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Setp4: Binding operation between Tomcat and cas server::Reference: Baidu, Google, Soso...
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1. Pee uses a PHP client. Pee only knows PHP. First, download a PHP version of the client program from the cas download site
Address: http://downloads.jasig.org/cas-clients/php/ There are many versions, basically choose the last one, which is the latest one!
2. Unzip the file to the root directory of your website. Of course, other directories can also be used. You can decide it as you like. If there is a file called "CAS.php" in it, it proves that you downloaded the correct package.
3. Create a new file "index.php"
<?<span>php </span><span>include_once</span>('CAS.php');<span>//</span><span>引入cas入口文件</span> phpCAS::setDebug();<span>//</span><span>设置日志::日志将会在你的程序目录生成一个叫"phpCAS.log"的日志文件</span> phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0,'localhost',8443,'cas');<span>//</span><span>连接</span><span> /*</span><span> 注意这里的localhost是针对你的cas服务器而言的,因为我是同一台电脑,所以就是localhost了 * 8443:tomcat为cas设置的端口 * cas:如果你是按照之前的步骤来配置的,这里就是cas </span><span>*/</span><span> phpCAS</span>::<span>setNoCasServerValidation(); phpCAS</span>::handleLogoutRequests();<span>//</span><span>获取服务端是否已退出了</span> phpCAS::forceAuthentication();<span>//</span><span>验证</span> <span>if</span> (<span>isset</span>(<span>$_REQUEST</span>['logout'<span>])) { phpCAS</span>::<span>logout(); } </span>?>
4. Open the browser and run:
If you see this interface, it proves that you can log in normally. After logging in with your account | password, you will jump back to! We start to log in
Login result:
At this time, if we log in directly on the server: the client can see this interface without logging in. If we log in on the client, the server will also log in!
But now the problem seems to be in the verification. The single sign-in seems to be successful, but once it reaches the PHP verification stage, it cannot pass!
phpCAS::forceAuthentication();<span>//</span><span>验证的时候会报错</span> <span>报错内容如下: CAS Authentication failed</span>!<span> You were not authenticated</span>.<span> You may submit your request again by clicking here</span>. <span>If</span> the problem persists, you may contact the administrator of this site.<span> phpCAS </span>1.2.0RC2 using server https:<span>//</span><span>localhost:8443/cas/ (CAS 2.0)</span>
If anyone knows about this problem, please leave me a message or reply, I would be grateful