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Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Release: 2024-08-05 20:43:00
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On April 18, 2024, Beijing Bose Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Bose Quantum") successfully held the 2024 new product launch conference in Wangjing, Beijing, with the theme of "Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power" , released a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computers - "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" and Kaiwu SDK and other core research results, fully demonstrating the integration of quantum computing and AI, and is the starting point for practical quantum computing .

In 2024, quantum technology will be an important part of the development of future industries and new productive forces. Beijing’s future industrial layout clearly proposes to build a global quantum information industry technological innovation highland and cultivate a quantum industry ecology. As a representative leading enterprise in practical quantum computing in China, Bose Quantum has achieved a series of groundbreaking breakthroughs in the "Quantum Computing +" industry. This new product release is not only another important milestone for Bose Quantum, but also demonstrates the company’s innovative strength in the field of practical quantum technology. It will also help my country seize the opportunity in the global quantum technology competition and achieve high-quality quantum technology development. make a contribution.
Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Chaoyang Garden Management Committee (District Science and Technology Bureau) Yang Hongfu

Party of the Chaoyang Garden Management Committee (District Science and Technology Bureau) Yang Hongfu, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee, mentioned in his speech that Beijing Bose Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. is a representative of an outstanding entrepreneurial team that emerged during the proactive layout of future industries in Chaoyang District. In more than three years, we have built a high-level team and laboratory from scratch, continue to focus on the research and development and industrial implementation of practical optical quantum computing platforms, and insist on cooperating with universities, research institutes, and application companies on research and development , actively exploring applications in AI, finance, communications, biomedicine, transportation and other fields, and has now become a representative enterprise in the field of quantum information in Chaoyang District and even Beijing.

Dr. Wen Kai: "Quantum computing + AI" is the starting point of practical quantum computing

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer
Founder of Bose Quantum & CEO Dr. Wen Kai’s speech
One of the themes of today’s conference, “Integration of new qualities”, refers to the integration of quantum computing and AI and is the starting point for practical quantum computing.

Dr. Wen Kai took everyone to review the development history of AI deep learning and large models represented by LeNet-5, AlexNet, Transformer and GPT. This series of disruptive innovations and world-changing work stems from three key pillars: computing power represented by GPUs, development kits represented by parallel computing architecture, and AI algorithms represented by deep neural networks.

As the core of future industries in new productivity, quantum computing has great potential to break through the limits of traditional computing and lead the development of future science and technology.

Entering the quantum AI era, we will also redefine the above three pillars, with basic computing power represented by the new generation coherent light quantum computer

"Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W"

with 550 computational qubits, "Kaiwu" The combination of the development kit represented by "SDK" and the "quantum algorithm" jointly developed with multi-industry ecological partners, has laid a solid three pillars for continuing to break through the boundaries of practical quantum computing and changing the future.

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

"Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" unveiling scene

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

550 computing qubit coherent light quantum computer - "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W"

Dr. Wei Hai: Deconstructing the technical secrets of "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" + "Kaiwu SDK"

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Bose Quantum CTO Dr. Wei Hai’s speech

The powerful computing power and precise operating performance of optical quantum computing enable coherent optical quantum computers to show unparalleled advantages in solving complex problems, optimizing algorithms and optimizing AI neural network structures.

Computing power pillar: 550 computing qubit Tiangong quantum brain 550W

In 2023, we released 100 computing qubit coherent light quantum computer - "Tiangong" Quantum Brain 100”?. Over the past year, customers have reported that more qubits and stronger computing power are needed to support the development of more practical applications.

