Yan Shiba Public Welfare PHP Lecture
Forum: http://www.zixue.it
Weibo: http://weibo.com/Yshiba
YY Channel: 88354001
Want to manipulate pictures
You must first get the size and type information of the image
Watermark: Copy the specified watermark to the target and add a transparent effect
Thumbnail: It is to copy a large picture to a small size screen
class ImageTool {
// imageInfo analyzes image information
// return array()
public static function imageInfo($image) {
// Determine whether the image exists
if (!file_exists($image)) {
return false;
} }
$info = getimagesize($image);
if ($info == false) {
return false;
} }
// At this time, the info is analyzed and it is an array
$img['width'] = $info[0];
$img['height'] = $info[1];
$img['ext'] = substr($info['mime'], strpos($info['mime'], '/') + 1);
return $img;
Watermark function
parm String $dst and other operation pictures
parm String $water watermark image
parm String $save, if not filled in, the original image will be replaced by default
public static function water($dst, $water, $save = NULL, $pos = 2, $alpha = 50) {
// Make sure 2 pictures exist first
if (!file_exists($dst) || !file_exists($water)) {
return false;
} }
// First ensure that the watermark cannot be larger than the image to be operated
$dinfo = self::imageInfo($dst);
$winfo = self::imageInfo($water);
if ($winfo['height'] > $dinfo['height'] || $winfo['width'] > $dinfo['width']) {
return false;
} }
// Two pictures, read them on the canvas! But the pictures may be png or jpeg, what function should be used to read them?
$dfunc = 'imagecreatefrom' . $dinfo['ext'];
$wfunc = 'imagecreatefrom' . $winfo['ext'];
if (!function_exists($dfunc) || !function_exists($wfunc)) {
return false;
} } www.2cto.com
// Dynamically load functions to create canvas
$dim = $dfunc($dst);
// Create the canvas to be operated
$wim = $wfunc($water);
// Create watermark canvas
// Calculate the pasted coordinates based on the location of the watermark
switch($pos) {
case 0 :
$posx = 0;
$posy = 0;
case 1 :
// 右上角
$posx = $dinfo['width'] - $winfo['width'];
$posy = 0;
case 3 :
// 左下角
$posx = 0;
$posy = $dinfo['height'] - $winfo['height'];
default :
$posx = $dinfo['width'] - $winfo['width'];
$posy = $dinfo['height'] - $winfo['height'];
// 加水印
imagecopymerge($dim, $wim, $posx, $posy, 0, 0, $winfo['width'], $winfo['height'], $alpha);
// 保存
if (!$save) {
$save = $dst;
// 删除原图
$createfunc = 'image' . $dinfo['ext'];
$createfunc($dim, $save);
return true;
Thumb Generate thumbnails
Scale proportionally, leave blank on both sides
public static function thumb($dst, $save = NULL, $width = 200, $height = 200) {
// 首先判断待处理的图片存不存在
$dinfo = self::imageInfo($dst);
if ($dinfo == false) {
return false;
// 计算缩放比例
$calc = min($width / $dinfo['width'], $height / $dinfo['height']);
// 创建原始图的画布
$dfunc = 'imagecreatefrom' . $dinfo['ext'];
$dim = $dfunc($dst);
// 创建缩略画布
$tim = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// 创建白色填充缩略画布
$white = imagecolorallocate($tim, 255, 255, 255);
// 填充缩略画布
imagefill($tim, 0, 0, $white);
// 复制并缩略
$dwidth = (int)$dinfo['width'] * $calc;
$dheight = (int)$dinfo['height'] * $calc;
$paddingx = (int)($width - $dwidth) / 2;
$paddingy = (int)($height - $dheight) / 2;
imagecopyresampled($tim, $dim, $paddingx, $paddingy, 0, 0, $dwidth, $dheight, $dinfo['width'], $dinfo['height']);
// 保存图片
if (!$save) {
$save = $dst;
$createfunc = 'image' . $dinfo['ext'];
$createfunc($tim, $save);
return true;
// print_r(ImageTool::imageInfo('./home.jpg'));
/* www.2cto.com
echo ImageTool::water('./home.jpg','./smallfeng.png','home1.jpg',0)?'OK':'FAIL';
echo ImageTool::water('./home.jpg','./smallfeng.png','home2.jpg',1)?'OK':'FAIL';
echo ImageTool::water('./home.jpg','./smallfeng.png','home3.jpg',2)?'OK':'FAIL';
echo ImageTool::water('./home.jpg','./smallfeng.png','home4.jpg',3)?'OK':'FAIL';
http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/477858.htmlwww.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/477858.htmlTechArticle这个一个简单的GD库操作 [php] ?php /**** Yanshiba Public Welfare PHP Lecture Forum: http://www.zixue.it Weibo: http://weibo.com/Yshiba YY Channel: 88354001 ****/ /*** 想操作图片...