说明:原动态地址为 moban.php?id=1 ,生成后地址为 html/200808/sell_1.html 。page.php为分页程序,本博客中有发布。
页面使用方式,将本代码保存为make.php,使用方法为浏览器访问 make.php?t=数量&pg=页面;例如 make.php?t=300&pg=2,即每次生成300条数据,从数据列表第2页开始生成,即跳过前面300条。如果不加任何参数,直接访问make.php,则默认每次生成200条,从第一页开始生成。
- if($_GET[pg]==''){
- $aa=1;
- }else{
- $aa=$_GET[pg];
- }
- include("admin/conn.php");
- require_once("page.php");
- $result=mysql_query("select * from 2carsell ");
- $totle=mysql_num_rows($result);
- $pagelist = $_GET[t];
- if($_GET[t]==''){
- $pagelist='200';
- }else{
- $pagelist=$_GET[t];
- }
- $pager = new Pager($totle,$pagelist);
- $datastat=" 共 ".$pager->countall." 条,每次生成 ".$pager->countlist." 条,共需生成 ".$pager->page." 次";
- $bb=$pager->page;
- $pagenav=$pager->backstr.$pager->thestr.$pager->nextstr;
- $limitFrom = $pagelist*($pager->pg-1);
- $result=mysql_query("select * from 2carsell ORDER BY id DESC limit $limitFrom,$pagelist");
- ?>
"font-size:14px;">第 echo $aa?> 次页面生成中.. echo $datastat?>
- print ";
- while($datauser=mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $iid=$datauser[id];
- $html = file_get_contents("/moban.php?id=".$iid."");
- $sql="select * from 2carsell where id=$iid";
- $data=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
- $path=date("Ym",$data[PutDate]);
- $testdir="html/".$path;
- if(file_exists ($testdir)):
- else:
- mkdir ($testdir, 0777);
- echo "目录".$testdir."创建成功!
- endif;
- $filename = "html/$path/sell_$iid.html";
- if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
- print "不能打开文件 $filename";
- exit;
- }
- if (is_writable($filename)) {
- if (!fwrite($handle, $html)) {
- print "不能写入到文件 $filename";
- exit;
- }
- print "文件 $filename 更新成功!\n\r";
- fclose($handle);
- } else {
- print "文件 $filename 不可写";
- }
- ?>
- }?>
"font-size=12px"> echo $datastat." "?>
- $aa=$aa+1;
- if($aa>$bb){
- echo 'Congratulations, all pages have been generated! ';
- echo "<script>alert('All documents generated/updated!')</script>";
- }else{
- echo "<Script> window.location='make.php?t=$pagelist&pg=$aa'; </script>";
- }
- ?>
http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/633951.htmlwww.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/633951.htmlTechArticleGenerate HTML static pages from PHP and store them in a directory created with the name of year and month. Read all the data and generate it in batches, and a prompt will pop up after all the data is generated. You can specify the batch generation quantity, build...