You want to get the value in the hidden field behind the selected checkbox, as follows:
function SelectReceipt()
var checknum = 0;
var customerCode = "";
var type = "";
var url = "";
checknum = $("input:checked").length;
if ( checknum > 1)
alert("Only one record can be selected for payment!");
return false;
alert( checknum);
if (checknum == 1)
customerCode = $("input:checked").next().attr("value"); //Get through the next() method , if you want to get the next hdCustomerName value, you can .next().next().
//customerName = $("input:checked~#hdCustomerName").val();//IE will report an error when using ID, but firefox will not
type = $("input:checked~.hdStatus") .attr("value");//Or get it by using class,
url = 'PreReceiptDeposit.aspx?customerCode=' customerCode '&departmentType=' type;
url = 'PreReceiptDeposit.aspx?customerCode=' '' '&departmentType=' type;
UniversalOpenWindowAndBreak(640, 600, url, 1);
return true;
jQuery--checkbox select/unselect all
jQuery.attr gets/sets the attribute value of the object, such as:
$("input[name='chk_list']").attr("checked"); //Read all names whose name is 'chk_list' 'The status of the object (whether it is selected)
$("input[name='chk_list']").attr("checked",true); //Set checked to true for all objects named 'chk_list'
Another example:
$("#img_1").attr("src","test.jpg"); //Set the value of
src with ID of img_1 to 'test.jpg'
$("#img_1").attr("src"); //Read the
src value with ID img_1
The following code is to get the value of the checkbox selected in the above example:
The following is the code traversed using $.each():