Blocking categories are prohibited
1. Right-clicking is prohibited
2. Selecting is prohibited
< ;body onselectstart="return false">
3. Pasting is prohibited
4. Direct access is prohibited [required Only within the frame]
<script><br>if (top == self)top.location.href = "page.htm";<br></script>
5. Disable frame references
<script><br>if (top != self)top.location.href = "page.htm";<br></script>
6. Disable function keys Shift, Alt, Ctrl
<script>function key(){<br>if(event.shiftKey) alert("Shift is not allowed!");} document. onkeydown=key; </script>
Data acquisition class
1. Get resolution
<script>document.write("width is" screen.Width "Gaowei" screen.Height)</script>
2. Get the address bar
3. Obtain the parameters after the address bar
<SCRIPT>var add = top.location;<br>add = add.toString();<br>document.write (add.substring(add .indexOf("?") 1,add.length));<br></SCRIPT> // shielding categories 1. Prohibit right-clicking on body oncontextmenu=return(false) 2. Prohibit selection of body onselectstart=return false 3 .Prohibit pasting body onpaste=return false 4. Prohibit direct access [required box...