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PHP advertising loading class usage example, PHP loading usage example_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-13 10:18:37
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php advertising loading class usage example, php loading usage example

The example in this article describes the usage of PHP advertising loading class, which is very practical. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific method is as follows:

This php advertising loading class supports asynchronous and synchronous loading. Need to be implemented using Jquery.

ADLoader.class.php class file is as follows:

/** 广告加载管理类 
*  Date:  2013-08-04 
*  Author: fdipzone 
*  Ver:  1.0 
*  Func: 
*  public load     加载广告集合 
*  public setConfig  广告配置 
*  private getAds    根据channel创建广告集合 
*  private genZoneId  zoneid base64_encode 处理 
*  private genHtml   生成广告html 
*  private checkBrowser 检查是否需要同步加载的浏览器 
class ADLoader{ // class start 
  private static $_ads = array();   // 广告集合 
  private static $_step = 300;    // 广告加载间隔 
  private static $_async = true;   // 是否异步加载 
  private static $_config = array(); // 广告设置文件 
  private static $_jsclass = null;  // 广告JS class 
  /** 加载广告集合 
  * @param String $channel 栏目,对应config文件 
  * @param int   $step  广告加载间隔 
  * @param boolean $async  是否异步加载 
  public static function load($channel='', $step='', $async=''){ 
    if(isset($step) && is_numeric($step) && $step>0){ 
      self::$_step = $step; 
    if(isset($async) && is_bool($async)){ 
      self::$_async = $async; 
    // 判断浏览器,如IE强制使用同步加载 
      self::$_async = false; 
    return self::genHtml(); 
  /** 设置config 
  * @param String $config 广告配置 
  * @param String $jsclass js class文件路径 
  public static function setConfig($config=array(), $jsclass=''){ 
    self::$_config = $config; 
    self::$_jsclass = $jsclass; 
  /** 根据channel创建广告集合 
  * @param String $channel 栏目 
  private static function getAds($channel=''){ 
    $AD_Config = self::$_config; 
      self::$_ads = isset($AD_Config[$channel])&#63; $AD_Config[$channel] : $AD_Config['default']; 
  /** zoneid base64_encode 处理 */ 
  private static function genZoneId(){ 
    // 同步加载广告不需要处理zoneid 
      return ; 
    $ads = self::$_ads; 
    for($i=0,$len=count($ads); $i<$len; $i++){ 
        $ads[$i]['zoneId'] = base64_encode('var zoneid='.$ads[$i]['zoneId'].';'); 
    self::$_ads = $ads; 
  /** 生成广告html */ 
  private static function genHtml(){ 
    $ads = self::$_ads; 
    $html = array(); 
    if(self::$_jsclass!=null && $ads){ 
      array_push($html, '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.self::$_jsclass.'"></script>'); 
      // 同步需要预先加载 
        foreach($ads as $ad){ 
          array_push($html, '<div id="'.$ad['domId'].'_container" style="display:none">'); 
          array_push($html, '<script type="text/javascript">'); 
          array_push($html, 'ADLoader.preload('.json_encode($ad).');'); 
          array_push($html, '</script>'); 
          array_push($html, '</div>'); 
      array_push($html, '<script type="text/javascript">'); 
      array_push($html, 'var ads='.json_encode($ads).';'); 
      array_push($html, '$(document).ready(function(){ ADLoader.load(ads, '.self::$_step.', '.intval(self::$_async).'); });'); 
      array_push($html, '</script>'); 
    return implode("\r\n", $html); 
  /** 判断是否需要强制同步加载的浏览器 */ 
  private static function checkBrowser(){ 
    $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; 
      return false; 
    return true; 
} // class end 

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ADConfig.php file is as follows:

