element.clientWidth //The actual width of the element, not counting the border
element.clientHeight //The actual height of the element, not counting the border
element.offsetWidth //Element The actual width of the element, plus the border
element.offsetHeight //The actual height of the element, plus the border
element.scrollWidth //There are many opinions about this, I tested it and it should be the element Actual width - width of the scroll bar
element.scrollHeight //There are many opinions about this. I tested it and it should be the actual height of the element - height of the scroll bar
element.offsetLeft // Relative The distance from the parent object, if position is set to relative under ie, it is the distance relative to the window
element.offsetTop // The distance relative to the parent object, if position is set to relative under ie, it is relative Distance from window
window.screenLeft //Distance between the current window and the screen only for IE
window.screenX //Distance between the current window and the screen not for IE
window.innerWidth //Current window size (inner) not for IE
window.outerWidth //Current window size (outer) not for IE
window.screen .width //Current screen resolution
window.screen.availWidth //Current screen available resolution