How to implement event monitoring is a simple implementation based on jQuery's event binding ideas.
Main functions:
1. Binding events support binding multiple actions to one event, and support binding one-time events
2. Trigger events
3. Logout events
Copy code The code is as follows:
class Event
protected static $listens = array();
public static function listen($event, $callback, $once=false){
if(!is_callable($callback)) return false;
self::$listens[$event][] = array('callback '=>$callback, 'once'=>$once);
return true; ::listen($event, $callback, true);
public static function remove($event, $index=null){
public static function trigger(){
if(!func_num_args()) return;
$args = func_get_args();
$event = array_shift ($args);
if(!isset(self:: $listens[$event])) return false;
foreach((array) self::$listens[$event] as $index=>$listen){
$listen['once'] && self::remove($event, $index); 🎜>
The following are some examples of calls:
Copy code
The code is as follows:
// Add Listening for walk events
Event::listen('walk', function(){
echo "I am walking...n"; }); // Add one-time listening event for walk Event::listen('walk', function(){ echo "I am listening...n";
}, true);
// Trigger the walk event
Event ::trigger('walk');
I am walking...
I am listening...
I am walking...
Event::one('say', function($name=''){
echo "I am {$name}n";
Event::trigger('say', 'deeka'); // Output I am deeka
Event::trigger('say' , 'deeka'); // not run
class Foo
public function bar(){
echo "Foo::bar() is calledn";
public function test(){
echo "Foo::foo() is called, agrs:".json_encode(func_get_args())."n";
$foo = new Foo;
Event::listen('bar', array($foo, 'bar'));
Event::listen('test', array($foo, 'test'));
Event::trigger('test', 1, 2, 3);
class Bar
public static function foo(){
echo "Bar::foo() is calledn";
Event::listen ('bar1', array('Bar', 'foo'));
Event::listen('bar2', 'Bar::foo ');
function bar(){
echo "bar() is calledn";
Event ::listen('bar3', 'bar');
Event::trigger('bar3'); // to implement event monitoring, refer to jQuery’s event binding idea, and implement it simply. Main functions: 1. Binding events supports binding multiple actions to one event, and supports binding one-time...