The first time I made a plug-in, I had already written it. Later I found a jquery plug-in template, so I took it and used it. The name is jquery.boilerplate.js. My understanding is not very deep, and I don’t understand many efficiency issues.
Originally, I was an developer, but many people in the company, including artists, were not very good at js. There were so many js changes in the project that it made my head spin. I came up with the idea of writing a plug-in, so I followed the same pattern. In the process of writing the plug-in, I also learned the object-oriented nature of JS. I have a deeper understanding of js and some efficiency issues. There was a project in the past where I wrote more than 600 lines of js files for a single page. They are all written in a function-oriented and process-oriented manner. It’s too messy to look back on. Well, let’s talk about the plug-ins first.
(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
// Create the defaults once
var pluginName = "AmSetPager",
defaults = {
pagerName: "pager ", //Paging container
viewCount: 5, //How many pieces of data can be displayed
dataCount: 0, //If data is fetched in the background, how much is the total number (static ones are not used)
selectClass: "selectno" , //Selected style
listCount:10, //How many pagination numbers are displayed (excluding the previous page and next page)
, when mode=default, the value needs to be set to more than 5 enablePrevNext:true, //Allow the previous page and the next page to be displayed
enableFirst:true, //Allow only one page Display page number in the case of page
template:"default", //Template (currently only default)
mode:"static", //"url" or "ajax"
urlparameter:" ", //url parameters, followed by aa=1&bb=2...
callback:null //Callback function (ajax data or static can also be used)
// The actual plugin constructor
function Plugin( element, options ) {
this.element = element;
this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
//this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
//Get url parameters
var getQueryString = function ( name) {
var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" name "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i");
var r = window.location .search.substr(1).match(reg);
if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return undefined;
//Static template data display
var Bind_StaticData = function($content,minnum,maxnum) {
if (minnum > 0) {
$content.children(":gt(" (minnum - 1) "):lt(" maxnum ")").css("display", "block");
} else {
$content.children(":lt(" maxnum ")").css("display", "block" );
$content.children(":lt(" (minnum) ")").css("display", "none");
$content.children(":gt( " (maxnum - 1) ")").css("display", "none");
//Create the SetPager class
var SetPager = function (options,pageCount){
this.op = options;
this.pageCount = pageCount;
SetPager.prototype = {
//Format into a element
FormatStr: function(pageNo, pageText) {
var href = this.op.mode=='url'?location.pathname "?" this.op.urlparameter "&p=" pageNo:"javascript:void(0);" ;
if (typeof (pageText) == "number") {
return "
" pageText "";
return "
" pageText "";
//Selected state a element
FormatStrIndex : function(pageNo){
return "
" pageNo "";
//Default template initialization Page number collection
InitDefaultList: function(_pageIndex){
throw new Error("listCount must be lager than 5"); //listCount>5
var pageIndex = parseFloat(_pageIndex); //Convert to number
var ns = new Array();
var numList = new Array(this.op.listCount);
if (pageIndex >= this .op.listCount) {
numList[0] = 1;
numList[1] = "…";
var infront = 0;
var inback = 0;
var inflag = Math.floor((this.op.listCount-2)/2);
infront = inflag-1;
inback = inflag;
infront = inflag;
inback = inflag;
if (pageIndex inback >= this.pageCount) {
for (i = this.pageCount - (this.op.listCount-3); i < this.pageCount 1; i ) {
for (j = 0; j <= (this .op.listCount-3); j ) {
numList[j 2] = ns[j];
for (i = pageIndex - infront; i <= pageIndex inback ; i ) {
for (j = 0; j < (this.op.listCount-2); j ) {
numList[j 2 ] = ns[j];
} else {
if (this.pageCount >= this.op.listCount) {
for (i = 0; i < this.op .listCount; i ) {
numList[i] = i 1;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < this.pageCount; i ) {
numList [i] = i 1;
return numList;
//Generate page number
InitPager: function(pageIndex){
$("#" this.op.pagerName).html('');
return null;
var array = new Array();
//var finalarr = new Array();
var $con = $("#" this.op.pagerName);
switch(this .op.template){ //Select template
case 'default':array = this.InitDefaultList(pageIndex,this.pageCount);break;
default:array = this.InitDefaultList(pageIndex,this.pageCount) ;
if(!array instanceof Array){
throw new Error("is not array");
if(array.length!=this.op.listCount) {
throw new Error("array.length error:" array.length);
$con.append(this.FormatStr( pageIndex-1,'previous page'));
for(var i=0;i
if(typeof array[i]=='undefined' ){
}else if(typeof array[i]=='number'){
if(pageIndex$con.append(this.FormatStr(pageIndex 1,'下一页'));
//$("#" this.op.pagerName).append(finalarr);
Plugin.prototype = {
init: function() {
var options = this.options;
var $thisbase = $(this.element);
var $content;
var count = options.mode=='static'?$content.children().length:options.dataCount;
var eachcount = options.viewCount;
var totalpage = Math.ceil(count / eachcount);
var $pager = $("#" options.pagerName);
var setpager = new SetPager(options,totalpage); //init
var urlindex = getQueryString("p");
if(options.mode=='static'&&typeof options.callback!='function'){
$pager.bind("click",function(e){ //click事件
if(!='A') return;
var $this = $(;
$this.removeAttr("href").siblings().attr("href", "javascript:void(0);");//..
var indexnum = parseInt($this.html())==$this.html()?parseInt($this.html()):parseInt($this.attr('i'));
var maxnum = (indexnum * eachcount);
var minnum = (indexnum - 1) * eachcount;
throw new Error("mode must be selected:static,url,ajax");
if(options.mode=='static'&&typeof options.callback!='function'){
Bind_StaticData($content,minnum, maxnum);
$.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" pluginName)) {
$.data(this, "plugin_" pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ));
})( jQuery, window, document );
urlparameter is the passed parameter, and the display of each page and the total number of data must also be set. Click page number 3, the url address bar is: test.htm?ss=1&ee=2&p=3
The plug-in may be a bit bloated, and many places are unreasonable. I hope everyone can download it and give it a try, so that a newbie can grow, thank you