The website code is as follows. Please teach me how to get the four numbers 1500,0,0,0 through regular matching or other methods after file_get_contentes. Thanks for trying it myself but to no avail. I hope God can help me.
The following is what I tried without success
<code><?php header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $xmldata = file_get_contents("http://119977.vhost155.cloudvhost.net/data.php") $preg = '#<p>.[0-9][人]{0,}.</p>#isU'; preg_match_all($preg,$xmldata,$new_arr); print_r($new_arr); ?></code>
The website code is as follows. Please teach me how to get the four numbers 1500,0,0,0 through regular matching or other methods after file_get_contentes. Thanks for trying it myself but to no avail. I hope God can help me.
The following is what I tried without success
<code><?php header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $xmldata = file_get_contents("http://119977.vhost155.cloudvhost.net/data.php") $preg = '#<p>.[0-9][人]{0,}.</p>#isU'; preg_match_all($preg,$xmldata,$new_arr); print_r($new_arr); ?></code>
<code><?php $preg = '/<p>.*?(\d+).*?<\/p>/'; $str = '<p>asdff23sdfas</p>'; preg_match($preg,$str,$result); echo "<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">"; print_r($result);</code>