Detaillierte Erläuterung von Beispielen des Transaktionsdateimanagers

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推荐一个文件事物管理 Transactional File Manager


Transactional File Manager ist eine .NET-API, die das Einbeziehen von Dateisystemvorgängen wie Dateikopie, Verschieben, Löschen, Anhängen usw. in einer Transaktion. Es handelt sich um eine Implementierung von System.Transaction.IEnlistmentNotification (funktioniert mit System.Transactions.TransactionScope).

Mit dieser Bibliothek können Sie Dateisystemvorgänge in Transaktionen wie diese einschließen:

// Wrap a file copy and a database insert in the same transactionTxFileManager fileMgr = new TxFileManager();using (TransactionScope scope1 = new TransactionScope())
{// Copy a file
fileMgr.Copy(srcFileName, destFileName);// Insert a database record
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Aktuell Funktionen

  • Unterstützt die folgenden Dateivorgänge in Transaktionen:

    • AppendAllText

    • Kopieren

    • Verzeichnis erstellen

    • Verzeichnis löschen

    • Datei löschen

    • Verschieben

    • Snapshot

    • WriteAllText

    • WriteAllBytes

Diese Bibliothek unterstützt jedes Dateisystem und ist kein Wrapper für transaktionales NTFS (siehe AlphaFS).


// Completely unrealistic example showing how various file operations, including operations done // by library/3rd party code, can participate in transactions.IFileManager fileManager = new TxFileManager();using (TransactionScope scope1 = new TransactionScope())
{    fileManager.WriteAllText(inFileName, xml);    // Snapshot allows any file operation to be part of our transaction.
    // All we need to know is the file name.
    //The statement below tells the TxFileManager to remember the state of this file.
    // So even though XslCompiledTransform has no knowledge of our TxFileManager, the file it creates (outFileName)
    // will still be restored to this state in the event of a rollback.
    fileManager.Snapshot(outFileName);    XslCompiledTransform xsl = new XslCompiledTransform(true);    xsl.Load(uri);    xsl.Transform(inFileName, outFileName);    // write to database 1. This database op will get committed/rolled back along with the file operations we are doing in this transaction.
    myDb1.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1);    // write to database 2. The transaction is promoted to a distributed transaction here.
    myDb2.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2);    // let's delete some files
    for (string fileName in filesToDelete)
    }    // Just for kicks, let's start a new nested  transaction. Since we specify RequiresNew here, this nested transaction
    // will be committed/rolled back separately from the main transaction.
    // Note that we can still use the same fileManager instance. It knows how to sort things out correctly.
    using (TransactionScope scope2 = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOptions.RequiresNew))
    {        fileManager.MoveFile(anotherFile, anotherFileDest);
    }    // move some files
    for (string fileName in filesToMove)
        fileManager.Move(fileName, GetNewFileName(fileName));
    }    // Finally, let's create a few temporary files...
    // disk space has to be used for something.
    // The nice thing about FileManager.GetTempFileName is that
    // The temp file will be cleaned up automatically for you when the TransactionScope completes.
    // No more worries about temp files that get left behind.
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
        fileManager.WriteAllText(fileManager.GetTempFileName(), "testing 1 2");
    }    scope1.Complete();    // In the event an exception occurs, everything done here will be rolled back including the output xsl file.}
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这是一个开源项目。原始项目网站是  事务文件管理器.

版权所有(c)2008-2013 Chinh Do

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