In the vast world of "Singing Tide", the "Gunhead Advanced Test" documentary mission is unique and brings a different kind of challenge to players. The mission is hidden within the Donglu Research Station and requires players to participate in an engaging mini-game. The detailed strategy has been carefully compiled by php editor Xiaoxin. Following his guidance, let us embark on this wonderful journey and uncover the mystery of the mission.
1. The mission trigger location is as shown below, which is the location of the Donglu Research Station :
2. Arrive at the target location and talk to the designated NPC to start the mission, and enter the mini-game through the cannon next to it;
3. The rules of the mini-game are very simple. Use the cannon to attack the target. If you score more than 2000, you can complete the mission through the mini-game.
The above is the detailed content of 'Ming Tide' Gunhead Advanced Test Chronicle Mission Guide. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!