CSS basic tutorial priority

CSS Priority

##Priority of a single selector Level

Inline style> id selector> class selector> tag selector



##Use firebug observation:


##Priority of multiple selectors

The priority of multiple selectors. Generally, the more accurate the pointing, the higher the priority.

In special cases, we need to assume some values:

Tag selector priority is 1
  • ##Class selector The priority is 10

  • Id selector The priority is 100

  • Inline style The priority is 1000

  • Calculate the following priorities

.news h1{color:red;} Priority: 10 + 1 = 11.title{color:blue;} Priority: 10

div.news h1{color:red;} Priority: 1 + 10 + 1 = 12

h1.title{color:blue;} Priority: 1 + 10 = 11

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