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  • Functional Patterns: Interfaces and Functors
    Functional Patterns: Interfaces and Functors
    This is part 3 of a series of articles entitled Functional Patterns. Make sure to check out the rest of the articles! The Monoid Compositions and Implicitness Generics and Typeclasses To be correct, a function must type-check, and is
    Golang 305 2024-07-18 21:18:51
  • Golang: get package from own gitlab private repository with SSH
    Golang: get package from own gitlab private repository with SSH
    Step 1 : Generate SSH token RSA in local computer with ssh-keygen Step 2 : Add ssh token to gitlab step 3 : Run shell RUN ssh-keyscan -t rsa gitlab.kplabs.id >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts step 4 : Run shell Git configuration git config --global
    Golang 757 2024-07-18 20:52:40
  • Dealing with Race Conditions: A Practical Example
    Dealing with Race Conditions: A Practical Example
    In your career, you'll encounter Schrödinger's cat problems, situations that sometimes work and sometimes don't. Race conditions are one of these challenges (yes, just one!). Throughout this blog post, I'll present a real-world example, demonstrate
    Golang 888 2024-07-18 14:47:22
  • Maintaining an open-source backup tool: insights and more
    Maintaining an open-source backup tool: insights and more
    Backup strategies might seem like a solved problem, yet system administrators often struggle with questions about how to backup data properly, where to store it, and how to standardize the backup process across different software environments. In 201
    Golang 839 2024-07-18 09:37:10
  • Go and MongoDB: Building a CRUD API from Scratch
    Go and MongoDB: Building a CRUD API from Scratch
    Want to create a dynamic web application with a robust backend? Look no further than Go and MongoDB! This powerful combination allows you to build scalable, efficient APIs that handle data creation, reading, updating, and deletion (CRUD) with ease.
    Golang 644 2024-07-18 08:55:05
  • golang: Understanding the difference between nil pointers and nil interfaces
    golang: Understanding the difference between nil pointers and nil interfaces
    I was thinking a bit about the different ways in which nil works in go, and how sometimes, something can be both nil and not nil at the same time. Here is a little example of something that can be a nil pointer, but not a nil interface. Let's walk t
    Golang 504 2024-07-18 08:51:19
  • Reverse a linked list in go
    Reverse a linked list in go
    This is a favorite question to give to new developers. Pretty simple if you have had a decent data structures class. Reverse a single linked list. (This is Leetcode 206) For the implementation, I have chosen to make the linked list a generic type.
    Golang 890 2024-07-18 08:33:29
  • Asserting Integrity in Ethereum Data Extraction with Go through tests
    Asserting Integrity in Ethereum Data Extraction with Go through tests
    Introduction In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to use tests to ensure the integrity of Ethereum data extraction in a Go application. We'll be using the Go-Ethereum client to retrieve block and transaction data and using the testify package fo
    Golang 384 2024-07-18 07:48:19
  • Understanding Go&#s Garbage Collector: A Detailed Guide
    Understanding Go&#s Garbage Collector: A Detailed Guide
    Garbage collection is a form of automatic memory management. In programming languages like Go (also known as Golang), garbage collection plays a crucial role in managing the allocation and deallocation of memory to ensure efficient performance and av
    Golang 763 2024-07-18 07:37:35
  • Case (IV) - KisFlow-Golang Stream Real- KisFlow in Message Queue (MQ) Applications
    Case (IV) - KisFlow-Golang Stream Real- KisFlow in Message Queue (MQ) Applications
    Github: https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow Document: https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow/wiki Part1-OverView Part2.1-Project Construction / Basic Modules Part2.2-Project Construction / Basic Modules Part3-Data Stream Part4-Function Scheduling Part5-C
    Golang 689 2024-07-18 03:44:47
  • Handling Currency In Golang And Other Programming Language
    Handling Currency In Golang And Other Programming Language
    Handling currency in programming languages is a critical aspect of software development, especially for applications dealing with financial transactions, e-commerce, banking, and accounting systems. Accurate representation and manipulation of currenc
    Golang 555 2024-07-18 01:21:31
  • Observability - Why logging its important
    Observability - Why logging its important
    In an increasingly complex digital era, observability is the main key in managing modern software systems. One of the most important pillars of observability is logging. Let's explore why logging is so important and how to make optimal use of it.
    Golang 575 2024-07-17 21:57:01
  • How Golang will solve your first working task
    How Golang will solve your first working task
    Golang, or just Go, has become known as the Go gopher language. If you still don't understand why the gopher you can find a surprising mascot history in this article. Well, let's get it started from the beginning, Golang has become known as one of th
    Golang 335 2024-07-17 21:50:35
  • How I build simple Mac apps using Go
    How I build simple Mac apps using Go
    I started DarwinKit a few years ago because there were no bindings to native Mac APIs for Go. We've slowly turned the project into bindings and generation tooling to someday reach full coverage of all Apple APIs. The release of v0.5.0 last week is th
    Golang 628 2024-07-17 21:12:01
  • Migrando Microservicios de NestJS con TypeScript a Go: Una Semana de Descubrimientos
    Migrando Microservicios de NestJS con TypeScript a Go: Una Semana de Descubrimientos
    Migrando Microservicios de NestJS con TypeScript a Go: Una Semana de Descubrimientos En la última semana, me he sumergido en el mundo de Go con el objetivo de migrar nuestros microservicios desarrollados en NestJS con TypeScript. Esta travesía
    Golang 522 2024-07-17 21:01:05




