CI framework source code reading---------Router.php_PHP tutorial

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 * CodeIgniter 
 * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer 
 * @package     CodeIgniter 
 * @author      ExpressionEngine Dev Team 
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc. 
 * @license 
 * @link 
 * @since       Version 1.0 
 * @filesource 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
 * Router Class 
 * Parses URIs and determines routing 
 * @package     CodeIgniter 
 * @subpackage  Libraries 
 * @author      ExpressionEngine Dev Team 
 * @category    Libraries 
 * @link 
class CI_Router {  
     * Config class 
     * 配置 
     * @var object 
     * @access public 
    var $config;  
* List of routes
* Route list, value comes from APPPATH/config/route.php
* @var array
* @access public
    var $routes         = array();  
* List of error routes
* Error routing list
* @var array
* @access public
    var $error_routes   = array();  
     * Current class name 
     * URI中的Controller 
     * @var string 
     * @access public 
    var $class          = '';  
* Current method name
* The function called is displayed in the URI, the default is index()
* @var string
* @access public
    var $method         = 'index';  
* Sub-directory that contains the requested controller class
* The actual directory information in the URI
* @var string
* @access public
    var $directory      = '';  
* Default controller (and method if specific)
* Default controller
* @var string
* @access public
    var $default_controller;  
* Constructor
* Runs the route mapping function.
* Load and instantiate the config class and URI class
    function __construct()  
        $this->config =& load_class('Config', 'core');  
$this->uri =& load_class('URI', 'core');
log_message('debug', "Router Class Initialized");
//------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
* Set the route mapping
* This function determines what should be served based on the URI request,
* as well as any "routes" that have been set in the routing config file.
* Set the default routing information. If there is no controller information, load the default controller according to the settings of routes.php,
* @access private
* @return void
function _set_routing()
// Are query strings enabled in the config file? Normally CI doesn't utilize query strings
// since URI segments are more search-engine friendly, but they can optionally be used.
// If this feature is enabled, we will gather the directory/class/method a little differently
// If the project allows the query_strings format and requests the controller via $_GET, it will be routed in the query_string format
// Why do we need to judge whether the controller is specified by get method above?
// Actually it’s because if query_string request routing is allowed, but it is not configured under APPPATH/config/config.php
// Controller_trigger, function_trigger, directory_trigger cannot be used in query_strings form
// At this time, we will still use the "segment" form.
$segments = array();
if ($this->config->item('enable_query_strings') === TRUE AND isset($_GET[$this->config->item('controller_trigger')]))
                                        //Get the variable names passed by the directory name, control name and method name. These three items are defined in config/config.php.
if (isset($_GET[$this->config->item('directory_trigger')]))
$segments[] = $this->fetch_directory();
if (isset($_GET[$this->config->item('controller_trigger')]))
$segments[] = $this->fetch_class();
if (isset($_GET[$this->config->item('function_trigger')]))
$segments[] = $this->fetch_method();
} }
// Load the routes.php file.
// Load routes.php under APPPATH according to the current environment
if (defined('ENVIRONMENT') AND is_file(APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/routes.php'))
} }
elseif (is_file(APPPATH.'config/routes.php'))
} }
// The following $route variable is defined in routes.php to set the default controller and default 404 page
$this->routes = ( ! isset($route) OR ! is_array($route)) ? array() : $route;
Unset ($ Route); // Drain it after use, dismantle the bridge across the river, and no mercy.
// Set the default controller so we can display it in the event
// the URI doesn't correlated to a valid controller.
// Set the default controller based on the configuration information just now. If not, it will be FLASE.
$this->default_controller = ( ! isset($this->routes['default_controller']) OR $this->routes['default_controller'] == '') ? FALSE : strtolower($this ->routes['default_controller']);
// Were there any query string segments? If so, we'll validate them and bail out since we're done.
// Verify whether any of the directory name, control name and method name is obtained through query string.
// If you get it, directly determine the route and return
if (count($segments) > 0)
// Determine and set the route.
Return $ this- & gt; _Validate_request ($ segments);
} }
// Fetch the complete URI string
// The purpose of this function is to detect and process the uri and get the information we need to determine the routing (such as index.php/index/welcome/1)
// Put the string index/welcome/1) into $this->uri->uri_string.
// Is there a URI string? If not, the default controller specified in the "routes" file will be shown.
// If uri_string is empty, then set the route to the default.
/*if ($this->uri->uri_string == '')
return $this->_set_default_controller();
// Do we need to remove the URL suffix?
