include_once "upload.class.php";
if ($Submit != '')
$fileArr['file'] = $file;
$fileArr['name'] = $file_name;
$fileArr['size'] = $file_size;
$fileArr['type'] = $file_type;
/**Allowed file types to upload*/
$filetypes = array('gif','jpg','jpge','png');
/**File upload directory*/
$savepath = "/usr/htdocs/upload/";
/**No maximum limit 0 No limit*/
$maxsize = 0;
/**Override 0 not allowed 1 allowed*/
$overwrite = 0;
$upload = new upload($fileArr, $file_name, $savepath, $filetypes, $overwrite, $maxsize);
if (!$upload->run())
echo "上传失败".$upload->errmsg();
File upload
Upload class
// +------------------------ --------------------------------------------------+
// | File upload 🎜>|// | Author: whxbb(whxbb@21cn.com) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------+
// $Id: upload.class.php,v 1.0 2001/10/14 14:06:57 whxbb Exp $
$UPLOAD_CLASS_ERROR = array( 1 => 'This format file is not allowed to be uploaded',
2 => 'Directory cannot be written',
3 = > 'File already exists',
" );
* Purpose
* File upload
* Example
$fileArr['file'] = $file;
$fileArr['name'] = $file_name;
$fileArr['size'] = $file_size;
$fileArr['type'] = $file_type;
// File types allowed to be uploaded
$filetypes = array('gif', 'jpg','jpge','png');
// File upload directory
$savepath = "/usr/htdocs/upload/";
// No maximum limit 0 No limit
$maxsize = 0;
// Overwrite 0 not allowed 1 allowed
$overwrite = 0;
$upload = new upload($fileArr, $file_name, $savepath, $filetypes, $overwrite, $ maxsize);
if (!$upload->run())
echo $upload->errmsg();
* @author whxbb(whxbb@21cn.com)
* @version 0.1
class upload
var $file;
var $file_name;
var $file_size;
var $file_type;
/**save name*/
var $savename;
/**save path*/
var $savepath;
/**File format restrictions*/
var $fileformat = array();
/**overlay mode*/
var $overwrite = 0;
/**file maximum bytes*/
var $maxsize = 0;
/**file extension*/
var $ext;
/**Error code*/
var $errno;
* Constructor
* @param $fileArr File information array 'file' Temporary file path and file name
'name' Upload file name
'size' Upload file size
' Upload file type
* @param savename File save name
* @param savepath File save path
* @param fileformat file format restriction array
* @param overwrite whether to overwrite 1, allow overwriting 0, prohibit overwriting
* @param maxsize Maximum file size
function upload($fileArr, $savename, $savepath, $fileformat, $overwrite = 0, $maxsize = 0) {
$this->file = $fileArr['file'];
$this->file_name = $fileArr['name'];
$this->file_size = $fileArr['size'];
$this->file_type = $fileArr['type'];
function run()
/**Check file format*/
if (!$this->validate_format())
$this->errno = 1;
return false;
/**Check if directory is writable*/
$this->errno = 2;
return false;
/**If overwriting is not allowed, check if the file already exists*/
if($this->overwrite == 0 && @file_exists($this->savepath.$this->savename))
$this->errno = 3;
return false;
/**If there is a size limit, check if the file exceeds the limit*/
if ($this->maxsize != 0 )
if ($this->file_size > $this->maxsize)
$this->errno = 5;
return false;
/**File upload*/
if(!@copy($this->file, $this->savepath.$this->savename))
$this->errno = 4;
return false;
/**Delete temporary files*/
return true;
* File format check
* @access protect
function validate_format()
if (!is_array($this->fileformat)) // 没有格式限制
return true;
$ext = strtolower($this->ext);
while(list($var, $key) = each($this->fileformat))
if (strtolower($key) == $ext)
return true;
return false;
* Get file extension
* access public
function get_ext()
$ext = explode(".", $this->file_name);
$ext = $ext[count($ext) - 1];
$this->ext = $ext;
* Set the maximum byte limit for uploaded files
* @param $maxsize file size (bytes) 0: means no limit
* @access public
function set_maxsize($maxsize)
$this->maxsize = $maxsize;
* Set coverage mode
* @param coverage mode 1: Allow coverage 0: Disable coverage
* @access public
function set_overwrite($overwrite)
$this->overwrite = $overwrite;
* Set the file format that is allowed to be uploaded
* @param $fileformat The file extension array that is allowed to be uploaded
* @access public
function set_fileformat($fileformat)
$this->fileformat = $fileformat;
* Set the save path
* @param $savepath File saving path: ends with "/"
* @access public
function set_savepath($savepath)
$this->savepath = $savepath;
* Set the file save name
* @savename save name, if it is empty, the system will automatically generate a random file name
* @access public
function set_savename($savename)
if ($savename == '') // If the file name is not set, a random file name is generated
srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$rnd = rand(100,999);
$name = date('Ymdhis') + $rnd;
$name = $name." .".$this->ext;
} else {
* Delete file
* @param $file The name of the file to be deleted
* @access public
function del($file)
$this->errno = 3;
return false;
return true;
* Delete temporary files
* @access proctect
function destory()
$this->del ($this->file);
* Get error message
* @access public
* @return error msg string or false
function errmsg()
if ($this->errno == 0)
return false;
return $UPLOAD_CLASS_ERROR[$this->errno];
? >
truehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/314183.htmlTechArticleUsage example: upload.php ?php include_once "upload.class.php"; if ($Submit != ' ') { $fileArr['file'] = $file; $fileArr['name'] = $file_name; $fileArr['size'] = $file_size; $fileArr...