php tutorial to connect mssql 2005 1. Download the following two files and put them in the php ext directory and system32
php_sqlsrv_52_ts_vc6.dll (thread safe)
php_sqlsrv_52_nts_vc6.dll (non-thread safe)
vc6 is used for apache, vc9 is used for iis
2. Modify php.ini
3. Download sqlncli.msi, which is officially available from Microsoft
When installing, it says that it is for sql server 2008, but 2005 can also be used.
4. Test code
$servername = "";
$connectioninfo = array("database"=>"testdb","uid"=>"test","pwd"=>"test");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect($servername, $connectioninfo);if($conn) {
echo "connection established.
} else {
echo "connection could not be established.
Die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
}$sql = "select * from t_employee";
$result = sqlsrv_query($conn,$sql);
$data = array();
while($row=sqlsrv_fetch_array($result)) {
$data[] = $row;
}foreach($data as $p) {
echo $p['name']."
echo "
echo date("y-m-d h:i:s");?>
mysql tutorial connection class
class db_handle {
var $classname = "db_handle";
var $server;
var $username;
var $password;
var $database;
var $linkid = 0;
var $queryresult = "";
var $lastinsertid = "";
/* private ignore=>ignore the error and continue, halt=>report the error and halt, report=>report the error and continue */
var $halt_on_error = "report";
var $error = "";
var $errno = 0;
* remark: this is the db_mysql_class's structure
* function: set the server,username,password,database variable.
function db_handle($server = "", $username = "", $password = "", $database = "") {
$this->server = $server;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->database = $database;
* function: connect database and select database
* success: retun 1
* failed: return 0
function connect() {
$this->linkid = @mssql_pconnect ( $this->server, $this->username, $this->password );
if (! $this->linkid) {
$this->halt ( "mssql_pconnect($this->server,$this->username,$this->password): failed" );
return 0;
if (! @mssql_select_db ( $this->database )) {
$this->halt ( "mssql_select_db($this->database) failed." );
return 0;
return 1;
* function: check the database, if exist then select
* exist: return 1
* not exist: return 0
function selectdatabase() {
if (@mssql_select_db ( $this->database ))
return 1;
return 0;
* function: execute sql instruction
* success: return sql result.
* failed: return 0;
function execquery($sql = "") {
if ($this->linkid == 0) {
$this->halt ( "execute sql failed: have not valid database connect." );
return 0;
ob_start ();
$this->queryresult = mssql_query ( $sql, $this->linkid );
$error = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
if ($error) {
$this->halt ( "execute sql: mssql_query($sql,$this->linkid) failed." );
return 0;
$reg = "#insert into#";
if (preg_match ( $reg, $sql )) {
$sql = "select @@identity as id";
$res = mssql_query ( $sql, $this->linkid );
$this->lastinsertid = mssql_result ( $res, 0, id );
return $this->queryresult;
* function: get the query result's row number
* success: return the row fo the result
* failed: return 0
function gettotalrownum($result = "") {
if ($result != "")
$this->queryresult = $result;
$row = @mssql_num_rows ( $this->queryresult );
if ($row >= 0)
return $row;
$this->halt ( "get a row of result failed: result $result is invalid." );
return 0;
* function: get the last insert record's id
* success: return id
* failed: return 0
function lastinsertid() {
return $this->lastinsertid;
* function: get a field's value
* success: return value of the field
* failed: return 0
function getfield($result = "", $row = 0, $field = 0) {
if ($result != "")
$this->queryresult = $result;
$fieldvalue = @mssql_result ( $this->queryresult, $row, $field );
if ($fieldvalue != "")
return $fieldvalue;
$this->halt ( "get field: mssql_result($this->queryresult,$row,$field) failed." );
return 0;
//here should have error handle
* function: get next record
* success: return a array of the record's value
* failed: return 0
function nextrecord($result = "") {
if ($result != "")
$this->queryresult = $result;
$record = @mssql_fetch_array ( $this->queryresult );
if (is_array ( $record ))
return $record;
//$this->halt("get the next record failed: the result $result is invalid.");
return 0;
* function: free the query result
* success return 1
* failed: return 0
function freeresult($result = "") {
if ($result != "")
$this->queryresult = $result;
return @mssql_free_result ( $this->queryresult );
* function: set the halt_on_error's state
* success: return 1
* failed: return 0
function sethaltonerror($state = "ignore") {
if (! ($state == "ignore" || $state == "report" || $state == "halt")) {
$this->halt ( "set the halt_on_error fail: there is no state value $state" );
return 0;
$this->halt_on_error = $state;
return 1;
* function: get the halt_on_error's state
function gethaltonerror() {
return $this->halt_on_error;
* function: get the class's name
function tostring() {
return $this->classname;
* function: error handle
function halt($msg) {
$this->error = @mysql_error ( $this->linkid );
$this->errno = @mysql_errno ( $this->linkid );
if ($this->halt_on_error == "ignore")
$this->makemsg ( $msg );
if ($this->halt_on_error == "halt")
die ( "session halted" );
* function: make error information and print
function makemsg($msg) {
printf ( "database error: %sn", $msg );
printf ( "mysql error: %s (%s)n", $this->errno, $this->error );