Today’s search engines are very picky, especially Baidu. If your website or blog is not very famous, then when they search your webpage, they will have to compare it to see if there is the same content. If there is, they will not include it. . Therefore, if the domain name of a small website or personal blog changes, you must notify the search engine so that the search engine can adjust and change it.
Take my actual operation as an example: it turns out that a certain member’s articles are stored in the directory This member is the member's name, so if there are one hundred members, there will be one hundred such directories. Now that the second-level domain name has been opened, all links in the site have changed to the newly opened second-level domain name Similarly, member is also the username of different members. What I need to do is how to notify the search engine so that the original link in the search engine is changed to the link after opening the second-level domain name. The advantage of this is that the search engine will not cause the article under your new domain name to be different from the article under the old link. Similarity, and give up the inclusion of articles under your new domain name.
//Perform 301 redirect
$hywzdizhi="http://".$member ."";
if (stristr($uri,"$amember" )){
$pieces = explode("$amember", $uri);
$wangzhi = "$pieces[1]";
Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ) ;
Header( "Location: $httptiaozhuan" );
Above The command can be used when the accessed address is the original and all web pages in this link directory.
Not only does it automatically jump to the most enabled second-level domain name, but it also notifies the search engine to replace the original link with a new one. I don’t need the original one. Yes, this is the responsibility of 301 redirection.
Briefly explain the principle of the above code. 1. Use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to get the URL after the domain name. If the URL contains blog/$member/, split the URL, take the following link and put it into the prepared http://".$member ."" is under this second-level domain name. 2. Send a 301 redirect command. The redirected URL is the URL that starts with the second-level domain name. The above command is very simple and does not use regular expressions at all. I hope it will be helpful to you.