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CSS3-a powerful tool to instantly improve the quality of web pages
Chapter1 css basic syntax and media queries
1-1 CSS first experience and element box
1-2 Element type and arrangement
1-3 Detailed explanation of css element display attribute
1-4 Four ways to apply css to elements
1-5 Other content in the css document
1-6 Principles and implementation of media queries
Chapter2 Types and application scenarios of css selectors
2-1 First experience of the role of css selector
2-2 Types and application scenarios of css simple selectors
2-3 Types and application scenarios of css context selectors
2-4 Types and application scenarios of non-group matching of css pseudo-class selectors (1)
2-5 CSS pseudo-class selector non-group matching application scenario (2)
2-6 Application scenarios of group matching of css pseudo-class selectors
Chapter3 Font controls and font icons
3-1 css precise control of page text
3-2 How to correctly introduce Ali font icons into the project (1)
3-3 How to correctly introduce Ali font icons into the project (2)
3-4 CSS precise control of font size and style (1)
3-5 CSS precise control of font size and style (2)
3-6 CSS precise control of font size and style (3)
3-7 Text line height and alignment
Chapter4 Detailed description of css box model
4-1 The composition and common properties of the box model
4-2 Box model layout and containing blocks
4-3 Box model formatted horizontally
4-4 Box model margin vertical height collapse problem
4-5 Element background control in box model
4-6 The effect of element floating and clearing floating
4-7 Element positioning methods and application scenarios in the box model
Chapter5 Flex layout principles and applications
5-1 The principle and implementation of flex layout
5-2 Flex container settings and features
5-3 The main axis direction of the flex container
5-4 How flex items wrap on the main axis of the container
5-5 flex items are sorted on the main axis of the container
5-6 The alignment of flex items on the cross axis
5-7 The magnification factor of the flex item on the main axis of the container
5-8 Arrangement and alignment of flex items on the main axis of the container
5-9 The shrinkage factor of the flex item on the main axis
5-10 flex item calculation width and item abbreviation property flex
Chapter6 Flex layout classic practical cases
6-1 Flex layout example-irregular rectangular layout
6-2 Application scenarios of flex instance-order attribute
6-3 Flex layout example/PC-side universal layout solution (1)
6-4 Flex layout example/PC-side universal layout solution (2)
6-5 Flex layout example/mobile terminal (mall) layout plan (1)
6-6 Flex layout example/mobile terminal (mall) layout plan (2)
6-7 Flex layout example/mobile terminal (mall) layout plan (3)
6-8 Flex layout example/mobile terminal (mall) layout plan (4)
Chapter7 Grid layout principles and common attributes
7-1 Grid layout ideas and basic terms
7-2 Creation of grid container and generation of grid project
7-3 Set the number and size of grid items
7-4 Grid cell division and item placement
7-5 grid named grid lines and named areas
7-6 Grid named grid area practical three-column quick layout
7-7 Set the alignment of cells in the Grid container
7-8 Set the alignment of an item in a cell
Chapter8 Grid layout practical classic case
8-1 Grid practice-quickly implement 12-column grid layout component (1)
8-2 Grid practice/-quickly implement 12-column grid layout component (2)
8-3 Grid practice/quickly implement three-column layout on PC
8-4 Grid practice/responsive online photo album
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