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Detailed explanation of multi-step and multi-step StepJump component examples in JS_javascript skills

Release: 2016-05-16 15:07:07
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The latest work is to create a multi-step and multi-step form page. This multi-step and multi-step means that the business of this page is completed in multiple steps, and each step may be processed in multiple small steps. , between large steps and between small steps is a business relationship that occurs sequentially. At first I thought this function was easy to implement, just like the implementation principle of the tab page. After actually doing it, I found that there is quite a lot of relevant logic in it (maybe I didn't think of a better way~), especially when When this function is combined with the form and the status of business data. I abstracted some logic related to this function into a component StepJump. This component can realize purely static step-by-step switching and jumps, as well as complex logic combined with business. It has certain versatility and flexibility. This article mainly introduces Its functional requirements and implementation ideas.

Realization effect:

There are two effect pages inside: demo.html and register.html. The relevant js are demo.js and register.js respectively. The components are encapsulated in stepJump.js and modularized by seajs. demo.html demonstrates a purely static multi-step and multi-step content switching. register.html is an effect that is completely integrated with the business. It was extracted from my recent work, except that the business data status inside It is simulated with a constant (STEP_STATUS).

1. Demand analysis

The renderings given above are incomplete, but the design is too large to be posted conveniently. In order to describe the functional requirements of this page clearly, I can only spend as much time as possible on the text and try to explain every detail clearly:

1) There are four major steps in this page, of which 1, 3, and 4 only correspond to one small step, while 2 corresponds to three small steps, which means that 1, 3, and 4 are each one step. It can be completed, but 2 requires 3 steps to complete;

2) These steps occur sequentially. The first big step must be completed before the second big step can be carried out; the first small step must be completed before the second small step can be carried out;

3) The first small step of each big step may have a button to return to the previous big step;

4) Each small step in the middle of the big step may have 2 buttons, one to return to the previous small step, and one to jump to the next small step;

5) The last small step of each big step may have a button to jump to the next big step;

6) If a big step only contains one small step, then it is both the first small step and the last small step;

7) The content to be displayed in each small step of each big step is different, and only one small step can be displayed at a time;

8) The major steps that have been completed, the major steps that are in progress, and the major steps that are to be executed later should have different UI effects; (However, in terms of implementation effect, the completed ones and the ongoing ones have the same effect. )

9) The subsequent large steps to be executed must be jumped by clicking the button in the last small step of the previous large step; completed and currently executing large steps can be jumped by clicking on the step name;

10) When you click on the name of a big step, jump to the first small step of the big step.

The above part is the static function analysis of the page. The following is the actual business needs of the page:

1) This page is open to logged-in users and is used to apply for user check-in for a certain platform. Only by completing this check-in process can you officially enter the platform to use other functions;

2) The main business data is related to users. According to the check-in process, the user’s check-in process status can be divided into:

a. The information to be filled in, if the status value is this every time you enter this page, then the big step [1 Check-in Instructions] will be displayed, indicating that this step is in progress;

b. For information to be submitted, if the status value is this every time you enter this page, then the big step [2 Company Information Submission] will be displayed, and the small step will display its first one by default;

c. The review has not passed. If this status value is used every time you enter this page, then the big step of [3 Waiting for review] will be displayed;

d. The review has been passed. If the status value is this every time you enter this page, then the big step of [3 Waiting for Review] will be displayed;

e. The contract is to be confirmed. If the status value is this every time you enter this page, then the big step of [4 Contract Signing] will be displayed;

3) It should be noted that [3 Waiting for review] and [4 Contract signing] each contain 3 and 2 contents. Their respective contents are mutually exclusive display relationships, but they are not a step-by-step relationship. , which one to display is completely determined by the business status. For example, [3 Waiting for review] has the following three possible effects:

When jumping from [2 Company Information Submission] to [3 Waiting for Review], the first effect is displayed;
If the review has been passed when entering the page, the second effect will be displayed;
If the page fails to pass the review when entering the page, the third effect will be displayed, and in this case, the step name also requires special effects:

When you directly click on the step name, for example, click [2 Company Information Submission], this effect must be restored to the default effect; when you click [3 Waiting for Review], it must be set to this special effect; only through [ This special effect can only be completely revoked when the small step of "2 Company Information Submission" jumps to "3 Waiting for Review".

