php generates thumbnails (convert text into graphics) This is a classic PHP thumbnail generation function developed by the Office. The file is flexible and practical. It can generate pictures of any style and convert text into graphics.
php tutorial to generate thumbnails (convert text into graphics)
This is a classic PHP thumbnail generation function developed by Banwai. The file is flexible and practical. It can generate pictures of any style and convert text into graphics.
copyright : smart-info limited. all right reserved.
author : jacky cheung
version : 1.1
create date : 24 september 2008
last modify : 15 march 2009
*/class gd
var $font_face = "";
var $text = "";
var $size = 12;
var $color = "#000000";
var $angle = 0;var $width = 0;
var $height = 0;
var $line_height = 0;
var $type = "png";
var $chmod = 0777;
var $bg_color = "#ffffff";
var $quality = 95;
var $antialias = true;
var $x = 0;
var $y = 0;
/*___| convert text to image |___*/
public function text2image ( $font_face="", $text="", $attributes=false, $width=0, $all=false )
$this->font_face = $font_face;
$this->text = $text;
$this->width = $width;
$this->size = 12;
$this->color = "#000000";
$this->angle = 0;
$this->line_height = 0;
$this->setprop ( $attributes );
if ( $this->width == 0 )
return $this->convert_text2image ( $this->text, $this->check_text_width( $this->text ) );
} else {
// word wrap
if ( $all === false )
$text = split(" ", $this->text);
$text = $this->word_wrap($this->text, $this->width, "
$text = split("
", $text );
} else if ( $all === true ) {
$temp = array();
for ( $i=0; $itext); $i++ )
array_push ( $temp, mb_substr($this->text, $i, 1, "utf-8") );
$text = array();
$count_width = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach ( $temp as $k => $t )
$prop = $this->check_text_width($t);
if ( $count_width + floatval($prop["width"]) < $this->width )
$text[$i] = $text[$i] . $t;
$count_width += floatval($prop["width"]);
} else {
$count_width = 0;
$text[$i] = "";
$img = array();
foreach ( $text as $k => $t )
$img[$k] = $this->convert_text2image ( $t, $this->check_text_width( $t ) );
$w = 0;
$h = 0;
foreach ( $img as $k => $v )
$w = (imagesx($img[$k]) > $w) ? imagesx($img[$k]) : $w;if ($this->line_height == 0 ) $h += imagesy($img[$k]);
else $h += ($k < count($img)-1) ? $this->line_height : imagesy($img[$k]);
$base_img = $this->createtransparent($w, $h);
$locy = 0;
foreach ( $img as $k => $v )
if ($k > 0)
$locy = ($this->line_height == 0) ? $locy + imagesy($img[$k]) : $locy + $this->line_height;
$base_img = $this->attachgdimage ( $img[$k], $base_img, array ("x"=>0, "y"=>$locy) );
return $base_img;
private function word_wrap( $str, $width, $break )
$formatted = '';
$position = -1;
$prev_position = 0;
$last_line = -1;
/// looping the string stop at each space
while( $position = mb_stripos( $str, " ", ++$position, 'utf-8' ) ) {
if( $position > $last_line + $width + 1 ) {
$formatted.= mb_substr( $str, $last_line + 1, $prev_position - $last_line - 1, 'utf-8' ).$break;
$last_line = $prev_position;
$prev_position = $position;
/// adding last line without the break
$formatted.= mb_substr( $str, $last_line + 1, mb_strlen( $str ), 'utf-8' );
return $formatted;
public function convert_text2image ( $text, $prop )
$im = imagecreatetruecolor ( $prop["width"], $prop["height"] );
$rgb = $this->getrgb ( $this->color );
$color = imagecolorallocate ( $im, $rgb["red"], $rgb["green"], $rgb["blue"] );
$img = $this->createtransparent ( $prop["width"], $prop["height"] );
imagettftext ( $img, $this->size, $this->angle, 0, $prop["height"] - abs ( $prop["top"] ), $color, $this->font_face, $text );
return $img;
public function check_text_width ( $text )
$prop = array();
$bbox = imagettfbbox ( $this->size, $this->angle, $this->font_face, $text );
$prop["left"] = $bbox[0];
$prop["right"] = $bbox[2];
$prop["top"] = $bbox[1];
$prop["bottom"] = $bbox[7];
$padding = 2;
$prop["width"] = abs($prop["left"]) + abs($prop["right"]) + $padding;
$prop["height"] = abs($prop["top"]) + abs($prop["bottom"]) + $padding;
return $prop;
/*___| save to image file |___*/
public function save($gdimage, $filename, $attributes=false)
$this->type = "png";
$this->chmod = 0777;
$this->bg_color = "#ffffff";
$this->quality = 95;
$this->antialias = true;
$this->setprop ( $attributes );
// process
switch ( strtolower ( $this->type ) )
case "jpeg":
case "jpg":
$gdimage = $this->createbackground($gdimage, imagesx($gdimage), imagesy($gdimage));
