1. This example uses Xweibo. For detailed technical description of this framework, see: http://x.weibo.com/download.html
2. To use this example, you only need to do: If memcache is not used, modify line 53 of the configuration file user_config.php
define('CACHE_ADAPTER', 'memcache'); -> define('CACHE_ADAPTER', 'file');
Modify file applicationcontrollersindex.mod.php line 11
$this->con = APP::O('open56Client',"********","******"); -> $this->con = APP::O('open56Client',"APPKEY you applied for on 56", "APPSECRET you applied for on 56");
3. Then upload it to the server to see the results.
- 1. This example uses Xweibo. For detailed technical description of this framework, please see:
- http://x.weibo.com/download.html
- 2. To use this example, you only need to do the following:
- If not used memcache, modify the configuration file user_config.php line 53
- define('CACHE_ADAPTER', 'memcache');
- ->
- define('CACHE_ADAPTER', 'file');
- modify the file applicationcontrollersindex.mod.php line 11
- $this->con = APP::O('open56Client',"","");
- ->
- $this->con = APP::O('open56Client',"You are in 56 "APPKEY you applied for", "APPSECRET you applied for at 56");
- 3. Then upload it to the server to see the results.
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