/** 广告配置文件 **/ 
return array( 
  'case_openx' => array( 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_728x90', 
      'zoneId' => 452 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_300x250', 
      'zoneId' => 449 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_l2_300x250', 
      'zoneId' => 394 
  'case_url' => array( 
      'type' => 'url', 
      'domId' => 'ad_728x90', 
      'url' => 'adurl.php&#63;zoneid=452' 
      'type' => 'url', 
      'domId' => 'ad_300x250', 
      'url' => 'adurl.php&#63;zoneid=449' 
      'type' => 'url', 
      'domId' => 'ad_l2_300x250', 
      'url' => 'adurl.php&#63;zoneid=394' 
  'case_sync_openx' => array( 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_728x90', 
      'zoneId' => 452 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_300x250', 
      'zoneId' => 449 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_l2_300x250', 
      'zoneId' => 394 
  'default' => array( 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_728x90', 
      'zoneId' => 452 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_300x250', 
      'zoneId' => 449 
      'type' => 'openx', 
      'domId' => 'ad_l2_300x250', 
      'zoneId' => 394 

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ADLoader.js file is as follows:

/** 异步加载广告 
*  Date:  2013-08-04 
*  Author: fdipzone 
*  Ver:  1.0 
var ADLoader = (function(){ 
  var _ads = [],   // 广告集合 
    _step = 300,  // 广告加载间隔 
    _async = true, // 是否异步加载 
    _loaded = 0;  // 已经加载的广告数 
  /** loadAd 循环加载广告 
  * @param int c 第几个广告 
  function loadAD(c){ 
      return ; 
    if($('#'+_ads[c].domId).length>0){ // 判断dom是否存在 
      if(_async){ // 异步执行 
        crapLoader.loadScript(getScript(_ads[c]), _ads[c].domId, { 
          success: function(){ 
      }else{ // 将同步加载的广告显示 
        var ad_container = $('#'+_ads[c].domId+'_container'); 
        ad_container.find('embed').attr('wmode','transparent').end().find('object').each(function(k, v){ 
          v.wmode = 'transparent'; // 将flash变透明 
    }else{ // dom不存在 
  /** 加载完广告后处理 */ 
  function completeAd(){ 
    _loaded ++; 
    }, _step);     
  /** 获取广告 
  * @param Array ad 广告参数 
  function getScript(ad){ 
    var ret = null; 
      case 'openx': // openx code ad 
        ret = 'data:text/javascript;base64,' + ad.zoneId + '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'; 
      case 'url': // url ad 
        ret = ad.url; 
    return ret; 
  /** 同步加载广告 
  * @param Array ad 广告参数 
  function writeAd(ad){ 
      case 'openx': 
        var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'&#63;'https://ads.nmg.com.hk/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://ads.nmg.com.hk/www/delivery/ajs.php'); 
        var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); 
        if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; 
        document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); 
        document.write ("&#63;zoneid=" + ad.zoneId); 
        document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); 
        if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); 
        document.write (document.charset &#63; '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet &#63; '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); 
        document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); 
        if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); 
        if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); 
        if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); 
        document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); 
       case 'url': 
        document.write ('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + ad.url + '"></script>'); 
  obj = { 
    /** 加载广告 
    * @param Array  ads  广告集合 
    * @param int   step 广告加载间隔 
    * @param boolean async true:异步加载 false:同步加载 
    load: function(ads, step, async){ 
      _ads = ads; 
        _step = step; 
        _async = async; 
    /** 预加载广告 */ 
    preload: function(ad){ 
      if($('#'+ad.domId).length>0){  // 判断dom是否存在 
  return obj; 
/* crapLoader */ 
var crapLoader = (function() { 
  var isHijacked = false, 
    queue = [], 
    inputBuffer = [], 
    writeBuffer = {}, 
    loading = 0, 
    elementCache = {}, 
    returnedElements = [], 
    splitScriptsRegex = /(<script[\s\S]*&#63;<\/script>)/gim, 
    globalOptions = { 
      autoRelease: true, 
      parallel: true, 
      debug: false 
    defaultOptions = { 
      charset: undefined, 
      success: undefined, 
      func: undefined, 
      src: undefined, 
      timeout: 3000 
    head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement, 
    support = { 
      scriptOnloadTriggeredAccurately: false, 
      splitWithCapturingParentheses: ("abc".split(/(b)/)[1]==="b") 
