The example in this article describes how to determine the number of months between two dates in php. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:
/** * @author injection( * @var date1日期1 * @var date2 日期2 * @var tags 年月日之间的分隔符标记,默认为'-' * @return 相差的月份数量 * @example: $date1 = "2003-08-11"; $date2 = "2008-11-06"; $monthNum = getMonthNum( $date1 , $date2 ); echo $monthNum; */ function getMonthNum( $date1, $date2, $tags='-' ){ $date1 = explode($tags,$date1); $date2 = explode($tags,$date2); return abs($date1[0] - $date2[0]) * 12 + abs($date1[1] - $date2[1]); }
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP programming design.