// Remove the URI suffix, because CI allows adding a suffix after the uri, but it is actually redundant for us to find routes and will have an impact, so remove it first.
// Compile compile the segments into an array
// Split the uri into regular segments, filter each segment, and store it in $this->segments[]
// Parse any custom routing that may exist
// Process routing, set APPPATH/config/routes.php according to routing
// Re-index the segment array so that it starts with 1 rather than 0
// Set the uri segment index to start from 1
//------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
* Set the default controller
* Set default controller
* @access private
* @return void
function _set_default_controller()
// Read the default controller name from the configuration file in the Router::_set_routing() function, if not there will be FALSE
// Line 158 of this file
if ($this->default_controller === FALSE)
show_error("Unable to determine what should be displayed. A default route has not been specified in the routing file.");
} }
// Is the method being specified?
// Determine whether there is a specified method by judging whether $this->default_controller has /.
// If not set as the default method index
if (strpos($this->default_controller, '/') !== FALSE)
$x = explode('/', $this->default_controller);
} }
$this->_set_request(array($this->default_controller, 'index'));
} }
// re-index the routed segments array so it starts with 1 rather than 0
                                     // Re-index the segment so that the outgoing segments are saved starting with the subscript 1.
log_message('debug', "No URI present. Default controller set.");
//------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
* Set the Route
* Set routing
* This function takes take, prepare action an array of URI segments as
* input, and sets the current class/method
* @access private
* @param array
* @param bool
* @return void
function _set_request($segments = array())
// The function of Router::_validate_request() is to detect and find a correctly existing route and determine it
$segments = $this->_validate_request($segments);
// This function is called by _set_default_controller. If you look at lines 216-230, you will find that $segments will definitely not be empty.
// Then the following two sentences may be to prevent this method from being called in other places and calling _set_default_controller() when the parameter is empty
// If you call it back, $segments will not be empty, because it is impossible to set routing when $segments is empty.
if (count($segments) == 0)
Return $ this- & gt; _set_default_Controller ();
} }
// Set the class name which is also the directory name
// If the method name exists, set it. If it does not exist, set it to index
if (isset($segments[1]))
// A standard request method
} }
                          // This lets the "routed" segment array identify that the default  
// index method is being used.
$segments[1] = 'index';
} }
// Update our "routed" segment array to contain the segments.
// Note: If there is no custom routing, this array will be
// identical to $this->uri->segments
// Update the segment array of the route. If there is no custom route here, it will be the same as $this->uri->segments
$this->uri->rsegments = $segments;
//------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
* Validates validates the supplied segments. Attempts attempt to determine the path to
* the controller.
* Validates the provided segment and attempts to determine the path to the controller
* @access private
* @param array
* @return array
function _validate_request($segments)
// ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
if (count($segments) == 0)
return $segments;
} }
// Does the requested controller exist in the root folder?
// Determine whether $segments[0] exists in the php file under the APPPATH/controllers/ folder
if (file_exists(APPPATH.'controllers/'.$segments[0].'.php'))
return $segments;
} }
// Is the controller in a sub-folder?
// Whether $segments[0] is a subdirectory under APPPATH/controllers
if (is_dir(APPPATH.'controllers/'.$segments[0]))
// Set the directory and remove it from the segment array
                                                                                                    // If it is indeed a directory, then the directory part of the route can be determined. Set directory
                      // Remove the directory part. Further route search.
$segments = array_slice($segments, 1);
// If there are other paragraphs in addition to the directory in the URI request, it means that there is a specified controller.
if (count($segments) > 0)
// Determine the request's $ segments [0] whether the app file in the Appppath/Controller/subdirectory
                    if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH.'controllers/'.$this->fetch_directory().$segments[0].'.php'))
// There are two ways to report an error, one is default, and the other is self -determined.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        // The following 404_override is a route defined in config/routes.php that cannot be found
// The default processing controller at that time, if we are defined, we call it.
                  if ( ! emptyempty($this->routes['404_override']))  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        $x = explode('/', $this->routes['404_override']);
// Remove the directory part of the route that I just set, because the route is now the 404 route we defined.
// It can be seen here that the 404 routing we define is not allowed to be placed in a certain directory, and we can only be placed directly in controllers/below
                                                                                        $this->set_method(isset($x[1]) ? $x[1] : 'index');
                        return $x;                                          
// If we only have a directory in the URI request, we will come to this
                       // Is the method being specified in the route?
