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laravel8+vue-element-admin+nuxt builds Mileduo CMS management system
Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 laravel installation
1-2 phpstorm related configuration
1-3 laravel-modules installation
1-4 Learn about laravel routing
1-5 laravel routing parameters and request methods
1-6 laravel routing grouping
1-7 laravel routing configuration middleware
1-8 Learning laravel’s routing mechanism is completed
1-9 A preliminary understanding of laravel validator
1-10 laravel validator custom validation rules
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 laravel create validator file
2-2 laravel gets request parameters
2-3 Laravel uses exception handling to return verification information
2-4 laravel data exception handling return information processing
2-5 laravel extracts exception handling classes
2-6 laravel custom global exception handling
2-7 laravel throws exception
2-8 laravel uses enumeration to define http status
2-9 phpstrom configuration debug debugging
2-10 laravel code exception handling capture
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 Laravel database and framework internal exception handling
3-2 laravel exception handling encapsulation
3-3 laravel global exception handling completed
3-4 What kind of project are we going to do in the end?
3-5 Introduction to Mileduo CMS project
3-6 Technical points used in Mileduo CMS project
3-7 Miloduo CMS system management map explanation
3-8 Mileduo CMS blog management map
3-9 Mileduo CMS back-end interface installation
3-10 Dealing with the remaining issues of Mileduo CMS back-end interface
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 Miloduo CMS background management page installation
4-2 cms management system course recording plan
4-3 laravel database link
4-4 laravel database operation (1)
4-5 laravel database operation (2)
4-6 laravel database operation (3)
4-7 laravel model development
4-8 Laravel model is being deleted, modified and checked
4-9 laravel data pagination
4-10 Laravel builds basic class library (1)
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 Laravel builds basic class library (2)
5-2 Laravel builds basic class library (3)
5-3 Laravel builds basic class library (4)
5-4 laravel data migration (1)
5-5 laravel data migration (2)
5-6 What is the difference between utf and utfb? Why don't unicode be used in sorting rules?
5-7 laravel install jwt-auth
5-8 Introduction to auth permission table
5-9 laravel data filling
5-10 Writing auth permission management in laravel (1)
Chapter6 Chapter Six
6-1 Writing auth permission management in laravel (2)
6-2 Writing auth permission management in laravel (3)
6-3 Writing auth permission management in laravel (4)
6-4 Writing auth permission management in laravel (5)
6-5 Writing auth permission management in laravel (6)
6-6 Writing auth permission management in laravel (7)
6-7 Writing auth permission management in laravel (8)
6-8 Writing auth permission management in laravel (9)
6-9 Writing auth permission management in laravel (10)
6-10 All interfaces of Mileduo cms
Chapter7 Chapter VII
7-1 laravel uses redis to store sessions
7-2 laravel uses redis storage cache
7-3 Mileduo cms login related interface (1)
7-4 Mileduo cms login related interface (2)
7-5 Mileduo cms login related interface (3)
7-6 Mileduo cms login related interface (4)
7-7 Token mechanism of Mileduo cms
7-8 Miledo cms administrator list related interfaces
7-9 Miledu cms permission group list related interfaces
7-10 Mileduo cms menu management related interfaces
Chapter8 chapter eight
8-1 Miledo cms permission management use
8-2 Milado cms basic information management
8-3 Miledo cms database management
8-4 Millado cms database management problem handling
8-5 Mileduo cms project management analysis
8-6 Mileduo cms blog management analysis
8-7 Mileduo cms project construction (1)
8-8 Miledo cms project construction (2)
8-9 Mileduo cms project construction (3)
8-10 Mileduo cms project construction (4)
Chapter9 Chapter nine
9-1 Miledo cms (nuxt.js installation)
9-2 Miledo cms (nuxt.js directory structure)
9-3 Routing rules of nuxt.js (Miledo cms)
9-4 The life cycle of nuxt.js (1)
9-5 The life cycle of nuxt.js (2)
9-6 nuxt.js installs element-ui (Miledo cms)
9-7 nuxt.js writes homepage navigation (Miledo cms)
9-8 nuxt.js installs scss (Miledo cms)
9-9 Write blog column classification interface (Miledo CMS)
9-10 Write blog column classification interface (Miledo CMS)
9-11 Writing blog project middleware (Miledo CMS)
Chapter10 chapter Ten
10-1 nuxt uses axios data interaction (Miledo CMS)
10-2 nuxt uses vuex state tree (Miledo CMS)
10-3 nuxt navigation bar data loading (Miledo CMS)
10-4 Writing nuxt navigation bar style (1)
10-5 Writing nuxt navigation bar style (2)
10-6 Writing nuxt navigation bar style (3)
10-7 Writing nuxt navigation bar style (4)
10-8 Writing nuxt navigation bar style (5)
10-9 nuxt Back to top (Miledo cms)
10-10 nuxt custom global style (Miledo cms)
Chapter11 Chapter 11
11-1 nuxt definition carousel image (Miledo cms)
11-2 Nuxt blog project homepage list seamless scrolling (Miledo cms)
11-3 nuxt reference icon library (Miledo cms)
11-4 nuxt use card (Miledo cms)
11-5 Add image management module to blog backend (1)
11-6 Add image management module to blog backend (2)
11-7 Blog project homepage carousel interface
11-8 Blog project article list interface
11-9 Blog project recommended article interface
11-10 Blog project carousel chart interface docking (Miledo cms)
Chapter12 Chapter 12
12-1 Blog project article list interface docking (Miledo cms)
12-2 Blog project click list interface docking (Miledo cms)
12-3 Blog project packaging components (1)
12-4 Blog project packaging components (2)
12-5 Blog project packaging components (3)
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