<?php /** * 对象工厂 * @author flynetcn */ class ObjectFactory { private static $objSet = array(); /** * 清空工厂中的对象 */ public function clear() { self::$objSet = array(); } /** * 在工厂中创建对象并将其返回 * 参数格式:$class_name, $class_param1, $class_param2, ... */ public static function create() { $argc = func_num_args(); if ($argc <= 0) { throw new Exception('params error', 1); } $args = func_get_args(); $class_name = array_shift($args); $params = $args; if (!$params) { $class_sign = $class_name; } else { $param_sign = serialize($params); if (strlen($param_sign) > 100) { $param_sign = md5($param_sign); } $class_sign = $class_name.'@'.$param_sign; } if (isset(self::$objSet[$class_sign])) { return self::$objSet[$class_sign]; } $ref = new ReflectionClass($class_name); if ($ref->hasMethod('__construct') && !empty($params)) { $obj = $ref->newInstanceArgs($params); } else { $obj = $ref->newInstance(); } self::$objSet[$class_sign] = $obj; return $obj; } }
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The above introduces the PHP object factory class, including aspects of the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.