The general requirements are the above parts. There may be some details that are not described because it is not easy to explain clearly in words, so we can only experience it based on the actual effect. From the perspective of final implementation, among the previous requirements, static functional requirements are the core of component implementation, and the subsequent business requirements are not universal. My starting point for developing this component is to write out the basic functions of the component based on the static functional requirements, and then Then design reasonable APIs and callbacks based on business needs, and separate js from html as much as possible, and components from business, so that the final implementation can maximize flexibility.

2. Implementation ideas

First of all, let’s talk about the html structure: I consider that in the previous requirements, there are two very important concepts: big steps and small steps, and these big steps have an inclusive relationship with the small steps, and there is also an agreement on the order between the steps. So we have to design two collections to store all big step related items and all small step related items respectively. The html structure can be designed as follows:

- Hide code
<nav class="nav-step">
<ul id="steps" class="steps">
<li><a href="javascript:;">1<span class="gap"></span>入住须知</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:;">2<span class="gap"></span>公司信息提交</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:;">3<span class="gap"></span>等待审核</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:;">4<span class="gap"></span>合同签订</a></li>
<div id="step-content" class="step-content">
<div class="step-pane" >
<div class="step-pane">
<div class="step-pane">
<div class="step-pane">
<div class="step-pane">
<div class="step-pane"
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Among them, #steps li is all the big step items, and all #step-content .step-pane is all the small step items. These two sets only solve the storage and order problems of step items, and the inclusion relationship between them has not yet been solved. Among requirements, the inclusive relationship between big steps and small steps is as follows:

In this case, we can reflect this relationship through a simple configuration array. For example, the above structure can be explained by [1,3,1,1], which means there are 4 major steps in total. Among them, 1, 3, and 4 have only one small step, and 2 has 3 small steps. Since large steps and small steps are stored separately in two collections, when we access these two collections, we use the index position of the relative collection. However, in actual use: The position is relatively easy to identify, but the absolute position of the small step is difficult to identify, and the position of the relative set starts from 0. If the content of each small step has some other components defined, such as form-related components , we will definitely store instances of these components in a configuration table:

0: {
form: {
1: {
form: {
2: {
form: {
3: {
form: {
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This kind of configuration table is identified by the absolute index of Xiaobu, which will be very inconvenient in actual use. Moreover, when the HTML structure of Xiaobu is adjusted, this structure will have to be changed, and all references to it will The places where related components are obtained must be changed. It is best to complete the following configuration:

2: {
1: {
2: {
3: {
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3. 实现细节


var DEFAULTS = {
config: [], //必传参数,步骤项与步骤内容项的配置,如[1,2,3]表示一共有三个(config.length)步骤,第1个步骤有1个(config[0])内容项,第2个步骤有2个(config[1])内容项,第3个步骤有3个(config[2])内容项
stepPanes: '', //必传参数,步骤内容项的jq 选择器
navSteps: '', //必传参数,步骤项的jq 选择器
initStepIndex: 1, //初始时显示的步骤位置,如果一共有4个步骤,该参数可选值为:1,2,3,4
initPaneIndex: 1, //初始时显示的步骤内容项位置,基于initStepIndex,如果initStepIndex设置成2,且该步骤有3个内容项,则该参数可选值为:1,2,3
onStepJump: $.noop, //步骤项跳转时候的回调
onBeforePaneChange: $.noop, //步骤内容项切换之前的回调
onPaneChange: $.noop, //步骤内容项切换之后的回调
onPaneLoad: $.noop //步骤内容项第一次显示时的回调
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1)onStepJump(oldStepIndex, targetStep)

这个回调是在大步骤跳转的时候触发的,作用很清楚,就是为了在步骤跳转的时候做一些逻辑处理,比如业务需求中【3 等待审核】的特殊效果控制就得借助这个回调,传递有两个参数oldStepIndex表示跳转前的步骤的物理索引(从0开始), targetStep表示要跳转到的步骤的物理索引。

2)onBeforePaneChange(currentPane, targetPane, currentStep)


3)onPangeChange(currentPane, targetPane, currentStep)


