(function($) {
/*Monitor whether the page data changes*/
var pageDataChange = false;
var tagName = "Input, Select, Textarea" ;
var ctrlIds = [];
$.fn.MonitorDataChange = function(options) {
var deafult = {
arrTags: tagName, //The tagName attribute of the control to be monitored
arrCtrls : ctrlIds //Unmonitored control ID
var ops = $.extend(deafult, options);
tagName = ops.arrTags;
ctrlIds = ops.arrCtrls;
/*Cache the element data when the element gets focus for the first time*/
$(ops.arrTags).one("focus", function() {
if ($.inArray($(this).attr ("id"), ops.arrCtrls) != -1) {
$(this).data('initData', $(this).val());
/*Get whether the page data has changed*/
$.fn.isChange = function() {
$(tagName).each(function() {
if ($.inArray($(this).attr("id"), ctrlIds) != -1) {
/*If the element's initData caches data It is defined and not equal to its value, indicating that the data in the page has changed*/
if (typeof ($(this).data('initData')) != 'undefined') {
if ( $(this).data('initData') != $(this).val()) {
pageDataChange = true;
return pageDataChange;
Foreground call: