PHP uses the Imagick module to zoom, crop, and compress images, including gif images
Zoom Crop
* Image processing service class
* Implemented using PHP extension service Imagick
* ImageMagick official website address [url][/url]
* @author weiguang3
* @since 20140403
class ImagickService {
private $image = null;
private $type = null;
// 构造函数
public function __construct() {
// 析构函数
public function __destruct() {
if ($this->image !== null)
$this->image->destroy ();
public function init(){
// 载入图像
public function open($path) {
$this->image = new Imagick ( $path );
if ($this->image) {
$this->type = strtolower ( $this->image->getImageFormat () );
return $this->image;
* Image cropping
* Cropping rules:
* 1. The height is empty or zero. Scale the height to adapt according to the width.
* 2. The width is empty or zero. Scale the width to adapt according to the height. 🎜> * 3. The width and height must not be empty or zero. Scale and crop according to the width and height ratio. By default, crop from the center of the head
* @param number $width
* @param number $height
public function resize($width=0, $height=0){
if($width==0 && $height==0){
$color = '';// 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
$size = $this->image->getImagePage ();
$src_width = $size ['width'];
$src_height = $size ['height'];
//按宽度缩放 高度自适应
if($width!=0 && $height==0){
$height = intval($width*$src_height/$src_width);
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$this->_resizeGif($width, $height);
$this->image->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, true );
//按高度缩放 宽度自适应
if($width==0 && $height!=0){
$width = intval($src_width*$height/$src_height);
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$this->_resizeGif($width, $height);
$this->image->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, true );
$crop_w = $width;
$crop_h = $height;
$crop_x = 0;
$crop_y = 0;
if(($src_width/$src_height) < ($width/$height)){
//宽高比例小于目标宽高比例 宽度等比例放大 按目标高度从头部截取
$crop_h = intval($src_height*$width/$src_width);
//从顶部裁剪 不用计算 $crop_y
//宽高比例大于目标宽高比例 高度等比例放大 按目标宽度居中裁剪
$crop_w = intval($src_width*$height/$src_height);
$crop_x = intval(($crop_w-$width)/2);
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$this->_resizeGif($crop_w, $crop_h, true, $width, $height,$crop_x, $crop_y);
} else {
$this->image->thumbnailImage ( $crop_w, $crop_h, true );
$this->image->cropImage($width, $height,$crop_x, $crop_y);
* Processing gif images requires processing each frame
* @param unknown $t_w Zoom width
* @param unknown $t_h Zoom height
* @param string $isCrop Whether to crop
* @param number $c_w Cropping width
* @param number $c_h Cropping height
* @param number $c_x Cropping coordinates x
* @param number $c_y Cropping coordinates y
private function _resizeGif($t_w, $t_h, $isCrop=false, $c_w=0, $c_h=0, $c_x=0, $c_y=0){
$dest = new Imagick();
$color_transparent = new ImagickPixel("transparent"); //透明色
foreach($this->image as $img){
$page = $img->getImagePage();
$tmp = new Imagick();
$tmp->newImage($page['width'], $page['height'], $color_transparent, 'gif');
$tmp->compositeImage($img, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $page['x'], $page['y']);
$tmp->thumbnailImage ( $t_w, $t_h, true );
$tmp->cropImage($c_w, $c_h, $c_x, $c_y);
$dest->setImagePage($tmp->getImageWidth(), $tmp->getImageHeight(), 0, 0);
$this->image->destroy ();
$this->image = $dest;
* Change the image size
* $fit: adapt to the size method
* 'force': force the image to $width Scale the image within width X $height. The output scaled image size is not exactly equal to $width Fill color,
* When using this parameter, you can set the background fill color $bg_color = array(255,255,255) (red, green, blue, transparency)
* Transparency (0 opaque-127 fully transparent)) Others: Smart mode Can scale the image and load the middle part of the image $width When , the corresponding relationship between the letters and the image in the specified position is output as follows:
* north_west north north_east
* west center east
* south_west south south_east
public function resize_to($width = 100, $height = 100, $fit = 'center', $fill_color = array(255,255,255,0)) {
switch ($fit) {
case 'force' :
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$image = $this->image;
