The top five cryptocurrency exchanges by market capitalization are: Binance FTXCoinbaseKuCoinHuobi Global
Cryptocurrency exchange market capitalization ranking
Market Cap
Market cap refers to the total value of all circulating tokens or stocks on a cryptocurrency exchange, calculated by multiplying its token or stock price by the number in circulation .
Market Cap Ranking
As of February 2023, the top five cryptocurrency exchanges by market cap are as follows:
Detailed Analysis
Binance: Binance is the world’s largest crypto Currency exchange with over 100 million active users. It supports hundreds of cryptocurrencies and various trading pairs, and offers a wide range of trading tools and services.
FTX: FTX is a cryptocurrency derivatives exchange based in The Bahamas. It specializes in futures, options and leverage trading and provides services to institutional and retail investors.
Coinbase: Coinbase is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States with over 90 million active users. It is known for its user-friendliness, robust security features, and regulatory compliance.
KuCoin: KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange based in Seychelles. It offers multiple cryptocurrencies and trading pairs, and supports cryptocurrency lending, staking, and trading bots.
Huobi Global: Huobi Global is a cryptocurrency exchange based in Seychelles. It offers over 600 cryptocurrencies and trading pairs, and offers fiat currency gateways, futures trading, and mining pool services.
The above is the detailed content of Cryptocurrency exchange market capitalization ranking. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!