link (Open a new window)
External link (full window link)
External link (link in the specified page frame)
Set image width

Set image prompt text
Set image border
Background music setting
Table syntax
Table position, left
Table position, centered
The URL of the background image=is the path URL
Set the table border size (use numbers)
Set the background color of the table
Set the color of the table border
Set the color of the dark border of the table
Set the color of the bright border of the table
Specify the spacing between the content and the grid lines (use numbers )
Specify the distance between grid lines (using numbers)
Set the display method of the table outline
Specify the height of the table (use numbers)
... | Specify the number of columns in the cell merge column (use numbers)
... | Specify the number of columns in the cell merge column (use numbers)
< ;!> Split window