  function checkQueue () { 
    if(queue.length) { 
      loadScript( queue.shift() ); 
    } else if(loading === 0 && globalOptions.autoRelease) { 
      debug("Queue is empty. Auto-releasing."); 
  function checkWriteBuffer (obj) { 
    var buffer = writeBuffer[obj.domId], 
    if(buffer && buffer.length) { 
      writeHtml( buffer.shift(), obj ); 
    } else { 
      while (returnedElements.length > 0) { 
        returnedEl = returnedElements.pop(); 
        var id = returnedEl.id; 
        var elInDoc = getElementById(id); 
        if (!elInDoc) { continue; } 
        var parent = elInDoc.parentNode; 
        elInDoc.id = id + "__tmp"; 
        parent.insertBefore(returnedEl, elInDoc); 
  function debug (message, obj) { 
    if(!globalOptions.debug || !window.console) { return; } 
    var objExtra = ""; 
    if(obj) { 
      objExtra = "#"+obj.domId+" "; 
      var depth = obj.depth; 
      while(depth--) { objExtra += "  "; } 
    console.log("crapLoader " + objExtra + message); 
  function extend (t, s) { 
    var k; 
    if(!s) { return t; } 
    for(k in s) { 
      t[k] = s[k]; 
    return t; 
  function finished (obj) { 
    if(obj.success && typeof obj.success === "function") { 
      obj.success.call( document.getElementById(obj.domId) ); 
  function flush (obj) { 
    var domId = obj.domId, 
    outputFromScript = stripNoScript( inputBuffer.join("") ); 
    inputBuffer = []; 
    htmlPartArray = separateScriptsFromHtml( outputFromScript ); 
    if(!writeBuffer[domId]) { 
      writeBuffer[domId] = htmlPartArray; 
    } else { 
      Array.prototype.unshift.apply(writeBuffer[domId], htmlPartArray); 
  function getCachedElById (domId) { 
    return elementCache[domId] || (elementCache[domId] = document.getElementById(domId)); 
  function getElementById (domId) { 
    return ( publ.orgGetElementById.call &#63; 
      publ.orgGetElementById.call(document, domId) : 
      publ.orgGetElementById(domId) ); 
  function getElementByIdReplacement (domId) { 
    var el = getElementById(domId), 
      html, frag, div, found; 
    function traverseForElById(domId, el) { 
      var children = el.children, i, l, child; 
      if(children && children.length) { 
        for(i=0,l=children.length; i<l; i++) { 
          child = children[i]; 
          if(child.id && child.id === domId) { return child; } 
          if(child.children && child.children.length) { 
            var tmp = traverseForElById(domId, child); 
            if (tmp) return tmp; 
    function searchForAlreadyReturnedEl(domId) { 
      var i, l, returnedEl; 
      for(i=0,l=returnedElements.length; i<l; i++) { 
        returnedEl = returnedElements[i]; 
        if(returnedEl.id === domId) { return returnedEl; } 
    if(el) { return el; } 
    if (returnedElements.length) { 
      found = searchForAlreadyReturnedEl(domId); 
      if (found) { 
        return found; 
    if(inputBuffer.length) { 
      html = inputBuffer.join(""); 
      frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); 
      div = document.createElement("div"); 
      div.innerHTML = html; 
      found = traverseForElById(domId, div); 
      if (found) { 
      return found; 
  var globalEval = (function () { 
    return (window.execScript &#63; function(code, language) { 
      window.execScript(code, language || "JavaScript"); 
    } : function(code, language) { 
      if(language && !/^javascript/i.test(language)) { return; } 
      window.eval.call(window, code); 
  function isScript (html) { 
    return html.toLowerCase().indexOf("<script") === 0; 
  function runFunc (obj) { 
  function loadScript (obj) { 
    // async loading code from jQuery 
    var script = document.createElement("script"); 
    if(obj.type) { script.type = obj.type; } 
    if(obj.charset) { script.charset = obj.charset; } 
    if(obj.language) { script.language = obj.language; } 
    var done = false; 
    // Attach handlers for all browsers 
    script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { 
      script.loaded = true; 
      if ( !done && (!this.readyState || 
          this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete") ) { 
        done = true; 
        script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; 
        debug("onload " + obj.src, obj); 
    script.loaded = false; 
    script.src = obj.src; 
    // Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug. 
    // This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378). 
    head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild ); 
    setTimeout(function() { 
      if(!script.loaded) { throw new Error("SCRIPT NOT LOADED: " + script.src); } 
    }, obj.timeout); 
  function logScript (obj, code, lang) { 
    debug((code &#63; 
      "Inline " + lang + ": " + code.replace("\n", " ").substr(0, 30) + "..." : 
      "Inject " + obj.src), obj); 