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

The "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" released by Bose Quantum is based on the self-developed heterogeneous optical path architecture of "space optical path + optical fiber optical path" and uses coherent light pulse phase encoding to prepare qubits; through The special fiber optic constant temperature control device for optical quantum computing - Dial, realizes the storage of more than 550 qubits. Through the independently developed optical quantum measurement and control all-in-one machine - "Quantum Pivot 2.0", based on the introduction of the parameter matrix of the calculation problem, It has achieved computing power increased by 70% GMACs, sampling accuracy increased by 2.7 times, SoC architecture, response speed increased by 200%, automatic calibration bias, automatic electrical signal alignment, automatic dimming and automatic control. In one, it can control, read and execute fast feedback at the same time to control 550 computing qubits in microseconds. Currently, Bose Quantum has successfully achieved the stable preparation and control of 550 dedicated optical qubits, achieving hybrid optical and electrical computing. "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" now has outstanding performance advantages such as high-power state preparation, high-fidelity memory, low-noise environmental control, and adaptive error correction

, and can achieve long-term stable operation of more than 12 hours/time.

In terms of computing power advantage, "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" can solve mathematical problems with up to
more than 550 variables
, and the scale of coupling links reaches
, which is "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" 28 times of brain 100”. As the scale of the problem increases, the actual computational complexity also increases exponentially. "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" has realized for the first time in China 550 nodes fully connected and programmable Max-Cut problem coherent optical quantum computing solution, which can be solved in It performs parallel searches in a huge solution space within several milliseconds to find optimal solutions, achieving tens of thousands of timesspeedup compared to classical computing on practical application problems! The solution probability of reaching 99% of the optimal solution is 99%!
Bose Quantum will provide customers with different versions - exploration version and enterprise version to meet the application needs of different customers.

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer
SDK Pillar: Kaiwu SDK Development Kit

"Kaiwu SDK" development kit is one of the most important modules of "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W". It is also one of the three most important pillars for the development of the quantum AI era.
"Kaiwu SDK"
On the one hand, it manages the mapping of the underlying hardware of the quantum system, and on the other hand, it connects real-world scenarios and data issues, with the purpose of allowing problems in real scenarios to be effectively transformed into hardware relationships on the underlying quantum system. Help users run calculations.

Currently, Bose Quantum’s self-developed “Kaiwu SDK” development kit has achieved automation in three aspects: QUBO model conversion, automatic parameter adjustment, and real machine simulation. Users only need to pay attention to the mathematical model, and the SDK can automatically decompose complex algorithms, achieve intelligent optimization, and solve constraint problems with one click. Simulation programming can be solved without accessing a real machine. The combination of "Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W" and "Kaiwu SDK" can achieve automatic price reduction, adaptive constraints, and automatic disassembly, which effectively helps users simplify high-order models into QUBO models, making calculations more efficient; ensuring accuracy Balance to achieve both speed and accuracy; automatically decompose large-scale problems into a collection of small-scale problems, so that it can be applied to solving larger-scale computing tasks in the NISQ era of quantum computing.

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Obviously, "Kaiwu SDK" facilitates users to only focus on mathematical models. It is based on Python and can be adapted to any IDE environment, fully reflecting the performance advantages of "easy to use" and "all-round".

Ma Yin: "Classical computing power + quantum computing power" is the ultimate answer to break the game

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Founder & COO of Bose Quantum Ma Yin’s speech

The single calculation time of “Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W” is 5.4ms, which is 100 times faster than the time it takes for a bottle of water to fall to the ground.

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Quantum computing has never been used to replace classical computing power. The seamless integration of quantum computing power and classical computing power is the ultimate answer to truly solve the computing power problems in various industries, and will also achieve stronger The resonance and improvement of computing power will fully realize "the integration of new qualities and the resonance of computing power".

Take the user problem of the computing center as an example. The unified software platform will first decompose the task into CPU-adapted, GPU-adapted, and QC-adapted subtasks. Different computing subtasks will be passed to the bottom layer through different computing power interfaces. Hardware, even in a computing task, quantum computers need to be frequently linked with classical computers to achieve fusion acceleration. The final calculation results will be jointly processed through a unified software platform and the final calculation results will be output to the user. This will be a popular computing model in the future, that is, "non-sense computing". Starting from the business itself, there is no need to pay attention to the underlying hardware.

