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2017 Latest PHP Advanced Video Tutorial (2)
Chapter1 Day 28
1-1 Yesterday review
1-2 Review of mysql extension
1-3 Basic introduction to mysqli extension
1-4 Use mysqli to complete query operations
1-5 mysqli extension details (1)
1-6 mysqli extension details (2)
1-7 Basic introduction to DAOMysQLi
1-8 DAOMysQLi development(1)
1-9 DAOMySQLi Object-Query
1-10 DAOMySQLi object-dml and job placement
1-11 mysqli extended transaction control
1-12 mysqli executes sql in batches
1-13 Mysqli preprocessing explanation 1
1-14 Mysqli preprocessing explanation 2
Chapter2 Day 29
2-1 Yesterday review
2-2 Introduction of http protocol
2-3 Flow chart of http protocol operation
2-4 Virtual host configuration
2-5 How to capture packets
2-6 http requests a page and a description of the content of the page
2-7 Basic introduction to http requests
2-8 http request details(1)
2-9 http request line details(2)
2-10 http request headers and application cases 1
2-11 http request header application case 2
2-12 Basic introduction to http response
2-13 http response status code
2-14 HTTP protocol response headers - and jobs
2-15 Basic introduction and working principle of predefined superglobal array
2-16 How to receive form submitted data
2-17 Predefined superglobal array
Chapter3 Day 30
3-1 Yesterday review
3-2 Basic introduction to files
3-3 Get file information
3-4 php reads files(1)
3-5 php reads files(2)
3-6 php reads files(3)
3-7 Create file and write content
3-8 Delete Files
3-9 Modify files
3-10 Directory operations
3-11 Traverse a folder
3-12 Count the size of a folder
3-13 Delete and copy directories
3-14 summary
Chapter4 Day 31
4-1 Installation and simple use of zendstudio editor
4-2 File upload introduction
4-3 Simple implementation of file upload
4-4 Limit uploaded file size
4-5 Give the uploaded file a unique file name
4-6 Store uploaded files in separate directories
4-7 Limit uploaded file types
4-8 Encapsulate file upload into a class
4-9 Download Document
Chapter5 Day 32
5-1 Yesterday reappears
5-2 Paging introduction, creating a dead paging navigation bar
5-3 Dynamically create paging navigation based on the total number of records and the records displayed on each page
5-4 Pagination navigation displays the first 3 pages and the next 3 pages
5-5 Summary of pagination details
5-6 Comprehensive application for product list and paging
5-7 Paging summary (may be an encrypted file, please verify)
5-8 Introduction to drawing, drawing lines
5-9 Draw rectangles, circles, images
5-10 Draw text and arcs
5-11 Create canvas and randomly generate characters
5-12 Draw random characters into the canvas
Chapter6 Thirty-three days
6-1 Application of verification code class in projects
6-2 An introductory example of image compression
6-3 Compress equally within a specified range
6-4 Encapsulate image compression processing class
6-5 Improved image compression processing compatible with mainstream image formats
6-6 Improve classification---add search function (may be encrypted files, please verify)
6-7 Session introduction
6-8 The principle and simple use of cookies
6-9 cookie details
6-10 An explanation of the 7 parameters when setting cookies
Chapter7 Day 34
7-1 Review of yesterday’s content
7-2 Introduction to session principles and application scenarios
7-3 Basic operations of session (add, delete, modify, check)
7-4 session shopping cart exercise
7-5 Session anti-jump wall and verification code verification
7-6 Session related configuration
7-7 ini_set modifies PHP configuration file
7-8 session storage mechanism
7-9 Some interview questions related to session storage
7-10 Garbage collection mechanism
7-11 Rewrite the session storage mechanism
7-12 The difference between cookie and session
Chapter8 Day 35
8-1 Conversation mechanism review
8-2 PDO introduction and simple use
8-3 Comparison of PDO and mysql expansion efficiency
8-4 Add, delete, modify and query operations using PDO
8-5 Get error information, quote escape wrapping method
8-6 quote method to prevent sql injection
8-7 pdo transaction processing
8-8 PDO preprocessing
8-9 Preprocessing advantages, obtaining the primary key value of the inserted record
8-10 Common methods provided by PDOStatement object
8-11 Use interfaces to standardize methods and naming of PDO classes
8-12 Declare interfaces and classes to implement the functions of interface specifications
8-13 Instantiate simple interest objects (three private and one public)
8-14 Methods to complete the interface definition
Chapter9 Day 36
9-1 PDO review
9-2 PDO class improvement (closing cursor, executing addition, deletion and modification of return value, PDO exception class)
9-3 Template engine introduction
9-4 Introduction and simple use of smarty template engine
9-5 Template variable sources: configuration files, smarty reserved variables
9-6 Template variable regulator (1)
9-7 Variables carried when using http requests in templates
9-8 Entity transcoding, url transcoding
9-9 truncate string interception
9-10 Use flow control statements in templates
9-11 Introduction and use of smarty cache.itbull
9-12 Not cached locally
9-13 Single template and multiple caches
Chapter10 Day 37
10-1 smarty review
10-2 Delete cache
10-3 Common configurations of smarty
10-4 Custom template engine (1)
10-5 Custom template engine (2)
10-6 Error type, mask error, error log
10-7 Custom error handler
10-8 unusual use
10-9 Introduction to namespaces
10-10 Define namespace
10-11 Use namespaces
10-12 namespace import
10-13 Dynamic language features of namespaces
10-14 Namespace exercise
Chapter11 Day 38
11-1 Yesterday's review
11-2 Introduction to MVC
11-3 Model layer encapsulation
11-4 Factory class instantiates singleton model object
11-5 Encapsulation of the controller layer
11-6 Reorganize the directory structure of mvc
11-7 Entry file
11-8 Introduction to automatic loading
11-9 Namespace all classes
11-10 According to the prompt information of the class, parse the complete path of the class
11-11 Encapsulation entry file
11-12 Improve automatic loading
11-13 Summary of automatic loading and encapsulation of entry files
Chapter12 Day 39
12-1 mvc framework review
12-2 Homework explanation
12-3 Framework adds configuration system
12-4 Using the configuration system in the framework
12-5 Add path constants to the project
12-6 Initialize real table names in base model
12-7 Automatically insert data
12-8 Automatically delete
12-9 Automatic updates
12-10 Automatic query
12-11 Summary of automated processing
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