- imagecolorat()
- Draw graphics on the picture $img=imagecreatefromgif("./images/map.gif");
< ;?PHP
- /**
- * Image sharpening process
- * edit by bbs.it-home.org
- */
- $red= imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0);
imageline($img, 0, 0, 100, 100 , $red);
- imageellipse($img, 200, 100, 100, 100, $red);
- imagegif($img, "./images/map2.gif");
- imagedestroy($img);
- < /p>
Copy code
Normal zoom of pictures
- function thumn($background, $width, $height, $newfile) {
- list($s_w, $s_h)=getimagesize($background);//Get the original image height and width
- if ($ width && ($s_w < $s_h)) {
- $width = ($height / $s_h) * $s_w;
- } else {
- $height = ($width / $s_w) * $s_h;
- }
- $ new=imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
- $img=imagecreatefromjpeg($background);
- imagecopyresampled($new, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $s_w, $s_h) ;
- imagejpeg($new, $newfile);
- imagedestroy($new);
- imagedestroy($img);
- }
- thumn("images/hee.jpg", 200, 200, "./images/hee3.jpg ");
Copy code
gif transparent color processing
- /**
- * Image cropping process
- * edit by bbs.it-home.org
- */
function cut($background, $cut_x, $cut_y, $cut_width, $cut_height, $location){
- $back=imagecreatefromjpeg($background);
- $new=imagecreatetruecolor($cut_width, $cut_height);
- imagecopyresampled($new, $back, 0, 0, $cut_x, $cut_y, $ cut_width, $cut_height,$cut_width,$cut_height);
- imagejpeg($new, $location);
- imagedestroy($new);
- imagedestroy($back);
- }
- cut("./images/hee.jpg" , 440, 140, 117, 112, "./images/hee5.jpg");
- ?>
Copy code
Image watermark text watermark
- /**
- *
- * Add text watermark to pictures
- */
function mark_text($background, $text, $x, $y){
- $back=imagecreatefromjpeg($background);
- $color=imagecolorallocate($back, 0, 255, 0);
- imagettftext($back, 20, 0, $x, $y, $color, "simkai.ttf" , $text);
- imagejpeg($back, "./images/hee7.jpg");
- imagedestroy($back);
- }
- mark_text("./images/hee.jpg", "Details on PHP", 150, 250);
- //Image watermark
- function mark_pic($background, $waterpic, $x, $y){
- $back=imagecreatefromjpeg($background);
- $water=imagecreatefromgif($waterpic);
- $w_w =imagesx($water);
- $w_h=imagesy($water);
- imagecopy($back, $water, $x, $y, 0, 0, $w_w, $w_h);
- imagejpeg($back," ./images/hee8.jpg");
- imagedestroy($back);
- imagedestroy($water);
- }
- mark_pic("./images/hee.jpg", "./images/gaolf.gif", 50 , 200);
Copy code
Picture rotation
- /**
- * Image rotation
- * edit by bbs.it-home.org
- */
- $back=imagecreatefromjpeg("./images/hee.jpg");
imagejpeg($new, "./images/hee9.jpg"); - ?>
Copy code
- /**
- * Flip the picture horizontally Flip it vertically
- * edit by bbs.it-home.org
- */
- function turn_y($background, $newfile){
- $width=imagesx($back);
- $height=imagesy($back);
- $new=imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
- for($x=0; $x < $width; $x++){
- imagecopy($new, $back, $width-$x-1, 0, $x, 0, 1, $height);
- }
- imagejpeg($new, $newfile);
- imagedestroy($back);
- imagedestroy($new);
- }
- function turn_x($background, $newfile){
- $back=imagecreatefromjpeg($background);
- $width=imagesx($back);
- $height=imagesy($back);
- $new=imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
- for($y=0; $y < $height; $y++){
- imagecopy($new, $back,0, $height-$y-1, 0, $y, $width, 1);
- }
- imagejpeg($new, $newfile);
- imagedestroy($back);
- imagedestroy($new);
- }
- turn_y("./images/hee.jpg", "./images/hee11.jpg");
- turn_x("./images/hee.jpg", "./images/hee12.jpg");
- ?>