在来定义资料取得的后台介面 datagrid2_getdata.php
From the above, it can be seen that this is a very simple action of obtaining data. At the beginning, DataGrid will pass in two parameters, $_POST['page']) What page is it currently on? $_POST['rows']) How many pieces of information should be displayed on each page Then, use an array $result to store two pieces of information, $result["total"] has several pieces of information $result["rows"] stores the actual data array set Finally, the $result array must be generated to output the JSON data format. After receiving it, the DataGrid will process and refresh the screen. Later, in a further step, datagrid2_getdata.php can be abstracted at a level, that is, the data format processing part unique to EasyUI DataGrid is separated from the database access part, and each is separated into two classes for processing. A good architecture and class design are actually generated by the accumulation of experience. They are constantly evolving and improving. The most important spirit of the original framework is that the division of labor of each Class must be clear and precise. This is to cope with As mentioned above, we will continue to evolve the corresponding measures for each problem, so that it will be easier to make modifications and adjustments in the future. Otherwise, it is more likely to become that you want to change but don’t know where to start, because once you change, there are dozens or even hundreds of programs waiting for you to modify together, which will extend to stability issues, that is, everyone is opposed to it. The reason for modifying the original system is because there are too many to be modified. It is not enough to modify one less system. Dozens of problems need to be modified at the same time. Even if they are all modified, who will test whether they have been corrected? Should you ask your user to help you test it? , think about it, just forget it and don’t change it anymore. Anyway, the system is still fine and usable now. |