This article describes the image processing class extracted from Dreamweaver CMS. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
<?php if(!defined('DEDEINC')) exit('dedecms'); /** * 图像处理类 * * @version $Id: image.class.php 1 18:10 2010年7月5日Z tianya $ * @package DedeCMS.Libraries * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, DesDev, Inc. * @license * @link */ class image { var $attachinfo; var $targetfile; //图片路径 var $imagecreatefromfunc; var $imagefunc; var $attach; var $animatedgif; var $watermarkquality; var $watermarktext; var $thumbstatus; var $watermarkstatus; // 析构函数,兼容PHP4 function image($targetfile, $cfg_thumb, $cfg_watermarktext, $photo_waterpos, $photo_diaphaneity, $photo_wheight, $photo_wwidth, $cfg_watermarktype, $photo_marktrans,$trueMarkimg, $attach = array()) { $this->__construct($targetfile, $cfg_thumb, $cfg_watermarktext, $photo_waterpos, $photo_diaphaneity, $photo_wheight, $photo_wwidth, $cfg_watermarktype, $photo_marktrans,$trueMarkimg, $attach); } // 析构函数 function __construct($targetfile, $cfg_thumb, $cfg_watermarktext, $photo_waterpos, $photo_diaphaneity, $photo_wheight, $photo_wwidth, $cfg_watermarktype, $photo_marktrans,$trueMarkimg, $attach = array()) { $this->thumbstatus = $cfg_thumb; $this->watermarktext = $cfg_watermarktext; $this->watermarkstatus = $photo_waterpos; $this->watermarkquality = $photo_marktrans; $this->watermarkminwidth = $photo_wwidth; $this->watermarkminheight = $photo_wheight; $this->watermarktype = $cfg_watermarktype; $this->watermarktrans = $photo_diaphaneity; $this->animatedgif = 0; $this->targetfile = $targetfile; $this->attachinfo = @getimagesize($targetfile); $this->attach = $attach; switch($this->attachinfo['mime']) { case 'image/jpeg': $this->imagecreatefromfunc = function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg') ? 'imagecreatefromjpeg' : ''; $this->imagefunc = function_exists('imagejpeg') ? 'imagejpeg' : ''; break; case 'image/gif': $this->imagecreatefromfunc = function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') ? 'imagecreatefromgif' : ''; $this->imagefunc = function_exists('imagegif') ? 'imagegif' : ''; break; case 'image/png': $this->imagecreatefromfunc = function_exists('imagecreatefrompng') ? 'imagecreatefrompng' : ''; $this->imagefunc = function_exists('imagepng') ? 'imagepng' : ''; break; }//为空则匹配类型的函数不存在 $this->attach['size'] = empty($this->attach['size']) ? @filesize($targetfile) : $this->attach['size']; if($this->attachinfo['mime'] == 'image/gif') { $fp = fopen($targetfile, 'rb'); $targetfilecontent = fread($fp, $this->attach['size']); fclose($fp); $this->animatedgif = strpos($targetfilecontent, 'NETSCAPE2.0') === false ? 0 : 1; } } /** * 生成缩略图 * * @access public * @param int $thumbwidth 图片宽度 * @param int $thumbheight 图片高度 * @param int $preview 是否预览 * @return void */ function thumb($thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $preview = 0) { $this->thumb_gd($thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $preview); if($this->thumbstatus == 2 && $this->watermarkstatus) { $this->image($this->targetfile, $this->attach); $this->attach['size'] = filesize($this->targetfile); } } /** * 图片水印 * * @access public * @param int $preview 是否预览 * @return void */ function watermark($preview = 0) { if($this->watermarkminwidth && $this->attachinfo[0] <= $this->watermarkminwidth && $this->watermarkminheight && $this->attachinfo[1] <= $this->watermarkminheight) { return ; } $this->watermark_gd($preview); } /** * 使用gd生成缩略图 * * @access public * @param int $thumbwidth 图片宽度 * @param int $thumbheight 图片高度 * @param int $preview 是否预览 * @return void */ function thumb_gd($thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $preview = 0) { if($this->thumbstatus && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor') && function_exists('imagecopyresampled') && function_exists('imagejpeg')) { $imagecreatefromfunc = $this->imagecreatefromfunc; $imagefunc = $this->thumbstatus == 1 ? 'imagejpeg' : $this->imagefunc; list($imagewidth, $imageheight) = $this->attachinfo; if(!$this->animatedgif && ($imagewidth >= $thumbwidth || $imageheight >= $thumbheight)) { $attach_photo = $imagecreatefromfunc($this->targetfile); $x_ratio = $thumbwidth / $imagewidth; $y_ratio = $thumbheight / $imageheight; if(($x_ratio * $imageheight) < $thumbheight) { $thumb['height'] = ceil($x_ratio * $imageheight); $thumb['width'] = $thumbwidth; } else { $thumb['width'] = ceil($y_ratio * $imagewidth); $thumb['height'] = $thumbheight; } $targetfile = !