If you don’t want to see clear text in the url, such as http://localhost:8080/template_1/login.action?user=张三
, you can use js’s encodeURI and URLDecoder.decode together to decode the url. Under encryption
(1) JS puts the data on the page var val = encodeURI(encodeURI("The value to be transmitted to the server is the value")); //Call encodeURI 2 times
href= "<%=basePath%>recordManager/test_js_decodeURI.action?params=" val
(2) Server side like this
HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest();
String vString = request.getParameter("params");
System.out. println("Before conversion:" vString);
String deString = URLDecoder.decode(vString, "UTF-8");
System.out.println("After conversion:" deString);
UTF-8 is consistent with the encoding on the page. For example: pageEncoding="UTF-8" on the jsp page, here is UTF-8
You can see it by right-clicking on the encoding on IE. If pageEncoding="UTF-8" on jsp, the right-click encoding on ie is uncode (UTF-8), if pageEncoding="GBK" on jsp, then the right-click encoding on ie (simplified Chinese gb2312)