// The judgment below is just judging the $ this-& gt; default_controller. Is there any specified method?
              if (strpos($this->default_controller, '/') !== FALSE)
                // Does the default controller exist in the sub-folder?  
                // 判断APPPATH/controllers/目录/下面是否存在默认的方法  
                if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH.'controllers/'.$this->fetch_directory().$this->default_controller.'.php'))  
                    $this->directory = '';  
                    return array();  
            return $segments;  
        // If we've gotten 达到 this far 遥远的 it means that the URI does not correlate 使相关联 to a valid  
        // controller class.  We will now see if there is an override  
        // 来到这里,就说明了,即找不到controllers/下相应的控制器,也找不到这样的目录。那就报错咯。  
        if ( ! emptyempty($this->routes['404_override']))  
            $x = explode('/', $this->routes['404_override']);  
            $this->set_method(isset($x[1]) ? $x[1] : 'index');  
            return $x;  
        // Nothing else to do at this point but show a 404  
        // 展示一个404页面  
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  
* Parse Routes
* Parse route
* This function matches any routes that may exist in
* the config/routes.php file against, against the URI to
* determine decision, determination if the class/method need to be remapped. Redraw the map
* @access private
* @return void
    function _parse_routes()  
        // Turn the segment array into a URI string  
        // 将segments数组转为uri字符串的形式  
        $uri = implode('/', $this->uri->segments);  
        // Is there a literal 文字的,字面的 match?  If so we're done  
        // 如果这个uri是routes.php中定义的那么。。。。。  
        if (isset($this->routes[$uri]))  
Return $ this-& gt; _Set_request (explode ('/', $ this-& gt; routes [$ uri]));
} }
// Loop through the route array looking for wild-cards
foreach ($this->routes as $key => $val)
// Convert Wild-CARDS To Regex Using the pass to make a regular conversion
// If the $ key contains: Any convert to.+,: Num convert to [0-9]+
$key = str_replace(':any', '.+', str_replace(':num', '[0-9]+', $key));
// Does the RegEx match? Perform regular matching
                                                // To match. For example
                                                                                                                                                                                                    $route['show:any:num'] = 'anynum';                                      
// With these two configurations, we can match a uri like showaa123 to its corresponding value which is anynum
if (preg_match('#^'.$key.'$#', $uri))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             // Do we have a back-reference? If there is $ in $val and there is (
in $key
                                     // I don’t understand the function of this if. . . Waiting for rescue by experts
                if (strpos($val, '$') !== FALSE AND strpos($key, '(') !== FALSE)
// Replace the characters in the URI to the $ value
$val = preg_replace('#^'.$key.'$#', $val, $uri);
Return $ this- & gt; _Set_request (explode ('/', $ value));
} }
// If we got this far it means we didn't encounter a
// matching route so we'll set the site default route
// If we get this far, it means we didn’t encounter a matching route
// So we will set the website default route
//------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
     * Set the class name 
     * @access  public 
     * @param   string 
     * @return  void 
function set_class($class)
$this->class = str_replace(array('/', '.'), '', $class);
//------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
     * Fetch the current class 
     * @access  public 
     * @return  string 
function fetch_class()
return $this->class;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  
     *  Set the method name 
     * @access  public 
     * @param   string 
     * @return  void 
    function set_method($method)  
        $this->method = $method;  
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  
     *  Fetch the current method 
     * @access  public 
     * @return  string 
    function fetch_method()  
        if ($this->method == $this->fetch_class())  
            return 'index';  
        return $this->method;  
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  
     *  Set the directory name 
     * @access  public 
     * @param   string 
     * @return  void 
    function set_directory($dir)  
        $this->directory = str_replace(array('/', '.'), '', $dir).'/';  
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  
     *  Fetch the sub-directory (if any) that contains the requested controller class 
     * @access  public 
     * @return  string 
    function fetch_directory()  
        return $this->directory;  
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  
* Set the controller overrides
* Controller overrides
* This function can cover directories, controllers, and methods again.
* @access public
* @param array
* @return null
    function _set_overrides($routing)  
        if ( ! is_array($routing))  
        if (isset($routing['directory']))  
        if (isset($routing['controller']) AND $routing['controller'] != '')  
        if (isset($routing['function']))  
            $routing['function'] = ($routing['function'] == '') ? 'index' : $routing['function'];  
// END Router Class  
/* End of file Router.php */  
/* Location: ./system/core/Router.php */  

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