I saw that the query string was formatted through the js array split method in the project, and I suddenly wondered why I couldn't use regular expressions. How is the performance? So we have the following code:
var url='www .baidu.com?a=123&b=456&c=789&e=dfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf&f=46545454545454785&g=e23232dsfvdfvdf';
* Formatted query string (regular implementation)
* @param url url address
* @return {Object} Formatted json object
function formatUrl(url){
var reg=/(?: [?&] )([^&] )=([^&] )/g;
var data={};
function fn(str,pro,value){
data[decodeURIComponent( pro)]=decodeURIComponent(value);
return data;
* Formatted query string (array implementation)
* @param url url address
* @return {Object} Formatted json object
function formatUrl2(url){
var args={},
items=url.length?url.split("&") :[]
for(i=0;iitem= items[i].split("=");
return args;
var startTime=new Date();
for(var i=0;i<1000000;i ){
console.log('formatUrl2',( new Date()-startTime)); //formatUrl2 12138
startTime=new Date();
for(var i=0;i<1000000;i ){
console.log('formatUrl',(new Date()-startTime)); //formatUrl 12537
The test browser is chrme 25; the regular implemented function is actually better than the array The implemented function should be slower (tears...). But fortunately, it is only 0.4 seconds slower when repeated a million times.