HTML5 MP3音乐盒播放特效

HTML5 MP3音乐盒播放特效是一款基于html5+css3制作可爱的音乐盒表情,点击开关按钮mp3音乐播放器。





有机果蔬供应商网页模板 Bootstrap5




房产资源服务平台网页模板 Bootstrap5

房产资源服务平台网页模板 Bootstrap5

简约简历资料网页模板 Bootstrap4

简约简历资料网页模板 Bootstrap4


这是一款可爱的夏天元素矢量素材,包含了太阳、遮阳帽、椰子树、比基尼、飞机、西瓜、冰淇淋、雪糕、冷饮、游泳圈、人字拖、菠萝、海螺、贝壳、海星、螃蟹、柠檬、防晒霜、太阳镜等等,素材提供了 EPS 和免扣 PNG 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。

四个红的的 2023 毕业徽章矢量素材(AI+EPS+PNG)

这是一款红的的 2023 毕业徽章矢量素材,共四个,提供了 AI 和 EPS 和免扣 PNG 等格式,含 JPG 预览图。


这是一款由唱歌的小鸟和装满花朵的推车设计的春天 banner 矢量素材,提供了 AI 和 EPS 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。


这是一款金色的毕业帽矢量素材,提供了 EPS 和免扣 PNG 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。

Website-Vorlage für Reinigungs- und Reparaturdienste für Inneneinrichtungen

Die Website-Vorlage für Reinigungs- und Wartungsdienste für Heimdekoration ist ein Website-Vorlagen-Download, der sich für Werbewebsites eignet, die Heimdekorations-, Reinigungs-, Wartungs- und andere Dienstleistungsorganisationen anbieten. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Persönliche Lebenslauf-Leitfaden-Seitenvorlage in frischen Farben

Die Vorlage „Fresh Color Matching“ für die Lebenslauf-Leitfadenseite für persönliche Bewerbungen ist eine persönliche Webvorlage zum Herunterladen von Lebensläufen für die Jobsuche, die für einen frischen Farbabstimmungsstil geeignet ist. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Web-Vorlage für kreativen Job-Lebenslauf für Designer

Die Webvorlage „Designer Creative Job Resume“ ist eine herunterladbare Webvorlage für die Anzeige persönlicher Lebensläufe, die für verschiedene Designerpositionen geeignet ist. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Website-Vorlage eines modernen Ingenieurbauunternehmens

Die Website-Vorlage für moderne Ingenieur- und Bauunternehmen ist eine herunterladbare Website-Vorlage, die sich zur Förderung der Ingenieur- und Baudienstleistungsbranche eignet. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.
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