$preview ? ($this->thumbstatus == 1 ? $this->targetfile.'.thumb.jpg' : $this->targetfile) : './watermark_tmp.jpg'; $thumb_photo = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb['width'], $thumb['height']); imagecopyresampled($thumb_photo, $attach_photo, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb['width'], $thumb['height'], $imagewidth, $imageheight); if($this->attachinfo['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') { $imagefunc($thumb_photo, $targetfile, 100); } else { $imagefunc($thumb_photo, $targetfile); } $this->attach['thumb'] = $this->thumbstatus == 1 ? 1 : 0; } } } /** * 使用gd进行水印 * * @access public * @param int $preview 是否预览 * @return void */ function watermark_gd($preview = 0) { if($this->watermarkstatus && function_exists('imagecopy') && function_exists('imagealphablending') && function_exists('imagecopymerge')) { $imagecreatefunc = $this->imagecreatefromfunc; $imagefunc = $this->imagefunc; list($imagewidth, $imageheight) = $this->attachinfo; if($this->watermarktype < 2) { $watermark_file = $this->watermarktype == 1 ? DEDEDATA.'/mark/mark.png' : DEDEDATA.'/mark/mark.gif'; $watermarkinfo = @getimagesize($watermark_file); $watermark_logo = $this->watermarktype == 1 ? @imagecreatefrompng($watermark_file) : @imagecreatefromgif($watermark_file); if(!$watermark_logo) { return ; } list($logowidth, $logoheight) = $watermarkinfo; } else { $box = @imagettfbbox($this->watermarktext['size'], $this->watermarktext['angle'], $this->watermarktext['fontpath'],$this->watermarktext['text']); $logowidth = max($box[2], $box[4]) - min($box[0], $box[6]); $logoheight = max($box[1], $box[3]) - min($box[5], $box[7]); $ax = min($box[0], $box[6]) * -1; $ay = min($box[5], $box[7]) * -1; } $wmwidth = $imagewidth - $logowidth; $wmheight = $imageheight - $logoheight; if(($this->watermarktype < 2 && is_readable($watermark_file) || $this->watermarktype == 2) && $wmwidth > 10 && $wmheight > 10 && !$this->animatedgif) { switch($this->watermarkstatus) { case 1: $x = +5; $y = +5; break; case 2: $x = ($imagewidth - $logowidth) / 2; $y = +5; break; case 3: $x = $imagewidth - $logowidth - 5; $y = +5; break; case 4: $x = +5; $y = ($imageheight - $logoheight) / 2; break; case 5: $x = ($imagewidth - $logowidth) / 2; $y = ($imageheight - $logoheight) / 2; break; case 6: $x = $imagewidth - $logowidth - 5; $y = ($imageheight - $logoheight) / 2; break; case 7: $x = +5; $y = $imageheight - $logoheight - 5; break; case 8: $x = ($imagewidth - $logowidth) / 2; $y = $imageheight - $logoheight - 5; break; case 9: $x = $imagewidth - $logowidth - 5; $y = $imageheight - $logoheight -5; break; } $dst_photo = @imagecreatetruecolor($imagewidth, $imageheight); $target_photo = $imagecreatefunc($this->targetfile); imagecopy($dst_photo, $target_photo, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imagewidth, $imageheight); if($this->watermarktype == 1) { imagecopy($dst_photo, $watermark_logo, $x, $y, 0, 0, $logowidth, $logoheight); } elseif($this->watermarktype == 2) { if(($this->watermarktext['shadowx'] || $this->watermarktext['shadowy']) && $this->watermarktext['shadowcolor']) { $shadowcolorrgb = explode(',', $this->watermarktext['shadowcolor']); $shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($dst_photo, $shadowcolorrgb[0], $shadowcolorrgb[1], $shadowcolorrgb[2]); imagettftext($dst_photo, $this->watermarktext['size'], $this->watermarktext['angle'], $x + $ax + $this->watermarktext['shadowx'], $y + $ay + $this->watermarktext['shadowy'], $shadowcolor, $this->watermarktext['fontpath'], $this->watermarktext['text']); } $colorrgb = explode(',', $this->watermarktext['color']); $color = imagecolorallocate($dst_photo, $colorrgb[0], $colorrgb[1], $colorrgb[2]); imagettftext($dst_photo, $this->watermarktext['size'], $this->watermarktext['angle'], $x + $ax, $y + $ay, $color, $this->watermarktext['fontpath'], $this->watermarktext['text']); } else { imagealphablending($watermark_logo, true); imagecopymerge($dst_photo, $watermark_logo, $x, $y, 0, 0, $logowidth, $logoheight, $this->watermarktrans); } $targetfile = !$preview ? $this->targetfile : './watermark_tmp.jpg'; if($this->attachinfo['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') { $imagefunc($dst_photo, $targetfile, $this->watermarkquality); } else { $imagefunc($dst_photo, $targetfile); } $this->attach['size'] = filesize($this->targetfile); } } } }//End Class
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP programming design.