1. Specify the subpage content to be displayed in a div on the main page, where renderContainer can be the id or name of the main page div
url: url,
data: parameters,
type: "GET",
dataType: "html ",
success:function (html) {
$(renderContainer).attr("title", title);
$(renderContainer). dialog({
autoOpen: true,
width: 590,
height: 720,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
draggable: true
2. Select the specified ID of the specified attribute of the specified table to perform a certain action
$(".tbl_checked tr[userid='" idArray[i] "']").remove();
3. Delay loading trigger event, select the checked checkbox whose id contains the "userid" field, and put their id in the idArray array
var idArray = [];
if($(this).attr("checked") == "checked") {
3. Another way to select the checkbox whose id contains the "userid" field and is checked
selectedRoleIdArray.push(parseInt($(this). val()));
4. Simple and practical click to change the style
$(".tbl_checked tr").live('click', function(){
var target = $(this);
if(target.attr("class") == "tr_checked") {
} else {
target.addClass ("tr_checked");
5. The time comparison in "2012-12-21" format needs to be converted first
var compareTime = Date.parse(setTime.replace(/-/g, "/") ; > The code is as follows:
(function ($) {
var FormatDateTime = function FormatDateTime() { };
var s=year "-" month "-" day;
return s ;
}) (jQuery);
The last is a similar two-way list made with jquery, which can exchange content left and right
Copy code
The code is as follows:
//Click to load user list, role user list
$(".add_remove_user").live('click',function() {
var rid = $(".current").attr("id").substring("ut_".length);
changeroleDialog(changeroleRoute.url(), {id: rid}, ".set_user_list");
$(".tbl_checked tr").live('click', function(){
var target = $ (this);
if(target.attr("class") == "tr_checked") {
} else {
target.addClass(" tr_checked");
$(".tb1_role_checked tr").live('click', function(){
var target = $(this);
if(target.attr("class") == "tr_checked_1") {
} else {
if($(".tb1_role_checked tr").first().attr("default_value")=='noResult'){
var table = $(".tb1_role_checked");
$(".tb1_role_checked tr").remove();
var tr = $("
.append($(" | ").html('Name'))
.append($(" | ").html ('account'))
var element = $(this);
var id = element.attr("param_id")
var name = element.attr("param_name")
var account = element.attr("param_account ")
var table = $(".tb1_role_checked");
var tr = $("
.append($(" | ").html(element.attr("param_name")))
.append($(" | ").html(element.attr("param_account")))
tr.insertAfter( $(".tb1_role_checked tr").first());
if($(".tbl_checked tr").first().attr("default_value")=='noResult'){
var table = $(".tbl_checked");
$( ".tbl_checked tr").remove();
var tr = $("
.append($(" | ").html('Name'))
.append($(" | ").html('Account'))
var element = $(this);
var id = element. attr("param_roleid");
var name = element.attr("param_rolename");
var account = element.attr("param_roleaccount");
var table = $(".tbl_checked") ;
var tr = $("
.append($(" | ").html(element.attr("param_rolename")))
.append($(" | //table.insertBefore(tr, $(".tbl_checked tr").first());
tr.insertAfter($( ".tbl_checked tr").first());
That’s all for now , the above code is not perfect yet, and I hope you will give me your advice on areas that need improvement.