- //calendar.php
- /*******************************
- * Function to determine whether it is a leap year*
- * Can be improved based on more complex algorithms*
- ** *****************************/
- function leap_year($year)
- {
- if($year% 4 == 0) // basic rule
- {
- return true; // is leap year
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /*******************************
- * Assign values to some variables*
- * Pay special attention to the assignment in February*
- * ********************************/
- function setup()
- {
- global $mon_num;
- $mon_num=array(31,30,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
- global $mon_name;
- $mon_name=array("一","二","三","四",
- "五","六","七","八",
- "九","十","十一","十二");
- if (leap_year($firstday[year])) // basic rule
- {
- $mon_num[1]=29; // is leap year
- }
- else
- {
- $mon_num[1]=28;
- }
- }
- /*******************************
- * Display a cell in the table*
- * The displayed content and color are variable*
- * ********************************/
- function showline($content,$show_color)
- {
- $begin_mark = "
- $begin_mark =$begin_mark."";
- $end_mark = "
| ";
- echo $begin_mark.$content.$end_mark ;
- }
- ?>
- Community Calendar
- //Get the current date
- $firstday = getdate(mktime(0,0,0, date("m"),1,date("Y")));
- setup();
- //Display the name of the table
- echo "";
- echo "
- echo "
- echo "";
- echo "$firstday[year]年 ".$mon_name [$firstday[mon]-1]."Month Calendar";
- echo "";
- echo "
| ";
- //Header
- $weekDay[0] = " day";
- $weekDay[1] = "one";
- $weekDay[2] = "two";
- $weekDay[3] = "three";
- $weekDay[4] = "four";
- $weekDay [5] = "five";
- $weekDay[6] = "six";
- echo "
- //Display table The first line of
- for ($dayNum = 0; $dayNum < 7; ++$dayNum) {
- showline($weekDay[$dayNum],"red");
- }
- echo"
- $toweek=$firstday[wday];//What day of the week is the first day of this month
- $lastday=$mon_num[$firstday[mon]-1];//What day of the week is the last day of this month
- $day_count = 1;//The current number of days that should be displayed
- $up_to_firstday = 1;//Whether it is displayed to the first day of this month
- for ($row = 0; $row <= ($lastday+$toweek-1 )/7; ++$row)//How many weeks are there in this month
- { echo "
- for ($col=1; $col<=7; ++$ col)
- {
- //Everything displayed before the first day is "empty"
- if (($up_to_firstday <= $toweek) ||($day_count>$lastday))
- {
- echo "
  | ";
- $up_to_firstday++;
- }
- else
- {
- //Show a day in this month
- showline($day_count,"blue");
- $day_count++;
- }
- }
- echo "< ;/TR>";
- }
- echo "
- echo "";
- ?>
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