tkinter is a graphical interface interface library for tk under Python, which can facilitate graphical interface design and interactive operation programming. The advantage of tkinter is that it is easy to use and well integrated with Python. tkinter is integrated by default under Python 3.
The Python version used in this section is 3.x. If you want to use tkinter under python 2.x, please install it through apt-get. It should be noted that the usage of tkinter under different Python versions may be slightly different. It is recommended to use Python3.
import tkinter as tk import tkinter.scrolledtext as tkst import fileinput from tkinter import * import os import win32clipboard import tkinter.font t1 = [] root = None def die(event = None): root.destroy() def about(): messagebox.showinfo(title = "当前版本为1.0,欢迎使用",message = "**作者:韩东\n**状态:继续努力ing") #def newit(event): #editorit = editor() #editorit.neweditor() class editor(): def __init__(self,rt): if rt == None: self.t = tk.Tk() else: self.t = tk.Toplevel(rt) self.t.title("文本编辑器%d" % (len(t1)+1)) self.frm_file = tk.Frame(rt) self.frm_file.grid(row =0,column =0,padx =0,sticky = W) self.btn_open = Button(self.frm_file,text = "打开",relief = GROOVE,command = self.openfile) self.btn_open.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH,expand =1) self.btn_new = Button(self.frm_file,text = "新建",relief = GROOVE,command = self.neweditor) self.btn_new.pack(side =LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH) self.btn_save = Button(self.frm_file,text = "保存",relief = GROOVE,command = self.savefile) self.btn_save.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH) self.btn_saveas = Button(self.frm_file,text = "另存为",relief = GROOVE,command = self.saveasfile) self.btn_saveas.pack(side =LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH) self.btn_exit = Button(self.frm_file,text = "退出",relief = GROOVE,command = self.close) self.btn_exit.pack(side = RIGHT,padx =5,fill = BOTH) self.frm_edit = tk.Frame(rt) self.frm_edit.grid(row = 0 ,column =1,padx =1,sticky = W) self.btn_copy = Button(self.frm_edit,text = "复制") self.btn_copy.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH,expand =1) self.btn_cut = Button(self.frm_edit,text = "剪切") self.btn_cut.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH,expand =1) self.btn_paste = Button(self.frm_edit,text = "黏贴") self.btn_paste.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH,expand =1) self.btn_find = Button(self.frm_edit,text = "查询") self.btn_find.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH,expand =1) self.btn_allselect = Button(self.frm_edit,text = "全选") self.btn_allselect.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH,expand =1) self.btn_font = Button(self.frm_edit,text = "字体样式") self.btn_font.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH,expand =1) self.btn_color = Button(self.frm_edit,text = "字体颜色") self.btn_color.pack(side = LEFT,padx =5,fill = BOTH,expand =1) = tk.Menu(rt) self.filem = tk.Menu( self.filem.add_separator() self.filem.add_command(label = "新建",command = self.neweditor,accelerator = " Ctr +N") self.filem.bind_all("<Control-n>",self.neweditor) self.filem.add_separator() self.filem.add_command(label = "打开",command = self.openfile,accelerator = " Ctr + O") self.filem.bind_all("<Control-o>",self.openfile) self.filem.add_separator() self.filem.add_command(label = "保存",command = self.savefile,accelerator = " Ctr +S ") self.filem.bind_all("<Control-s>",self.savefile) self.filem.add_separator() self.filem.add_command(label = "另存为",command = self.saveasfile,accelerator = " Ctr + D ") self.filem.bind_all("<Control-d>",self.saveasfile) self.filem.add_command(label = "关闭",command = self.close,accelerator = " F4") self.filem.bind_all("<F4>",self.close) self.filem.add_separator() self.filem.add_command(label = "退出",command = die,accelerator = " ESC") self.filem.bind_all("<Escape>",die) self.editm = tk.Menu( self.editm.add_separator() self.editm.add_command(label = "复制",command = self.copy,accelerator = " "*10 + "Ctr + C") self.editm.bind_all("<Control-c>",self.copy) self.editm.add_separator() self.editm.add_command(label = "黏贴",command = self.paste,accelerator = " "*10 + "Ctr + V") self.editm.bind_all("<Control-v>",self.paste) self.editm.add_separator() self.editm.add_command(label = "剪切",command = self.cut,accelerator = " "*10 + "Ctr + X") self.editm.bind_all("<Control-x>",self.cut) self.editm.add_separator() self.editm.add_command(label = "删除",command = self.delete_text,accelerator = " "*10 + "Delete") self.editm.bind_all("<Delete>",self.delete_text) self.editm.add_separator() self.editm.add_command(label = "查找",command = self.find_char,accelerator = " "*10 + "Ctr +F") self.editm.bind_all("<Control-f>",self.find_char) self.editm.add_separator() self.editm.add_command(label = "全选",command = self.select_char_all,accelerator = " "*10 + "Ctr + A") self.editm.bind_all("<Control-a>",self.select_char_all) self.formm = tk.Menu( self.formm.add_command(label = "字体颜色",command = self.color_it,accelerator = " "*10 + "Alt + C") self.formm.bind_all("<Alt-f>",self.color_it) self.formm.add_separator() self.formm.add_command(label = "字体格式",command = self.font_it,accelerator = " "*10 + "Alt + F") self.formm.bind_all("<Alt-f>",self.font_it) self.helpm = tk.Menu( self.helpm.add_command(label = "关于",command = about) = "文件",menu = self.filem) = "编辑",menu = self.editm) = "格式",menu = self.formm) = "帮助",menu = self.helpm) self.t.config(menu = #self.f = tk.Frame(self.t,width = 512) #self.f.pack(expand =1) = tkst.ScrolledText(self.t) =1,column = 0,columnspan =3,pady =3) def close(self,event = None): self.t.destroy() def openfile(self,event =None): oname = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes = [("打开文件","*.txt")]) if oname: for line in fileinput.input(oname):"1.0",line) self.t.title(oname) def savefile(self,event =None): if os.path.isfile(self.t.title()): opf = open(self.t.title(),"w") opf.write(,tk.END)) opf.flush() opf.close() else: sname = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(title = "保存好你的宝宝哟",filetypes = [("保存文件","*.txt")],defaultextension = ".txt") if sname: ofp = open(sname,"w") ofp.write(,tk.END)) ofp.flush() ofp.close() self.t.title(sname) def saveasfile(self,event = None): sname = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(title = "保存好你的宝宝哟",filetypes = [("保存文件","*.txt")],defaultextension = ".txt") if sname: ofp = open(sname,"w") ofp.write(,tk.END)) ofp.flush() ofp.close() self.t.title(sname) def neweditor(self,event = None): global root t1.append(editor(root)) def copy(self,event = None): text =,tk.SEL_LAST) def paste(self,event= None): try: text = = "CLIPBOARD"),text) except tk.TclError: pass def cut(self,event = None): text =,tk.SEL_LAST),tk.SEL_LAST) def delete_text(self):,tk.SEL_LAST) def find_char(self,event = None): target = simpledialog.askstring("简易文本编辑器","寻找字符串") if target: end = print(end) endindex = end.split(".") end_line = int(endindex[0]) end_column = int(endindex[1]) pos_line =1 pos_column=0 length =len(target) while pos_line <= end_line : if pos_line == end_line and pos_column +length > end_column: break elif pos_line < end_line and pos_column + length >500: pos_line = pos_line + 1 pos_column = (pos_column + length) -500 if pos_column > end_column: break else: pos = str(pos_line)+"."+str(pos_column) where =,pos,tk.END) if where: print(where) where1 =where.split(".") sele_end_col = str(int(where1[1])+length) sele = where1[0] + "."+ sele_end_col,where,sele),sele) again = messagebox.askokcancel(title = "继续查询么") if again: pos_line = int(where1[0]) pos_column = int(sele_end_col) else: aa=messagebox.showinfo(title = "你终于还是放弃了我",message = "你放弃了我--!") if aa: sys.exit() def select_char_all(self,event= None):,1.0,tk.END) def color_it(self,event = None): color = colorchooser.askcolor()["foreground"] = color[1] def font_it(self,event = None): self.t_font = tk.Toplevel() self.t_font.title("字体选择面板") self.label_size = Label(self.t_font,text = "字体大小") self.label_shape = Label(self.t_font,text = "字体形状") self.label_font = Label(self.t_font,text = "字体类型") self.label_weight = Label(self.t_font,text = "字体粗细") self.label_size.grid(row = 0 ,column =0,padx =30) self.label_shape.grid(row = 0,column =4,padx =30) self.label_font.grid(row = 0,column =2,padx =30) self.label_weight.grid(row =0,column = 6,padx =30) self.scroll_size = Scrollbar(self.t_font) self.scroll_size.grid(row =1,column=1,stick = NS) self.scroll_shape = Scrollbar(self.t_font) self.scroll_shape.grid(row =1,column=3,stick = NS) self.scroll_font = Scrollbar(self.t_font) self.scroll_font.grid(row =1,column=5,stick = NS) self.scroll_weight = Scrollbar(self.t_font) self.scroll_weight.grid(row =1,column =7,stick = NS) list_var_font = StringVar() list_var_size = StringVar() list_var_shape = StringVar() list_var_weight = StringVar() self.list_font = Listbox(self.t_font,selectmode = BROWSE,listvariable = list_var_font,exportselection =0) self.list_font.grid(row = 1,column =2,padx =4) list_font_item = ["\"Arial\"","\"Arial Baltic\"","\"Arial Black\"","\"Arial CE\"","\"Arial CYR\"","\"Arial Greek\"","\"Arial Narrow\"", "\"Arial TUR\"","\"Baiduan Number\"","\"Batang,BatangChe\""] for item in list_font_item: self.list_font.insert(0,item) self.list_font.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",self.change_font) self.list_shape = Listbox(self.t_font,selectmode = BROWSE,listvariable =list_var_shape,exportselection =0 ) self.list_shape.grid(row= 1,column =4,padx =4) list_shape_item = ["italic","roman"] for item in list_shape_item: self.list_shape.insert(0,item) self.list_shape.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",self.change_shape) self.list_size = Listbox(self.t_font,selectmode = BROWSE,listvariable = list_var_size,exportselection =0) self.list_size.grid(row = 1,column = 0,padx =4) list_size_item = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] for item in list_size_item : self.list_size.insert(0,item) self.list_size.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",self.change_size) self.list_weight = Listbox(self.t_font,selectmode = BROWSE,listvariable = list_var_weight,exportselection =0) self.list_weight.grid(row=1,column =6,padx =4) list_weight_item = ["bold","normal"] for item in list_weight_item: self.list_weight.insert(0,item) self.list_weight.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",self.change_weight) self.labFra_display = LabelFrame(self.t_font,text = "字体样式演示区域") self.labFra_display.grid(row =2,column =0,pady =4) self.lab_display = Label(self.labFra_display,text = "我在这里") self.lab_display.pack() self.btn_ok = Button(self.t_font,text = "确定",width = 10,height =2,command = self.change) self.btn_ok.grid(row = 2,column = 2,pady =4) self.btn_cancel = Button(self.t_font,width =10,height =2,text = "取消",command = self.exit_subwindow) self.btn_cancel.grid(row =2,column =4,pady =4) def change_size(self,event): tk.customFont = font.Font(family = "Helvetica",size = 12,weight = "normal",slant = "roman",underline =0) size = tk.customFont["size"] tk.customFont.configure(size =self.list_size.get(self.list_size.curselection())) = tk.customFont) self.size_count = 1 pass def change_font(self,event): tk.customFont = font.Font(family = "Helvetica",size = 12,weight = "normal",slant = "roman",underline =0) family = tk.customFont["family"] tk.customFont.configure(family =self.list_font.get(self.list_font.curselection())) = tk.customFont) self.font_count = 1 pass def change_shape(self,event): tk.customFont = font.Font(family = "Helvetica",size = 12,weight = "normal",slant = "roman",underline =0) slant = tk.customFont["slant"] tk.customFont.configure(slant =self.list_shape.get(self.list_shape.curselection())) = tk.customFont) self.shape_count =1 pass def change_weight(self,event): tk.customFont = font.Font(family = "Helvetica",size = 12,weight = "normal",slant = "roman",underline =0) weight = tk.customFont["weight"] tk.customFont.configure(weight =self.list_weight.get(self.list_weight.curselection())) = tk.customFont) self.shape_count =1 def change(self,event): pass["font"] = (self.list_size.get(self.list_size.curselection()))["font"] = (self.list_font.get(self.list_font.curselection()))["font"] = (self.list_shape.get(self.list_shape.curselection())) def exit_subwindow(self): self.t_font.destroy() if __name__ == "__main__": root = None t1.append(editor(root)) root = t1[0].t root.mainloop()
The above is the code shared with you in this article, I hope you will like it