$canvas = new Imagick ();
$images = $image->coalesceImages ();
foreach ( $images as $frame ) {
$img = new Imagick ();
$img->readImageBlob ( $frame );
$img->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, false );
$canvas->addImage ( $img );
$canvas->setImageDelay ( $img->getImageDelay () );
$image->destroy ();
$this->image = $canvas;
} else {
$this->image->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, false );
case 'scale' :
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$image = $this->image;
$images = $image->coalesceImages ();
$canvas = new Imagick ();
foreach ( $images as $frame ) {
$img = new Imagick ();
$img->readImageBlob ( $frame );
$img->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, true );
$canvas->addImage ( $img );
$canvas->setImageDelay ( $img->getImageDelay () );
$image->destroy ();
$this->image = $canvas;
} else {
$this->image->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, true );
case 'scale_fill' :
$size = $this->image->getImagePage ();
$src_width = $size ['width'];
$src_height = $size ['height'];
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
$dst_width = $width;
$dst_height = $height;
if ($src_width * $height > $src_height * $width) {
$dst_height = intval ( $width * $src_height / $src_width );
$y = intval ( ($height - $dst_height) / 2 );
} else {
$dst_width = intval ( $height * $src_width / $src_height );
$x = intval ( ($width - $dst_width) / 2 );
$image = $this->image;
$canvas = new Imagick ();
$color = 'rgba(' . $fill_color [0] . ',' . $fill_color [1] . ',' . $fill_color [2] . ',' . $fill_color [3] . ')';
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$images = $image->coalesceImages ();
foreach ( $images as $frame ) {
$frame->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, true );
$draw = new ImagickDraw ();
$draw->composite ( $frame->getImageCompose (), $x, $y, $dst_width, $dst_height, $frame );
$img = new Imagick ();
$img->newImage ( $width, $height, $color, 'gif' );
$img->drawImage ( $draw );
$canvas->addImage ( $img );
$canvas->setImageDelay ( $img->getImageDelay () );
$canvas->setImagePage ( $width, $height, 0, 0 );
} else {
$image->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, true );
$draw = new ImagickDraw ();
$draw->composite ( $image->getImageCompose (), $x, $y, $dst_width, $dst_height, $image );
$canvas->newImage ( $width, $height, $color, $this->get_type () );
$canvas->drawImage ( $draw );
$canvas->setImagePage ( $width, $height, 0, 0 );
$image->destroy ();
$this->image = $canvas;
default :
$size = $this->image->getImagePage ();
$src_width = $size ['width'];
$src_height = $size ['height'];
$crop_x = 0;
$crop_y = 0;
$crop_w = $src_width;
$crop_h = $src_height;
if ($src_width * $height > $src_height * $width) {
$crop_w = intval ( $src_height * $width / $height );
} else {
$crop_h = intval ( $src_width * $height / $width );
switch ($fit) {
case 'north_west' :
$crop_x = 0;
$crop_y = 0;
case 'north' :
$crop_x = intval ( ($src_width - $crop_w) / 2 );
$crop_y = 0;
case 'north_east' :
$crop_x = $src_width - $crop_w;
$crop_y = 0;
case 'west' :
$crop_x = 0;
$crop_y = intval ( ($src_height - $crop_h) / 2 );
case 'center' :
$crop_x = intval ( ($src_width - $crop_w) / 2 );
$crop_y = intval ( ($src_height - $crop_h) / 2 );
case 'east' :
$crop_x = $src_width - $crop_w;
$crop_y = intval ( ($src_height - $crop_h) / 2 );
case 'south_west' :
$crop_x = 0;
$crop_y = $src_height - $crop_h;
case 'south' :
$crop_x = intval ( ($src_width - $crop_w) / 2 );
$crop_y = $src_height - $crop_h;
case 'south_east' :
$crop_x = $src_width - $crop_w;
$crop_y = $src_height - $crop_h;
default :
$crop_x = intval ( ($src_width - $crop_w) / 2 );
$crop_y = intval ( ($src_height - $crop_h) / 2 );
$image = $this->image;
$canvas = new Imagick ();
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$images = $image->coalesceImages ();
foreach ( $images as $frame ) {
$img = new Imagick ();
$img->readImageBlob ( $frame );
$img->cropImage ( $crop_w, $crop_h, $crop_x, $crop_y );
$img->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, true );
$canvas->addImage ( $img );
$canvas->setImageDelay ( $img->getImageDelay () );
$canvas->setImagePage ( $width, $height, 0, 0 );
