I wonder why the timestamp passed from PHP to JS for processing is always mismatched. It turns out that the JS timestamp is 13 digits, including 3 digits of milliseconds, while PHP only has 10 digits that do not include milliseconds.
var nowtime = (new Date).getTime();/*当前时间戳*/ /*转换时间,计算差值*/ function comptime(beginTime,endTime){ var secondNum = parseInt((endTime-beginTime*1000)/1000);//计算时间戳差值 if(secondNum>=0&&secondNum<60){ return secondNum+'秒前'; } else if (secondNum>=60&&secondNum<3600){ var nTime=parseInt(secondNum/60); return nTime+'分钟前'; } else if (secondNum>=3600&&secondNum<3600*24){ var nTime=parseInt(secondNum/3600); return nTime+'小时前'; } else{ var nTime = parseInt(secondNum/86400); return nTime+'天前'; } } t = comptime(timestamp,nowtime);//timestamp为PHP通过ajax回传的时间戳