Copy the code The code is as follows:
//– Delete multiple static pages generated by an article
//– Generated The article name is 5.html 5_2.html 5_3.html
/*—————————————————————— */
function delStaticHtml ($article_id)
global $db;
$sql = "SELECT `post_time` FROM `@__article` WHERE `article_id` = '{$article_id}'";
$art = $db->getOne ($ sql);
if ($art)
$n = 1;
$html_dir = '../html/'.date('Ym',$art['post_time'] ).'/';
$filename = $html_dir.$article_id.'.html';
while (file_exists($filename))
$filename = $html_dir.$article_id.'_'.$n.'.html';
return false;
} // the code as follows: //– Delete multiple static pages generated by an article //– Generated article Named 5.html 5_2.html 5_3.html /*——————————————————...