I post some learning results here, hoping to be helpful to other students learning JQuery, and also record my own learning situation.
After reading some official JQuery tutorials, I was already a little excited, so I decided to try to write something myself. I saw a lot of gorgeous animation effects, and then decided to try it myself. I decided to write an animation effect of circular motion. The js code is posted below
var CircleAnimation = function (center_left, center_top, id, clockwise, duration) {
return new CircleAnimation.fn.init(center_left, center_top, id, clockwise, duration);
CircleAnimation.fn = CircleAnimation.prototype = {
item: {},
function (center_left, center_top, id, clockwise, duration) {
this.item = $("#" id "");
if (!this.item[0])
currentPoint = {
x : this.item.css("left") == "auto" ? 0 : String(this.item.css("left")).replace("px", "") - center_left,
y: this.item.css("top") == "auto" ? 0 : String(this.item.css("top")).replace("px", "") - center_top
center_left = center_left;
center_top = center_top;
if (currentPoint.x == 0 && currentPoint.y == 0)
r = Math.pow(Math.pow(currentPoint .x, 2) Math.pow(currentPoint.y, 2), 0.5);
var flag = false;
var caculateMiniAngle = function (angle) {
//caculate the minimum angle diff, if the distance between 2 points less than 1px, we think this 2 ponits angle should be the minimum angle diff
if (Math.sin(angle / 2) * 2 * r > 1) {
return caculateMiniAngle(angle / 2);
else {
return angle;
miniAngle = caculateMiniAngle(Math.PI / 4);
//store data to dom element
this.item.data("currentPoint", currentPoint);
this.item.data("center_left", center_left);
this.item.data("center_top", center_top);
this.item.data("r", r);
this.item.data("clockwise", clockwise);
this.item.data("miniAngle", miniAngle);
this.item.data("duration", duration);
//this.item.data("startX", this.startX);
function () {
var element;
if (this.id)
element = $("#" this.id.toString());
element = this.item;
element.animate({ left: 1, top: 1 }, {
duration: element.data(
step: CircleAnimation.fn.caculateNextPoint
function () {
var el;
el = $(
"#" this.id.toString());
var sin = el .data("currentPoint").y / el.data("r");
var angle = Math.asin(sin);
if (el.data("currentPoint").x < 0 )
angle = Math.PI - angle;
//caculate the angle diff between current point angle and next point angle
var anglediff = el.data("miniAngle");
if (el .data("duration") != undefined)
anglediff = 2 * Math.PI * 13 / el.data(
if (el.data("clockwise"))
angle = angle - anglediff;
angle = angle anglediff;
var y = el.data("r") * Math.sin(angle);
var x = el .data("r") * Math.cos(angle);
var fx = arguments[1];
//set duration big enough then circle animation never stop
fx.options.duration = (
new Date).getTime() - fx.startTime 10000;
if (fx.prop == "top")
fx.now = y el.data(
if (fx.prop == "left")
fx.now = x el.data(
"currentPoint", { x : x, y: y });
function () {
this.item.queue("fx", []);
this.item. stop();
CircleAnimation.fn.init.prototype = CircleAnimation.fn;