var iframeids = ['memberIndexIframe','inquiryCenterIframe','everychinaBbsIframe'];
var iframehide = "yes";
function dynIframeSize(){
var dyniframe = [];
for(var i=0;iif(!document.getElementById) return false;
dyniframe[i] = document.getElementById(iframeids[i]);
if(dyniframe[i] && !window.opera){
dyniframe[i].style.display = "block";
if(dyniframe[i].contentDocument && dyniframe[i].contentDocument.body.offsetHeight){
dyniframe[i].height = dyniframe[i].contentDocument.body.offsetHeight;
}else if(dyniframe[i].Document && dyniframe[i].Document.body.scrollHeight){
dyniframe[i].height = dyniframe[i].Document.body.scrollHeight;
if((document.all || document.getElement) && iframeids == "no") {
var tempobj = document.all?document.all[iframeids[i]] : document.getElementById(iframeids[i]); = "block";
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", dynIframeSize, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", dynIframeSize)
else {
window.onload = dynIframeSize;
下面这个代码是跨域的iframe高度 项目网站中需要嵌入合作网站的页面,这就需要页面的自适应高度变化,并且是跨域的。在网上看了许多资料,加上自己的实践,终于实现了跨域的IFrame自适应高度。如下:
a.html页面只是用来引入对方页面的一个简单页面 这就不多做介绍。
Compare the height of the visible area of the webpage and the height of the full text of the webpage through Math.max(clientHeight,scrollHeight) to get the larger value,
iframe passes this height to my agent.html through src , so that the Iframe in a.html can adapt to the height of the other party's b.html. There is no problem when tested under IE, but other browsers have not been tested.
In the process of implementing this function, I found a very useful js for getting the page height on the Internet, which is also recorded and quoted here:
<script> <br>var strInfo=" "; <br>strInfo=" rnVisible area width of web page:" document.body .clientWidth; <br>strInfo =" rnThe height of the visible area of the web page: " document.body.clientHeight; <br>strInfo =" The width of the visible area of rn the web page: " document.body.offsetWidth " (including the width of the edge)" ; <br>strInfo =" rnThe height of the visible area of the web page: " document.body.offsetHeight " (including the width of the edge)" ; <br>strInfo =" rnThe width of the full text of the web page: " document.body.scrollWidth; <br>strInfo = " rnHeight of the full text of the webpage:" document.body.scrollHeight; <br>strInfo =" rnThe height of the webpage being scrolled:" document.body.scrollTop; <br>strInfo =" rnThe left side of the webpage being scrolled:" document.body.scrollLeft; <br>strInfo =" rnThe main body of the web page:" window.screenTop; <br>strInfo =" rnThe main body of the web page:" window.screenLeft; <br>strInfo =" rnScreen resolution The height: " window.screen.height; <br>strInfo =" rnThe width of the screen resolution: " window.screen.width; <br>strInfo =" rnThe height of the available work area of the screen: " window.screen.availHeight; <br>strInfo =" rnScreen available workspace width:" window.screen.availWidth; <br>window.confirm(strInfo); <br></script>