4)onPaneLoad(e,currentStep, currentPane)





return {
goStep: function(step) {
goStep(step - 1);
goNext: function() {
go(currentPane + 1);
goPrev: function() {
go(currentPane - 1);
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//举例:config: [1,3,1,1], step: 2, pane: 4,就会返回1,表示第三个步骤的第1个步骤内容项的位置
StepJump.getRelativePaneIndex = function(config, step, pane) {
return pane - getPaneCountBeforeStep(config, step) + 1;
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function showStep(targetStep) {
$navSteps.each(function(i) {
var cname = this.className;
cname = $.trim(cname.replace(/current|done/g, ''));
if (i < targetStep) {
cname += ' done';
} else if (i == targetStep) {
cname += ' current';
this.className = cname;
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define(function(require, exports, module) {
var $ = require('jquery');
//step: 表示步骤项
//pane: 表示步骤内容项
var DEFAULTS = {
config: [], //必传参数,步骤项与步骤内容项的配置,如[1,2,3]表示一共有三个(config.length)步骤,第1个步骤有1个(config[0])内容项,第2个步骤有2个(config[1])内容项,第3个步骤有3个(config[2])内容项
stepPanes: '', //必传参数,步骤内容项的jq 选择器
navSteps: '', //必传参数,步骤项的jq 选择器
initStepIndex: 1, //初始时显示的步骤位置,如果一共有4个步骤,该参数可选值为:1,2,3,4
initPaneIndex: 1, //初始时显示的步骤内容项位置,基于initStepIndex,如果initStepIndex设置成2,且该步骤有3个内容项,则该参数可选值为:1,2,3
onStepJump: $.noop, //步骤项跳转时候的回调
onBeforePaneChange: $.noop, //步骤内容项切换之前的回调
onPaneChange: $.noop, //步骤内容项切换之后的回调
onPaneLoad: $.noop //步骤内容项第一次显示时的回调
function StepJump(options) {
var opts = $.extend({}, DEFAULTS, options),
$stepPanes = $(opts.stepPanes),
$navSteps = $(opts.navSteps),
config = opts.config,
stepPaneCount = sum.apply(null, config), //步骤内容项的总数
currentStep = opts.initStepIndex - 1, //当前步骤项的索引
currentPane = sum.apply(null, config.slice(0, currentStep)) + (opts.initPaneIndex - 1), //当前内容项的索引
maxStepIndex = currentStep, //允许通过直接点击步骤项跳转的最大步骤项位置
$activePane = $stepPanes.eq(currentPane);
$stepPanes.each(function() {
$(this).one('stepLoad', $.proxy(function() {
opts.onPaneLoad.apply(this, [].slice.apply(arguments).concat([currentStep, currentPane]));
}, this));
$navSteps.on('click.step.jump', function() {
var $this = $(this),
step = $this.index(opts.navSteps); //找到当前点击步骤项在所有步骤项中的位置
if (step > maxStepIndex || $this.hasClass('current')) return;
function showStep(targetStep) {
$navSteps.each(function(i) {
var cname = this.className;
cname = $.trim(cname.replace(/current|done/g, ''));
if (i < targetStep) {
cname += ' done';
} else if (i == targetStep) {
cname += ' current';
this.className = cname;
function goStep(step) {
go(getPaneCountBeforeStep(config, step));
function getStepByPaneIndex(targetPane) {
var r = 0,
targetStep = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < stepPaneCount; i++) {
r = r + config[i];
if (targetPane < r) {
targetStep = i;
return targetStep;
function go(targetPane) {
if (targetPane < 0 || targetPane >= stepPaneCount) {
var ret = opts.onBeforePaneChange(currentPane, targetPane, currentStep);
if (ret === false) return;
var $targetPane = $stepPanes.eq(targetPane),
targetStep = getStepByPaneIndex(targetPane);
opts.onPaneChange(currentPane, targetPane, currentStep);
$activePane = $targetPane;
currentPane = targetPane;
var oldStepIndex = currentStep;
currentStep = targetStep;
currentStep > maxStepIndex && (maxStepIndex = currentStep);
if (targetStep !== oldStepIndex) {
opts.onStepJump(oldStepIndex, targetStep);
return {
goStep: function(step) {
goStep(step - 1);
goNext: function() {
go(currentPane + 1);
goPrev: function() {
go(currentPane - 1);
//举例:config: [1,3,1,1], step: 2, pane: 4,就会返回1,表示第三个步骤的第1个步骤内容项的位置
StepJump.getRelativePaneIndex = function(config, step, pane) {
return pane - getPaneCountBeforeStep(config, step) + 1;
function sum() {
var a = [].slice.apply(arguments),
r = 0;
a.forEach(function(n) {
r = r + n;
return r;
//统计在指定的步骤项之前一共有多少个步骤内容项,step从0开始,比如config: [1,3,1,1], 当step=2,就会返回4
function getPaneCountBeforeStep(config, step) {
return sum.apply(null, config.slice(0, step));
return StepJump;
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4. 调用举例