For today’s quantum computing ecosystem, the most critical step is to find suitable application scenarios, which is also the main goal of Bose Quantum to continuously expand the ecosystem. Therefore, we built a “scenario funnel.” Kaiwu SDK can greatly lower the threshold for developers. Whether they are universities, enterprises, individual developers or other users, they can understand the use methods and capabilities of quantum computing power at a purely mathematical level without having to learn the principles of quantum physics, and develop Adapt quantum algorithms to their fields and complete data verification on real quantum computers.

When users from thousands of industries participate in the quantum computing ecosystem, the ultimate goal can be achieved: finding scenarios where quantum computing can be scaled up and used frequently.

Currently, through a year of practical commercial practice of quantum computing, Bose Quantum has discovered that quantum computing has exerted huge computing advantages in two major scenarios: combinatorial optimization and artificial intelligence. At the same time, Bose Quantum has teamed up with ecological partners to achieve a series of important breakthroughs in computing power scheduling, molecular docking, virtual power plants, quantum graph clustering algorithms, quantum deep learning training and other industry scenarios.

Algorithm pillar: Quantum AI algorithm

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Professor Li Shengbo of the School of Vehicles and Transportation, Tsinghua University

Im Bereich „Quantencomputing + Künstliche Intelligenz“ hielt Professor Li Shengbo von der School of Vehicles and Transportation der Tsinghua-Universität einen wunderbaren Vortrag zum Thema „Optical Quantum Machine Training of Multi-Layer“. Neuronale Netze". Die Forschungsgruppe hat kürzlich einen Ising-Trainingsalgorithmus für mehrschichtige neuronale Netze vorgeschlagen, der der weltweit erste Deep-Learning-Trainingsalgorithmus für kohärente Ising-Maschinen (CIM) ist und einen wichtigen Durchbruch auf dem Gebiet des Quantentrainings neuronaler Netze darstellt. Das Rechenprinzip von CIM ist Quantenparallelität. „Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W“ kann große binäre Optimierungsprobleme innerhalb von Millisekunden lösen und bietet damit einen weiteren möglichen Weg für das Modelltraining im KI-Zeitalter. Dies ist auch die dritte Säule, die die Entwicklung des praktischen Quantencomputings im Zeitalter der Quanten-KI durchbricht.

Wunderbare Reden der Partner

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Huang Junhan, Leiter der wissenschaftlichen Computerplattform, Shenzhen BGI Life Sciences Research Institute

Im Bereich der Biowissenschaften hielt Huang Junhan, Leiter der wissenschaftlichen Computerplattform des Shenzhen BGI Life Sciences Research Institute, eine wundervolle Rede. Huang Junhan erwähnte, dass der kohärente Lichtquantencomputer „Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W“ der neuen Generation von Bose Quantum die Lösung komplexer biologischer Informationsprobleme beschleunigen und neue Möglichkeiten für die biowissenschaftliche Forschung eröffnen kann.

Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer
Stellvertretender General Manager der Informationstechnologieabteilung der Huaxia Bank, Chief Data Scientist von Longying Zhida (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. Wang Yanbo

Im Finanzbereich stellvertretender General Manager für Information Die Technologieabteilung der Huaxia Bank, Longying Wang Yanbo, Chefdatenwissenschaftler von Zhida (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., hielt eine wunderbare Rede. Wang Yanbo erwähnte, dass Bose Quantums selbst entwickeltes „Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W“ bei der Lösung von Optimierungsproblemen von 99zugrunde liegenden Anlagezielen10Anlageportfolios die erschöpfende Methode klassischer Berechnungen übertreffen kann Die Geschwindigkeit beträgt Hunderte Der Algorithmus übertrifft den klassischen rechnergestützten Simulated-Annealing-Optimierungsalgorithmus millionenfach, tausendfach, um effektive Lösungen zu erzielen wurde ZehntausendfachGeschwindigkeit erfolgreich gelöst.

Cui Xiaolin, ein Quantenfinanzexperte der Ping An Bank, hielt eine wunderbare Rede.