} else {
$image->cropImage ( $crop_w, $crop_h, $crop_x, $crop_y );
$image->thumbnailImage ( $width, $height, true );
$canvas->addImage ( $image );
$canvas->setImagePage ( $width, $height, 0, 0 );
$image->destroy ();
$this->image = $canvas;
// 添加水印图片
public function add_watermark($path, $x = 0, $y = 0) {
$watermark = new Imagick ( $path );
$draw = new ImagickDraw ();
$draw->composite ( $watermark->getImageCompose (), $x, $y, $watermark->getImageWidth (), $watermark->getimageheight (), $watermark );
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$image = $this->image;
$canvas = new Imagick ();
$images = $image->coalesceImages ();
foreach ( $image as $frame ) {
$img = new Imagick ();
$img->readImageBlob ( $frame );
$img->drawImage ( $draw );
$canvas->addImage ( $img );
$canvas->setImageDelay ( $img->getImageDelay () );
$image->destroy ();
$this->image = $canvas;
} else {
$this->image->drawImage ( $draw );
// 添加水印文字
public function add_text($text, $x = 0, $y = 0, $angle = 0, $style = array()) {
$draw = new ImagickDraw ();
if (isset ( $style ['font'] ))
$draw->setFont ( $style ['font'] );
if (isset ( $style ['font_size'] ))
$draw->setFontSize ( $style ['font_size'] );
if (isset ( $style ['fill_color'] ))
$draw->setFillColor ( $style ['fill_color'] );
if (isset ( $style ['under_color'] ))
$draw->setTextUnderColor ( $style ['under_color'] );
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
foreach ( $this->image as $frame ) {
$frame->annotateImage ( $draw, $x, $y, $angle, $text );
} else {
$this->image->annotateImage ( $draw, $x, $y, $angle, $text );
// 保存到指定路径
public function save_to($path) {
$a = $this->image->getImageCompressionQuality() * 0.60;
if ($a == 0) {
$a = 60;
if ($this->type == 'gif') {
$this->image->writeImages ( $path, true );
} else {
$this->image->writeImage ( $path );
// 输出图像
public function output($header = true) {
if ($header)
header ( 'Content-type: ' . $this->type );
echo $this->image->getImagesBlob ();
public function get_width() {
$size = $this->image->getImagePage ();
return $size ['width'];
public function get_height() {
$size = $this->image->getImagePage ();
return $size ['height'];
// 设置图像类型, 默认与源类型一致
public function set_type($type = 'png') {
$this->type = $type;
$this->image->setImageFormat ( $type );
// 获取源图像类型
public function get_type() {
return $this->type;
public function get_file_size(){
return 0;//$this->image->getImageLength(); getImageLength not find
return 0;
public function get_file_type(){
return $this->image->getimagemimetype();
return 0;
public function get_sha1(){
return sha1($this->image->__tostring());
return '';
// 当前对象是否为图片
public function is_image() {
if ($this->image)
return true;
return false;
* 添加一个边框 $width: 左右边框宽度 $height: 上下边框宽度 $color: 颜色: RGB 颜色 'rgb(255,0,0)' 或 16进制颜色 '#FF0000' 或颜色单词 'white'/'red'...
public function border($width, $height, $color = 'rgb(220, 220, 220)') {
$color = new ImagickPixel ();
$color->setColor ( $color );
$this->image->borderImage ( $color, $width, $height );
public function blur($radius, $sigma) {
$this->image->blurImage ( $radius, $sigma );
} // 模糊
public function gaussian_blur($radius, $sigma) {
$this->image->gaussianBlurImage ( $radius, $sigma );
} // 高斯模糊
public function motion_blur($radius, $sigma, $angle) {
$this->image->motionBlurImage ( $radius, $sigma, $angle );
}// Motion blur
public function radial_blur($radius) {
$this->image->radialBlurImage ( $radius );
} // Radial blur
public function add_noise($ type = null) {
$this->image->addNoiseImage ( $type == null ? imagick::NOISE_IMPULSE : $type );
} // Add noise
public function level($ black_point, $gamma, $white_point) {
$this->image->levelImage ( $black_point, $gamma, $white_point );
} // Adjust the color level
public function modulate($ brightness, $saturation, $hue) {
$this->image->modulateImage ( $brightness, $saturation, $hue );
} // Adjust brightness, saturation, hue
public function charcoal($radius, $sigma) {
$this->image->charcoalImage ( $radius, $sigma );
} // Sketch
public function oil_paint($radius) {
$this->image->oilPaintImage ( $radius );
} // Oil painting effect
public function flop() {
$this->image->flopImage ();
} // Flip horizontally
public function flip() {
$this->image->flipImage ();
} // Flip vertically