Many users are using Sogou High-Speed Browser, but do you know how to uninstall extensions from Sogou High-Speed Browser? The following article describes how to uninstall extensions from Sogou High-Speed Browser. Interested users can take a look below. How to uninstall extensions from Sogou High-speed Browser? How to uninstall extensions from Sogou High-speed Browser. First, we open Sogou High-speed Browser, and then right-click on the extension in the upper right corner of the page
Here, if the extension we want to uninstall is displayed above, we can directly click to uninstall. If No, we click to enter extension management Then in the extension management interface, move the mouse to the extension you want to uninstall, click the delete symbol in the upper right corner of the extension, as shown in the picture Select OK to uninstall to successfully uninstall It’s time to expandOf course, for some extensions that we may want to use in the future, we can click to disable the extension, and click to enable it when we want to use itThe above is the detailed content of How to uninstall extensions from Sogou High-speed Browser How to uninstall extensions from Sogou High-speed Browser. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!