This article mainly introduces PHP to use gmdate to format a UNIX time into GMT text. The example analyzes the functions and usage techniques of the gmdate function in PHP, which has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it
The example in this article describes how PHP uses gmdate to format a UNIX time into GMT text. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:
The syntax is as follows:
string gmdate (string $Format)
string gmdate (string $Format, int $Time)
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echo "When this page was loaded,n"; echo 'It was then ', gmdate ('r'), "n"; echo 'The currend gmdate was ', gmdate ('F j, Y'), "n"; echo 'The currend gmdate was ', gmdate ('M j, Y'), "n"; echo 'The currend gmdate was ', gmdate ('m/d/y'), "n"; echo 'The currend gmdate was the ', gmdate ('jS of M, Y'), "n"; echo 'The currend time was ', gmdate ('g:i:s A T'), "n"; echo 'The currend time was ', gmdate ('H:i:s O'), "n"; echo gmdate ('Y'); gmdate ('L')?(print ' is'):(print ' is not'); echo " a leap yearn"; echo time ('U'), " seconds had elapsed since January 1, 1970.n"; ?> |
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | When this page was loaded, It was then Sun, 27 Dec 2009 13:08:53 0000 The current gmdate was December 27, 2009 The current gmdate was Dec 27, 2009 The current gmdate was 12/27/09 The current gmdate was the 27th of Dec, 2009 The current time was 1:08:53 PM GMT The current time was 13:08:53 0000 2009 is not a leap year 1261919333 seconds had elapsed since January 1, 1970. |