php uses cookies to achieve automatic login, cookie automatic login
The example in this article describes how PHP uses cookies to achieve automatic login. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:
The html front-end page code is as follows:
Copy code The code is as follows:
enter password
The backend PHP code is as follows:
Copy code
The code is as follows:
$now = getdate();
$storetime= $now["weekday"] . " " . $now["month"] ." " . $now["year"] ;
$storetime.=" time : ";
if ($now["hours"] < 10) {
$storetime.= "0" . $now["hours"];
} else {
$storetime.= $now["hours"];
$storetime.= ":";
if ($now["minutes"]<10) {
$storetime.= "0" . $now["minutes"];
} else {
$storetime.= $now["minutes"];
$storetime.= ": ";
if ($now["seconds"] <10) {
$storetime.= "0" . $now["seconds"];
} else {
$storetime.= $now["seconds"];
if (isset($data)) {
setcookie("data[0]",$storetime,time() + (60*60*24));
setcookie("data[l]", $counter,time() + (60*60*24)); setcookie("data[2]",$username,time() + (60*60*24));
echo "
hi " . $data[2] . " ! !
echo "last login time :" .$data[0] . "
echo "current date :" .$storetime. "
echo "page view count :" . $data[l]. "
echo "you have successfully logged in!";
echo ("you can access this area without entering a password for the next 24 hours!");
} else {
if (isset($username) && isset($password)) {
if ($password=="superpass") {
setcookie("data[0]",$storetime,time() + (60*60*24));
setcookie("data[l]",$counter,time() + (60*60*24));
setcookie("data[2]",$username,time() + (60*60*24));
$url="location: cookieimp.php";
echo "invalid password!!!";
希望本文所述对大家的PHP程序设计有所帮助。利用cookie实现自动登录的方法,cookie自动登录 本文实例讲述了php利用cookie实现自动登录的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体实现方法如...