abbr.through-the-lens (camera-flash monitor) through the lens (camera flash monitor); time to live survival time; lifetime; transistor-transistor logic transistor-transistor logic
redis TTL command syntax
Function:Returns the remaining survival time (TTL, time to live) of the given key in seconds.
Syntax:TTL key
Description:Before Redis 2.8, when the key does not exist, or the key does not have a remaining survival time set, the command Both return -1 .
Available versions:>= 1.0.0
Time complexity:O(1)
Return:When key does not exist, return -2. When the key exists but the remaining survival time is not set, -1 is returned. Otherwise, returns the remaining lifetime of key in seconds.
redis TTL command example
# 不存在的 key redis> FLUSHDB OK redis> TTL key (integer) -2 # key 存在,但没有设置剩余生存时间 redis> SET key value OK redis> TTL key (integer) -1 # 有剩余生存时间的 key redis> EXPIRE key 10086 (integer) 1 redis> TTL key (integer) 10084