Similar to this, when you log in, you are prompted whether to obtain user information. Are you using a third-party login? Or interface or something, I hope you can provide some information
The problem was solved in the afternoon when this question was raised, but I forgot to turn it off. I refer to a blog post where the code and content are written in great detail. Link: WeChat public platform OAuth2.0 web page authorization php example
Here are some screenshots:
Similar to this, when you log in, you are prompted whether to obtain user information. Are you using a third-party login? Or interface or something, I hope you can provide some information
The problem was solved in the afternoon when this question was raised, but I forgot to turn it off. I refer to a blog post where the code and content are written in great detail. Link: WeChat public platform OAuth2.0 web page authorization php example
Here are some screenshots:
This item is used. Generally speaking,
1. First, you must have a public account (which has authorization rights),
2. Then go to the WeChat public account management platform to configure the authorization callback domain name,
3. Then in the project When the corresponding class accesses, the authorization box will pop up.
<code>注:APPID 公众号应用ID REDIRECT_URI 授权成功回调地址 SCOPE SCOPE参数有snsapi_base (不弹出授权页面,直接跳转,只能获取用户openid),snsapi_userinfo (弹出授权页面,可通过openid拿到昵称、性别、所在地。并且,即使在未关注的情况下,只要用户授权,也能获取其信息)</code>
For third-party login, the oauth2 interface is generally used. After you agree, WeChat will return a token to the mall. This token allows you to obtain your data as the data you have authorized before.
If you are looking for information, just search oauth2
WeChat public platform login api document
When you follow the official account, you will be prompted to obtain your information. When you enter the official account, the server has received your relevant information sent by the WeChat server.
If you do not follow the official account, you will be prompted to obtain your information when entering the mall. If you click on it, the other party can obtain your personal information
Look at the development documents of WeChat public platform, they are all introduced