Cui Xiaolin erwähnte, dass Bose Quantum einer der wichtigsten strategischen Partner der Ping An Bank ist. Die Ping An Bank hat ihre selbst entwickelten Quantenalgorithmen mehrfach auf echten Bose-Quantencomputern verifiziert und zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse erzielt. Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computerPing An Bank hat derzeit den realen Maschinenservice von Bose Quantum Computer zur realen Geschäftsoptimierung eingesetzt und wird in Zukunft weitere Finanzszenarioanwendungen mit Bose Quantum erkunden.

Wang Peng, Direktor/Dekan des Forschungsinstituts von Guangdian Wuzhou Technology Co., Ltd.Integration of new qualities and resonance of computing power: Bose Quantum releases a new generation of 550 computational qubit coherent optical quantum computer

Im Bereich Intelligentes Rechnen, Wang Peng, Direktor/Dekan des Forschungsinstituts von Guangdian Wuzhou Technology Co., Ltd. hielt eine Rede. Tolle Rede. Wang Peng erwähnte, dass Radio und Fernsehen Wuzhou in Zukunft seine Kräfte mit Bose Quantum bündeln werden, um gemeinsam die Integration mehrerer Rechenleistungen zu erforschen und die qualitativ hochwertige Entwicklung von „Quantitäts-Superfusion“

zu beschleunigen. Das China Electronics Technology Research Institute, Mobile Cloud und Bose Quantum haben eine Kooperation geschlossen


Cai Aihua, Chefexperte der China Electronics Group Corporation/Technischer Direktor des Quantum Technology Yangtze River Delta Industrial Innovation Center, Qian Ling, Chefexperte von China Mobile/Chefwissenschaftler des Cloud Competence Center, und Dr. Wen Kai, Gründer & CEO von Bose Quantum, leitete das Treffen. Die Kooperation wurde vor Ort unterzeichnet.

Die drei Parteien werden gemeinsam eine Reihe einflussreicher praktischer Quantencomputer-Demonstrationsprojekte aufbauen und die Integration des Quantencomputers mit realen Szenarien neuer Produktivität wie Bilderkennung, kombinatorischer Optimierung, künstlicher Intelligenz, Quantensimulation usw. beschleunigen Umfassende und umfassende Förderung der praktischen Demonstration des Quantencomputings in Tausenden von Branchen und Förderung der dynamischen Entwicklung der Rechenleistungswirtschaft. Darüber hinaus werden die drei Parteien gemeinsam die Integration mehrerer Rechenleistungen erforschen, den Bau hochwertiger, hochenergieeffizienter neuer Rechenleistungszentren mit „Quanten-Superfusion“ beschleunigen, die Infrastrukturversorgung mit Rechenleistung fördern und Quantencomputerleistung wirklich nutzen, um alle Lebensbereiche in der Sozialwirtschaft zu bedienen und deren digitale Transformation nachhaltig zu unterstützen.

Die erfolgreiche Durchführung dieser Pressekonferenz stellt nicht nur die tiefe Integration von Quantencomputing und klassischem Computing in neue Qualitätsproduktivität dar, sondern demonstriert auch die Innovationskraft und Branchenführerschaft von Bose Quantum und markiert auch die praktische Quantenwissenschaft und die Technologie ist in eine neue Entwicklungsstufe eingetreten.

In Zukunft wird Bose Quantum die ökologische Zusammenarbeit wie „Industrie, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Anwendung“ auf Basis der drei Säulen „Tiangong Quantum Brain 550W“, „Kaiwu SDK“ und „Quantum Algorithm“ weiter stärken und dies auch weiterhin tun Ich werde mich der Entwicklung optischer Quantencomputertechnologie und der praktischen Förderung widmen und mit ökologischen Partnern zusammenarbeiten, um gemeinsam eine international wettbewerbsfähige Quantencomputer-Industriekette und ein Ökosystem zu schaffen und weiterhin dazu beizutragen, dass mein Land zu einer Macht der Quantentechnologie wird.

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