A new file ext_inifiles_ext_lib_demo.rar has been uploaded in the QQ group. It is the demo source code of ext_lib and implements an inifile class to be called in the script.
1. How to use ext_lib
Used in the script:
uses inifiles;
var ini:inifile;
str_path := server.mappath('/config.ini');
ini := Open_inifile ( pansichar(str_path));
str_b := ini.readString('system','xxxx','');
write(str_b );
ini := nil; // You don’t need to call this, the script will automatically release the object.
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2. How to enable ext_lib
After compiling the dll, copy the dll into pwpext_lib.
Modify the [ext_lib] section in the pwpconfig.ini file,
Add ext_inifiles=1, and then restart ux_pax, you can see load ext_lib: ext_inifiles... ok.
The above introduces the PWP extension library interface and source code, ext_lib_src, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.