imagejpeg ( $gdimage, $filename, $this->quality );
case "gif":
$gdimage = $this->createbackground($gdimage, imagesx($gdimage), imagesy($gdimage));
imagegif ( $gdimage, $filename );
case "png":
default :
imagepng ( $gdimage, $filename );
chmod ( $filename, $this->chmod );
/*___| create gd background image |___*/
public function createbackground($gdimage, $width, $height)
$img = imagecreatetruecolor ( $width, $height );
$rgb = $this->getrgb ( $this->bg_color );
$color = imagecolorallocate ( $img, $rgb["red"], $rgb["green"], $rgb["blue"] );
imagefill ( $img, 0, 0, $color );
imagecopyresampled ( $img, $gdimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height );
return $img;
/*___| create gd transparent image |___*/
public function createtransparent($width, $height)
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagealphablending($img, false);
imagesavealpha($img, true);
$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent);
imagecopyresampled($img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);
return $img;
/*___| load image |___*/
public function createimagefrom($filename, $alpha=true)
if ( function_exists ( "exif_imagetype" ) )
if ( exif_imagetype ( $filename ) == imagetype_jpeg ) { return $this->createfromjpeg ( $filename ); }
else if ( exif_imagetype ( $filename ) == imagetype_gif ) { return $this->createfromgif ( $filename ); }
else if ( exif_imagetype ( $filename ) == imagetype_png ) { return $this->createfrompng ( $filename, $alpha ); }
if ( strstr ( strtoupper ( $filename ) , ".jpg" ) || strstr ( strtoupper ( $filename ), ".jpeg" )) { return $this->createfromjpeg ( $filename ); }
else if ( strstr ( strtoupper ( $filename ) , ".gif" )) { return $this->createfromgif ( $filename ); }
else if ( strstr ( strtoupper ( $filename ) , ".png" )) { return $this->createfrompng ( $filename, $alpha ); }
return false;
private function createfromjpeg ( $filename ) { return imagecreatefromjpeg ( $filename ); }
private function createfromgif ( $filename ) { return imagecreatefromgif ( $filename ); }
private function createfrompng ( $filename, $alpha=true )
if ( $alpha )
list ( $width, $height ) = getimagesize ( $filename );
$png_img = imagecreatefrompng ( $filename );
$img = imagecreatetruecolor ( $width, $height );
imagealphablending ( $img, false );
imagesavealpha ( $img, true );
imagecopyresampled ( $img, $png_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height );
} else {
$img = imagecreatefrompng ( $filename );
return $img;
/*___| attach background image |___*/
public function attachbackgroundimage ( $gdimage, $filename, $attributes=false )
$this->x = 0;
$this->y = 0;
$this->setprop ( $attributes );
$img = $this->createimagefrom ( $filename );
imagecopyresampled ( $img, $gdimage, $this->x, $this->y, 0, 0, imagesx($gdimage), imagesy($gdimage), imagesx($gdimage), imagesy($gdimage) );
return $img;
/*___| attach image |___*/
public function attachimage ( $source, $target, $filename, $image_attributes=false, $attributes=false )
$source_img = $this->createimagefrom ( $source );
$target_img = $this->attachbackgroundimage ( $source_img, $target, $attributes );
$this->save ( $target_img, $filename, $image_attributes );
/*___| attach gd image resource |___*/
public function attachgdimage ( $gd_source, $gd_target, $attributes=false )
$this->x = 0;
$this->y = 0;
$this->width = 0;
$this->height = 0;
$this->setprop ( $attributes );
imagealphablending($gd_target, true );
imagealphablending($gd_source, true );
imagecopy ( $gd_target, $gd_source, $this->x, $this->y, 0, 0, imagesx($gd_source), imagesy($gd_source) );
return $gd_target;
/*___| get rgb color |___*/
public function getrgb($hex)
$rgb["red"] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex, 1, 2 ) ) ;
$rgb["green"] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex, 3, 2 ) ) ;
$rgb["blue"] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex, 5, 2 ) ) ;
return $rgb;
/*___| set properties |___*/
private function setprop ( $attributes=false )
if ( $attributes ) { foreach ( $attributes as $key => $value ) { $k = strtoupper ( $key ); $this->$k = $value; } }
//调用 方法
$imgresize = new imagetransform();
$imgresize->sourcefile = $source.$file;
$imgresize->targetfile = $destination.$file;
$imgresize->chmodvalue = 0777;
$imgresize->resizetowidth = $tw;
$imgresize->resizetoheight = $th;
$imgresize->jpegoutputquality = 100;
$imgresize->resizeifsmaller = false;