- /**
- *@ATANG 2013-4-6 22:19
- *@哈哈
- */
- set_time_limit(0);
- error_reporting(E_ERROR);
- if($argc<4){
- print_r('
- +----- --------------------------------------------------+
- Usage: php ' .$argv[0].' css path type (0 is remote, 1 is local) css file path image saving directory
- Example:
- php.exe '.$argv[0].' 0 http://www.xxx .com/index.css images
- +------------------------------------------------- --------+
- ');
- exit();
- }
- //Remote css
- if($argv[1]==0){
- $host = getParse($argv[2], 'host');
- $savePath = getSavePath($argv[3]);
- $images = getCssImagesArray($argv[2]);
- //print_r($images);
- $imagesurls = getImagesLinks($images,$ argv[2]);
- imagesDowner($imagesurls);
- }
- //Local css starts
- if($argv[1]==1){
- //Too lazy to write, haha, this doesn’t make much sense
- }
- /*
- * css image analysis function
- * $csspath css file path
- */
- function getCssImagesArray($csspath){
- $cssFile = file_get_contents($csspath);
- $images = array();
- preg_match_all("|url ((.+))|i",$cssFile,$images);
- $images = $images[1];
- return $images;
- }
- /*
- * css file relative directory processing function
- * $path path
- */
- function getNocssPath($path){
- global $host;
- $tempLinkmages='';
- //Get equivalent path
- $tempPath = explode('/',$path);
- for($i=1 ;$i<(count($tempPath)-2);$i++){
- $tempLinkmages .= $tempPath[$i].'/';
- }
- $xdImage = $host.$tempLinkmages;
- return $xdImage ;
- //Get equivalent path
- }
- /*
- * Image connection acquisition function
- * $images array All the images arrays that need to be obtained
- * cssLink css file links
- */
- function getImagesLinks($imagesArray,$cssLink){
- global $host;
- $urlImages = array();
- foreach($imagesArray as $key=>$value){
- if(pathCheck($value)){
- if((!in_array(($host.$ value),$urlImages))){
- $urlImages[$key] = $host.$value;
- }
- }else{
- if((!in_array((getNocssPath(getParse($cssLink,'path'))). $value),$urlImages))){
- $urlImages[$key] = getNocssPath(getParse($cssLink,'path')).$value;
- }
- }
- }
- return $urlImages;
- }
- / *
- * Image acquisition
- * $urlImages is the array of images that need to be downloaded
- */
- function imagesDowner($urlImages){
- //print_r($urlImages);
- foreach($urlImages as $key=>$value){
- $urlImagesOk[$key] = str_replace('//','/',$value);
- $urlImagesOk[$key] = str_replace('"','',$urlImagesOk[$key]);
- $urlImagesOk [$key] = str_replace("'",'',$urlImagesOk[$key]);
- $urlImagesOk[$key] = 'http://'.$urlImagesOk[$key];
- if(grabImage($ urlImagesOk[$key],basename($urlImagesOk[$key]))){
- print_r(
- basename($urlImagesOk[$key]).' The file was downloaded successfully
- ');
- }else{
- print_r(
- basename( $urlImagesOk[$key]).' Download failed
- ');
- }
- }
- //print_r($urlImagesOk);
- }
- /*
- * Relative path absolute path determination function
- * $imageUrl image link array
- * true is an absolute path
- * false is an equivalent path
- */
- function pathCheck($imageUrl){
- if(preg_match('|^(/)|',$imageUrl)){
- return true;
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Image download function
- * $url image link
- * $filename image name
- */
- function grabImage($url, $filename){
- global $savePath;
- if($ url == '') {
- return false; //If $url is empty, return false;
- }
- $ext_name = strrchr($url, '.'); //Get the extension of the image
- if($ ext_name != '.gif' && $ext_name != '.jpg' && $ext_name != '.bmp' && $ext_name != '.png') {
- return false; //The format is not within the allowed range
- }
- if($filename == '') {
- return false; //Invalid name
- }
- //Start capturing
- ob_start();
- if(readfile($url)){
- $img_data = ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- $size = strlen($img_data);
- }else{
- ob_end_clean();
- return false;
- }
- if(($local_file = fopen($savePath.$filename , 'a'))&&(fwrite($local_file, $img_data)))
- {
- fclose($local_file);
- return true;
- }
- }
- /*
- * 保存目录
- */
- function getSavePath($savepath){
- $savePath = $savepath;
- $savePath = dirname(__FILE__).$savePath;
- return $savePath;
- }
- /*
- * 解析url
- */
- function getParse($host,$type){
- $baseurl = parse_url($host);
- return $baseurl[$type].'/';
- //echo $baseurl;
- }
- ?>