define(function(require, exports, module) {
var $ = require('jquery');
var StepJump = require('components/stepJump'),
stepJump = new StepJump({
config: [1,3,1,1],
stepPanes: '#step-content .step-pane',
navSteps: '#steps > li',
initStepIndex: 1
$(document).on('click.stepPane.switch', '.btn-step', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('next')) {
} else {
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//0 待填写资料,如果每次进入这个页面时是这个状态值,那么就显示【1 入住须知】这个大步骤,表示正在进行该步骤;
//1 待提交资料,如果每次进入这个页面时是这个状态值,那么就显示【2 公司信息提交】这个大步骤,小步骤默认显示它的第一个;
//2 审核未通过,如果每次进入这个页面时是这个状态值,那么就显示【3 等待审核】这个大步骤;
//3 审核已通过,如果每次进入这个页面时是这个状态值,那么就显示【3 等待审核】这个大步骤;
//4 待确认合同,如果每次进入这个页面时是这个状态值,那么就显示【4 合同签订】这个大步骤;
var STEP_STATUS = 3,
MODE = STEP_STATUS == 2 || STEP_STATUS == 4 &#63; 3 : 2, //3表示只读,在公司信息提交步骤只能看不能改
STEP_AUDIT_ALERTS = STEP_STATUS == 3, //这个变量用来控制在等待审核步骤的时候是否给步骤项添加alerts样式
0: 1,
1: 2,
2: 3,
3: 3,
4: 4
STEP_PANES_DATA = [1, 3, 1, 1],
3: {
1: {
onPaneLoad: function(e, currentStep, currentPane, conf) {
var $stepPane = $(this);
conf.vc = new VisibleController($stepPane.children('div'));
$auditStep = $('#audit-step');
} else if (STEP_STATUS == 2 || STEP_STATUS == 4) {
} else {
onLeaveStep: function() {
STEP_AUDIT_ALERTS && $auditStep.removeClass('alerts');
onEnterStep: function(step, conf) {
} else {
4: {
1: {
onPaneLoad: function(e, currentStep, currentPane, conf) {
var $stepPane = $(this);
conf.vc = new VisibleController($stepPane.children('div'));
GET_STEP_PANES_CONFIG = function(step, pane) {
if (pane == undefined) return STEP_PANES_CONFIG[step + 1];
return STEP_PANES_CONFIG[step + 1] && STEP_PANES_CONFIG[step + 1][StepJump.getRelativePaneIndex(STEP_PANES_DATA, step, pane)];
var $auditStep,
stepJump = new StepJump({
stepPanes: '#step-content .step-pane',
navSteps: '#steps > li',
initStepIndex: initStepIndex,
onBeforePaneChange: function(currentPane, targetPane, currentStep) {
var conf = GET_STEP_PANES_CONFIG(currentStep, currentPane);
return conf && conf.onBeforePaneChange && conf.onBeforePaneChange.apply(this, [].slice.apply(arguments).concat[conf]);
onPaneChange: function() {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
onPaneLoad: function(e, currentStep, currentPane) {
var conf = GET_STEP_PANES_CONFIG(currentStep, currentPane);
conf && conf.onPaneLoad && conf.onPaneLoad.apply(this, [].slice.apply(arguments).concat([conf]));
onStepJump: function(currentStep, targetStep) {
var conf = GET_STEP_PANES_CONFIG(currentStep);
conf && conf.onLeaveStep && conf.onLeaveStep(currentStep, conf);
conf = GET_STEP_PANES_CONFIG(targetStep);
conf && conf.onEnterStep && conf.onEnterStep(targetStep, conf);
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5. 小结



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