  function separateScriptsFromHtml (htmlStr) { 
    return split(htmlStr, splitScriptsRegex); 
  function split (str, regexp) { 
    var match, prevIndex=0, tmp, result = [], i, l; 
    if(support.splitWithCapturingParentheses) { 
      tmp = str.split(regexp); 
    } else { 
      // Cross browser split technique from Steven Levithan 
      // http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/cross-browser-split 
      tmp = []; 
      while(match = regexp.exec(str)) { 
        if(match.index > prevIndex) { 
          result.push(str.slice(prevIndex, match.index)); 
        if(match.length > 1 && match.index < str.length) { 
          Array.prototype.push.apply(tmp, match.slice(1)); 
        prevIndex = regexp.lastIndex; 
      if(prevIndex < str.length) { 
    for(i=0, l=tmp.length; i<l; i=i+1) { 
      if(tmp[i]!=="") { result.push(tmp[i]); } 
    return result; 
  function stripNoScript (html) { 
    return html.replace(/<noscript>[\s\S]*&#63;<\/noscript>/ig, ""); 
  function trim (str) { 
    if(!str) { return str; } 
    return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/gi, ""); 
  function writeHtml (html, obj) { 
    if( isScript(html) ) { 
      var dummy = document.createElement("div"); 
      dummy.innerHTML = "dummy<div>" + html + "</div>"; // trick for IE 
      var script = dummy.children[0].children[0]; 
      var lang = script.getAttribute("language") || "javascript"; 
      if(script.src) { 
        obj.src = script.src; 
        obj.charset = script.charset; 
        obj.language = lang; 
        obj.type = script.type; 
      } else { 
        var code = trim( script.text ); 
        if(code) { 
          logScript( obj, code, lang); 
          globalEval( code, lang); 
    } else { 
      var container = getCachedElById(obj.domId); 
      if(!container) { 
        throw new Error("crapLoader: Unable to inject html. Element with id '" + obj.domId + "' does not exist"); 
      html = trim(html); // newline before <object> cause weird effects in IE 
      if(html) { 
        container.innerHTML += html; 
  function writeReplacement (str) { 
    debug("write: " + str); 
  function openReplacement () { 
    // document.open() just returns the document when called from a blocking script: 
    // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#dom-document-open 
    return document; 
  function closeReplacement () { 
    // document.close() does nothing when called from a blocking script: 
    // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#dom-document-close 
  publ = { 
    hijack: function(options) { 
      if(isHijacked) { return; } 
      isHijacked = true; 
      extend(globalOptions, options); 
      if(globalOptions.parallel && !support.scriptOnloadTriggeredAccurately) { 
        globalOptions.parallel = false; 
        debug("Browsers onload is not reliable. Disabling parallel loading."); 
      document.write = document.writeln = writeReplacement; 
      document.open = openReplacement; 
      document.close = closeReplacement; 
      document.getElementById = getElementByIdReplacement; 
    release: function() { 
      if(!isHijacked) { return; } 
      isHijacked = false; 
      document.write = this.orgWrite; 
      document.writeln = this.orgWriteLn; 
      document.open = this.orgOpen; 
      document.close = this.orgClose; 
      document.getElementById = this.orgGetElementById; 
      elementCache = {}; 
    handle: function(options) { 
      if(!isHijacked) { 
        debug("Not in hijacked mode. Auto-hijacking."); 
      var defaultOptsCopy = extend({}, defaultOptions); 
      var obj = extend(defaultOptsCopy, options); 
      obj.depth = 0; 
      if (!obj.domId) { 
        obj.domId = "craploader_" + new Date().getTime(); 
        var span = document.createElement("span"); 
        span.id = obj.domId; 
      if (options.func) { 
      if(globalOptions.parallel) { 
        setTimeout(function() { 
        }, 1); 
      } else { 
        setTimeout(function() { 
          if(loading === 0) { 
        }, 1); 
    loadScript: function(src, domId, options) { 
      if (typeof domId !== "string") { 
        options = domId; 
        domId = undefined; 
        src:  src, 
        domId: domId 
      }, options)); 
    runFunc: function(func, domId, options) { 
      if (typeof domId !== "string") { 
        options = domId; 
        domId = undefined; 
      this.handle( extend({ 
        domId: domId, 
        func:   func 
      }, options) ); 
    orgGetElementById  : document.getElementById, 
    orgWrite      : document.write, 
    orgWriteLn     : document.writeln, 
    orgOpen       : document.open, 
    orgClose      : document.close, 
    _olt        : 1, 
    _oltCallback    : function() { 
      support.scriptOnloadTriggeredAccurately = (publ._olt===2); 
  return publ; 

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demo.php sample program is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
 <title> AD Loader </title> 
 <style type="text/css"> 
 .banner1{margin:10px; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; width:728px; height:90px;} 
 .banner2{margin:10px; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; width:300px; height:250px;} 
 <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script> 
 <div class="banner1" id="ad_728x90"></div> 
 <div class="banner2" id="ad_300x250"></div> 
 <div class="banner2" id="ad_l2_300x250"></div> 
  function showAD($channel='', $step='', $async=''){ 
   $ad_config = include('ADConfig.php'); 
   ADLoader::setConfig($ad_config, 'ADLoader.js'); 
   return ADLoader::load($channel, $step, $async); 
  echo showAD('case_openx'); // 异步加载 
  //echo showAD('case_url');  // url方式异步加载 
  //echo showAD('case_sync_openx', 300, false); // 同步加载 

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adurl.php file is as follows:

$zoneid = isset($_GET['zoneid'])&#63; intval($_GET['zoneid']) : 0; 
var zoneid = <&#63;=$zoneid &#63;>; 
var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'&#63;'https://ads.nmg.com.hk/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://ads.nmg.com.hk/www/delivery/ajs.php'); 
var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); 
if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; 
document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); 
document.write ("&#63;zoneid=" + zoneid); 
document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); 
if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); 
document.write (document.charset &#63; '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet &#63; '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); 
document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); 
if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); 
if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); 
if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); 
document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); 
<&#63; } &#63;>

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Click here to download the complete example source code described in this article.

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP programming design.

Usage of classes in php

class myclass
function showerror($msg)
echo "";
This is a class I wrote that prompts errors and returns the history page. The advantage of using classes is that it saves time on repeatedly writing code, and also saves a lot of time on secondary development of programming.
Before using classes, To create an instance of a class
$lei=new myclass(); this instantiates
and then use
$lei->showerror($mess); so that you can call functions and members in the class Variable

How to use external objects in php class

this. . . . It seems that it can’t be achieved
I don’t know what you want to do
You should just instantiate the object’s class in the class
class a
function say( )
echo 'b';

class b
function test()
$a = new a();

$b = new b();
$b->test() ;

Your pdo object should be unchanged throughout the project, right? If you want to call an instantiated object, the general database class is a singleton mode.
For example:
Add this singleton mode method to your pdo class
class database
private static $_instance;

public static function getInstance()
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;

Then directly call this method of this class in your login class
If it has been instantiated, use the original object, if not, regenerate the object.

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